forfurtherStrengthening students’ commitment to 188bet online betting servicesIn-depthUnderstood,PromoteComprehensive quality of young volunteers,12month12No.,The 188bet online betting of Liberal Arts isZhi Gong BuildingCDistrictHeld in Lecture Hall2024Annual Youth Volunteer Training 188bet online betting.College188bet online betting League CommitteeSecretaryWang Wanting,Youth Association of the 188bet online betting of Liberal ArtsAllMemberHe CollegeExcellent 188bet online betting representativeParticipate in the 188bet online betting。
At the meeting,Wang Junyi、Two classmates Yang Haoming introduced the relevant content of the 188bet online betting Volunteer Association and volunteer spirit。Yang JiaxinClassmateIntroduced“Love for left-behind children in cold winter”“Good partners grow together and book donation event”etc. twelve itemsFeaturesActivity. Liu Jiale and Zhang WenClassmateYesPUPocket CampusIntroduction to the use of Hezhihui and the precautions during use,Emphasized the issue of check-in and check-out for 188bet online betting Exchange。
At the meeting,Zhu Yu、Sun Yan、Wang YaoandChen Rong四A social practice student who “returned to his hometown” shared what he gained from social practice activities。
"188bet online betting China" "Advice to 188bet online betting"and"Towards the Future Together"Waiting for the show,Highlights the positive attitude of young volunteersOnly, the mental state of unity and friendship.Yang Qiangqiang, head of the College 188bet online betting AssociationCalling students to actively participate in 188bet online betting service activities,Continuously improve your communication skills、Collaboration ability和organizationAbility.
Accompanied by the chorus of "Tomorrow Will Be Better" by the Youth Volunteer Association of the School of Liberal Arts,This training 188bet online betting ended successfully。On a new journey,Young volunteers from the School of Liberal Arts take this training 188bet online betting as a new starting point,Fully apply what you have learned and thought into volunteer service actions,To be more professional、More enthusiastic enthusiasm to help others,Serve the society。