To continue to strengthen revolutionary tradition and patriotic education,Inspire student 188bet online betting members and young students to inherit the red gene,Strong ideals and beliefs,October 15th afternoon,More than 100 teachers and students from the college participated in the “Promoting Patriotic Spirit”,The theme 188bet online betting day activity with the theme of "Thickening the Feelings of Home and Country",Watched the red film "Volunteers: Battle of Life and Death",Exchanged feelings about watching the movie。
The film "Volunteers: Battle of Life and Death" revolves around the Cheorwon Blockade in the fifth battle 188bet online betting War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea,narratedIn the "Cheorwon Blockade", the volunteers used their iron will and tenacious fighting spirit to build an unbreakable "Iron Great Wall" on the Cheorwon battlefield。In order to complete the task,The soldiers of the 189th Division of the 63rd Army were reduced to pieces,Turn yourself into a nail,Firmly nailed to the position,Vividly reproduced the 188bet online betting People’s Volunteer Army soldiers who are not afraid of powerful enemies、Fighting spirit and overwhelming power、Heroism without fear of sacrifice。
The patriotism spirit of volunteer soldiers、188bet online betting heroism、The 188bet online betting optimism moved everyone present。After the video ends,The teachers and students present were still immersed in the tragedy for a long time、In the midst of passionate emotions,Tears in eyes...Comrade Zhu Wenhui of the graduate student branch said excitedly: "We must always remember it,It is those Chinese soldiers whose backbone has not fallen down who are throwing their heads、Sprinkle blood,Exchange your life for today’s peace and happiness!”“This movie made me deeply feel the preciousness of peace。We who live in peaceful times,You should also turn yourself into a nail,Firmly nailed to the position of striving for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。"Comrade Gao Yaru from the graduate student branch said。Professor Li Shengbin, Secretary of the Teachers Party Branch, shared with everyone more like an on-site party class,He said affectionately: "188bet online betting, country and nation,In the history of more than 100 years of the Chinese nation’s struggle for independence and liberation,In the game of world structure,This Korean War,This war in which the Volunteer Army and the Korean Revolutionary Army fought side by side,Extremely significant。This film wins with superb artistic conception and touching details,Another grand scene showed that the People's Liberation Army is not afraid of all hardships,That is, the volunteers are in order to defend the country’s independence,The noble spirit of defending national dignity through life and death。The photo is very good,Specially through a 188bet online betting of three,From the Great Revolution to the Anti-Japanese War,To the War of Liberation,Come back to the Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea。In a coherent film narrative,The fearless spirit of the hero and the deep love between 188bet online betting and relatives...etc.。It is indeed very touching,Reveals the film’s multifaceted artistic and ideological pursuits。Especially the sentiments of 188bet online betting and country,Give the audience a great shock,An inspiration that touches the soul of every Chinese!”
The hero has passed away,Spirit lasts forever。Through this movie viewing event,All party members received a profound education on party spirit and an unforgettable spiritual baptism。Everyone expressed their opinions,We must cherish the peaceful and happy life that the revolutionary martyrs bought with their blood and lives,At the same time, continue to cultivate the feelings of 188bet online betting and country、Continuous spiritual bloodline,Transform the party’s glorious tradition and fine style into a powerful driving force for study and work,Contribute to the construction of a first-class university,Strive to write the mission and responsibility of the new era!