The college held a 188bet app for young teachers

Published by: School of Liberal Arts 2Release time: 2024-10-20Number of views:10

2024Year10month16On the 7143_7156th day, the college held a 188bet app for young teachersParty Secretary Wang Xiaoli andnearYoung 188bet app who entered the service in 2015 attended the meeting.Conference byVice Dean Wang HaoHost.

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At the 188bet app,188bet app TeacherweCombined with its own teaching and scientific 188bet app,Homeroom teacherMadeetc., talk freelyInspirationShare your experiences, achievements and gainsAndaround188bet appDiscipline Construction、Scientific 188bet app、Talent training、Improvement of working and living environment, etc.Actively offer suggestions

Secretary Wang Xiaoli and Vice President Wang HaoTargetedPlaceAnswer188bet app TeacherEncountered in personal growth and developmentConfusedAnd the problem, and givenComments and suggestions

The 188bet app has long attached great importance to it188bet app Teacher’s cultivation and development,Continuously improve the training mechanism for young 188bet app,Provide more opportunities and platforms for the development of young 188bet app。Convene a 188bet app for young teachersAims to provide a communication platform for young 188bet app,Especially to help new 188bet app fasterPlaceAdapting to schoolofLife和WORKIntegrate into the new role of teacher faster,Clear teaching goals,Master teaching methods,Improve your professional skills,Carry out better education workPlanning scientific 188bet app directions,Improve scientific 188bet app capabilities,Form a good development trend of individual and team scientific 188bet app,PositiveContribute to the development of the 188bet app.

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