Visit companies to expand 188bet mobile login and promote employment,A new chapter in collaborative education - the college went to Gannan Prefecture Cooperation No. 2 Middle School to carry out company visits and graduates' return visits

Published by: 188bet mobile login of Liberal Arts 2Release time: 2024-10-21Number of views:15

forDo a good job in graduate employment services,Strive to 188bet mobile login high-quality and full employment of graduates,Strengthen communication and 188bet mobile login with employers,10month18日,Wang Xiaoli, Secretary of the Party Committee of the 188bet mobile login of Liberal Arts、Deputy Director of the Personnel Department Jia Lifang、Vice Dean of the 188bet mobile login of Liberal Arts Wang Hao、Yan Zichang、Dean of the Chinese Department Wang Yanmo and counselor Yang Lu and his party6People went to Gannan Prefecture Cooperation No. 2 Middle School to carry out special activities of visiting enterprises to find 188bet mobile login and promote employment。

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At the symposium, Wang Xiaoli introduced the 188bet mobile login2025Source of graduates and students from Gannan,Hope to “go global” through this time,Realize accurate docking and resource sharing with employers,Exploring 188bet mobile login,Expand employment channels,Promote high-quality and full employment in colleges。

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Shi Juncong, Vice Principal of 188bet mobile login Prefecture Second Cooperation Middle School, Proportion of Teachers、Student source、School conditions、Professional title evaluation、Campus Environment、Teacher’s office environment、Introduction to benefits, security and other aspects,I hope that colleges and universities will pay attention to the practice of basic skills such as "chalk calligraphy" and "pen calligraphy" in the training of normal students,Prepare lessons through settings、grinding lessons、Lectures and other links to improve normal students’ test-taking ability and employment competitiveness。

At the same time, with2023Ma Jinhong, a graduate of the 10160_10179th master's degree in subject teaching (Chinese)、Zhang Xingdong, a 2017 undergraduate student majoring in Chinese language and literature, held a discussion。

This event is targeted at the 188bet mobile login2025Graduates’ “Visiting Enterprises to Find 188bet mobile login and Promote Employment”,One of the series of activities "Collaborative Education Creates a New Chapter"。College through on-site visit,In-depth understanding of the employer’s needs and opinions and suggestions on talent training,Continuously improve the quality of education and teaching。