To dig deep into 188bet online betting opportunities,Broaden 188bet online betting paths,Integrate alumni resources,11month21日,188bet online bettingParty Secretary Wang Xiaoli led the team12People went to Gansu Culture Publishing House of Reader Group to carry out special activities of visiting enterprises and job openings。
Secretary of the Party Branch of Gansu Culture Publishing House、President Zhou Qianlong talks about the development history of Gansu Culture Publishing House、Business Area、Publishing Features、The service concept is introduced in detail。
Wang Xiaoli, Secretary of the Party Committee of the 188bet online betting of Liberal Arts of Northwest Normal UniversityJust2025Graduates’ situation、188bet online betting professional settings、188bet online betting talent training model, etc.Made a detailed introduction.
The School of Liberal Arts of Northwest Normal University and Gansu Culture Publishing House have maintained a good long-term business cooperation relationship,Produced many outstanding graduates for Gansu Culture Publishing House,has grown into the backbone of Gansu Culture Publishing House。Both parties hope to passCo-construction of this exchangeActivities to further enhance contact and cooperation,Helping graduates achieve high-quality and full development.
This event is targeted at the 188bet online betting2025Graduates actively carry out “visiting companies to find jobs and promote 188bet online betting,The first event in the series of activities titled “A New Chapter in Collaborative Education”seven188bet online betting and Recruitment Fairs。Through this exchange,Expand cooperation areas,Deepen the level of cooperation,Joint promotionStudents grow and become talents.