November 2, 2024, College of Liberal Arts, Northwest Normal UniversityHeld“188bet login Subject Frontier Forum”,School of Humanities, Tsinghua University、Professor of the Center for 188bet login and Protection of Unearthed Documents、Li 188bet login, Distinguished Professor of the School of Liberal Arts of Northwest Normal UniversitytitledAcademic "About Academic 188bet login"Lecture。Lecture byVice Dean 188bet login School of Liberal ArtsHosted by 188bet login Hou Dong, 188bet login Wang Hao of our college、Xu Yan188bet login,Wang Zhixiang副Professor,Lecturer Chen Danqi、Lecturer 188bet login Sanmei、Lecturer Zhuang Jia、Lecturer 188bet login Xiaotian、Lecturer Zhou Xinyuan、Lecturer Zhuang Jia、Lecturer Wang Jiayi,LinguisticsAnd applied linguistics, 188bet login languagephilology、Graduate student of ancient 188bet login literatureandUndergraduate students, etc.More than 70 students participated.
The Chu silk book is the longest one unearthed before the 1950s、The most complex structure、One 188bet login richest pre-Qin ancient books。Since its inception,Due to the confusion in his bank account、Misplaced content、Complex picture and text structure, etc.,188bet login progress has been relatively slow。ButIn recent years,With breakthroughs in text restoration and new evidence of Tsinghua bamboo slips,188bet login on Chu silk books has made significant progress,AcademiaHave a more complete understanding 188bet login overall structure of Chu Silk Books.
The beginning of the lecture, Professor Li 188bet loginWith"The Picture and Text Structure and Myth Narrative of 188bet login Books"This paper is an example,To usIntroducing the importance and 188bet login background of Chu Silk Books,He pointed out,188bet login books not only have extremely high cultural relic value,It also has precious historical value,The illustrated content involves history、Myth、Astronomy、Literature、Art and other fields,Is an important document for studying Chu culture。Secondly,Professor Li 188bet login’s Chapter A、The mythological narrative relationship between Chapters A and BIn-depth explanation of 188bet loginThe picture and text structure 188bet login book,AndDetailed analysis了Chu Silk Book A、B、Issues such as the textual connection between the three chapters and the understanding 188bet login overall graphic and text structure。Professor Li 188bet login said,Chu silk books contain rich mythological elements and narrative techniques,These mythological narrativesProfoundReflects the ancient Chu people’s religious beliefs and concepts 188bet login universe. at last, Professor Li 188bet loginPassedComplemented and interpreted the missing words in Chapter B,Shared specific interpretation opinions,And talked about the overall structure。Professor 188bet login pointed out,The entire silk book can be called"The Four Seasons of Heaven and Earth in December",After this sorting and analysis,The 188bet login Book is a relatively complete and systematic creation myth。
At the end of the lecture, 188bet login Hou Dong saidProfessor Li 188bet loginSummary of the speech, Professor Li 188bet login’s reportShows its profound academic background,Rich and detailed content,Covers cutting-edge academic results,Not only did the participating teachers and students gain an in-depth understanding 188bet login graphic and text structure and mythological narrative of Chu silk books,AlsoProvides important clues and basis for us to understand the history and culture of ancient society。
Speaker’s introduction:
Li 188bet login,School of Humanities, Tsinghua University、Professor of the Center for Research and Protection of Unearthed Documents,Distinguished Professor of the School of Liberal Arts of Northwest Normal University。The main research direction is Chinese language and philology、Paleography、Study on bamboo slips and silk, etc.。Ministry of Education’s New Century Excellent Talents Support Plan (2006)、The second batch of top innovative talents in Jilin Province (2007)、Young and middle-aged professional and technical talents with outstanding contributions in Jilin Province (2008)、High-level talents of the Ministry of Education (2016)。Concurrently serves as Vice President of the 188bet login Character Society。