I can’t stop 188bet ,A gentleman deserves his integrity——Speech by Vice President Ma Shinian at the opening ceremony of the School of Liberal Arts in 2024

Published by: School of Liberal Arts 2Release time: 2024-09-01Number of views:10


Dear Mr. Zhao Kuifu,Dear teachers,Dear new classmates:

Hello everyone!

Today’s banquet,There are so many handsome people in this seat。Lanshan Mountain and Autumn Colors,The momentum is both high!”here,I used a few lines of poetry,To express joy for the special moment of welcoming the new year!Yes,Jincheng Golden Autumn,The white dew has not yet arrived,The heat is about to subside,Enthusiasm remains!Here,On behalf of all the teachers and students of the School of Liberal Arts,Also represents the school,For new students280Undergraduate students,161Master students,22PhD students extend their warm welcome and warm congratulations!“One Hundred and Twenty Normal 188bet ,Century Chinese”!Welcome to the School of Liberal Arts of Northwest Normal 188bet !

Let’s start with the history of the school。According to the official statement,The founding of Northwest Normal 188bet ,can be traced back to1902The Normal School of Capital 188bet ,The predecessor of Beijing Normal 188bet 。However,I think there is a more important time node,That’s ours1939

1937The Anti-Japanese War broke out in full force and North China fell, that year9month10日,Peking 188bet 、Beiping Normal 188bet 、Beiyang Institute of Technology and others moved west to Shaanxi,Establishment of Xi'an Temporary 188bet 。Taiyuan fell soon,Emergency in Xi'an,Xi'an Temporary 188bet 1938Year3Yue moved to Hanzhong again,4month3Renamed as "National Northwest Associated 188bet "。This is the Northwest Associated 188bet 。1939Year8month,National Northwest 188bet 、Northwestern Polytechnical 188bet 、Northwestern Medical College、Northwestern Agricultural College and Northwest Normal 188bet are independently established,Northwestern United Congress disbanded。The National Northwest Normal 188bet is the Beijing Normal 188bet that moved westward。So,We and Beijing Normal 188bet are not “brother” institutions in the general sense,But the real "same root and same origin"、Bound by blood”!The Northwest United Nations General Assembly did not exist very long,Only a short year and four months,But,For China’s modern higher education,The contribution is very great-she not only preserved the fire of education,Modern higher education has been deployed in the northwest of the motherland,The so-called "United Glory and Harmony",Cultural Kai Qinlong!"Therefore its significance is no less than that of the Southwest Associated 188bet 。

1941Year,National Northwest Normal 188bet Yue Qinling、Crossing the Yellow River,Moving west to Lanzhou,It’s been so long83Year.1945After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War,Some teachers and students return to Beijing to resume school;Most of them stayed in Lanzhou。Among these,Many teachers from the Chinese Department have stayed on。

So, Century Chinese not only continues122The academic tradition that started in the capital years ago has been inherited80Take root in Longyuan many years ago,"筚路蓝皭,The spiritual bloodline of "Opening Mountains and Forests"。

20century90Since years,Under the leadership of Mr. Zhao Kuifu,A series of landmark achievements in the discipline construction of the School of Liberal Arts:1996The "Ancient Chinese Literature" major was awarded the second doctoral program in the school,This is also far ahead in the country;2003Received the doctoral degree in "Classical Philology" in 14848_148622007The Chinese language and literature discipline was rated as a national key cultivation discipline,2011Obtained the first-level doctoral degree authorization point in Chinese language and literature,2016Was rated as a dominant discipline in Gansu Province in 15348_153612019was rated as a national first-class professional construction unit,2021The first Yangtze River Scholar in the Chinese Language Department of our school was born this year,The major projects of the National Social Science Fund of the college account for more than half of the school,The construction of the school’s first-class discipline “Bamboo Slip Studies”,The School of Liberal Arts is also one of the core forces。Also,Our secretarial major is the first to be offered in the entire northwest region,Already have30Many years of history, ranked No. 1 in China’s soft science universities in the country11bit,This is also extremely difficult。There are also professional master’s and professional doctoral programs in the subject Chinese,The employment rate of associates and masters is100%,The quality of talent training is very high;Our professional Ph.D. program started enrolling students last year,The number of doctoral supervisors and enrollment targets this year have further increased - for the Chinese subject,Master's degree、The doctorate is of great significance: it is precisely because of the subject language,Our professional research and Chinese teaching in primary and secondary schools can be truly integrated,Scientific Research、Teaching、Talent training thus has a solid disciplinary foundation and realistic care!

The above is a welcome to everyone!I want to say something next: revisit traditional 188bet methods。This is also my suggestion and expectation for the students’ future study。In the words of Xunzi,It means "you can't stop 188bet " and "a gentleman values ​​everything"。

These days,The circle of friends is busy with various opening ceremonies、The welcome speech floods the screen,I think the most exciting one is the speech delivered by Professor Sun Qingwei, President of Northwest University,The title is "Start a new cycle of life with life consciousness",Exceptionally well said。What he calls “life consciousness”,Including "self-consciousness" and "adult consciousness",There is also "the consciousness of becoming something"。The so-called "becoming oneself",It is more about "establishing one's own ambition", "188bet for oneself" and "doing one's best"。These are very well said,Enter a new 188bet stage,It is to start a new cycle of life,It is more necessary for everyone to save others by himself、conscious awareness of his consciousness。"Learn for yourself" here,Exactly what Xunzi said, "The ancient scholars are for themselves,Today’s scholars are human beings”。

There is a very familiar document "Encouraging 188bet " in "Xunzi",Talking about the importance of 188bet 。In fact, everyone is only half familiar with it,Because the first half of the high school Chinese textbook is excerpted。Everyone may not understand the second half,It talks more about 188bet methods,I think it is particularly important。In summary, there are several aspects:

First,Almost a scholar,Finally Holy。"Xunzi" said: "The beginning of 188bet is to be evil?The end of evil?Said: The number begins with chanting sutras,Finally read the ceremony;The meaning begins with being a scholar,Finally a saint。"Xunzi thinks,One person’s 188bet ,In terms of specific subjects,End of mastering etiquette,End of mastering etiquette,Special emphasis on the importance of "Long Li" (that is, respecting etiquette)。As far as the fundamental goal of 188bet is concerned,It’s about 188bet how to be an adult,That is, starting from 188bet to become a scholar,Until you learn to become a saint,This is not a general requirement,But a particularly high goal。Xunzi said: "If you really accumulate strength for a long time, you will enter,You can’t stop 188bet until you are done with it。So there is an end to 188bet mathematics,If it is true, it cannot be abandoned even for a moment。”“Really accumulated strength for a long time”,Just persevere;“Learn so much”,That is, there is no end to 188bet 、“I can’t stop 188bet ”。This reminds us of what Zeng Shen, a disciple of Confucius, said: "A scholar cannot be without generosity,There is a long way to go。Benevolence is one’s duty,Isn’t it important??After death,Not so far?”Spiritual Bloodline,Inherited by one spirit。

Second,From ear to heart,To beautify your body。Xunzi said: "The 188bet of a gentleman,heard,箸心心,Buhu four bodies,Shape of movement。”The 188bet of a gentleman,Listen to your ears,Keep it in your heart,Spread on the limbs of the body,Reflected in dynamic and static behaviors。This is what truly touches the ears and the heart。Opposite,"The 188bet of a villain,heard,Out of mouth;Between mouth and ears,Then four-inch ears,It’s enough to beautify a seven-foot body!”Listen to your ears,Come out of your mouth,without entering the heart,There is only four inches between the mouth and the ears,How can he beautify his seven-foot body?from this,Xunzi further said: "The scholars of ancient times are for themselves,Today’s scholars are human beings。The 188bet of a gentleman,To beautify your body;The 188bet of a villain,Thinking of a calf。”Scholars in ancient times,188bet is to cultivate yourself;Current students,188bet is shown to others。A gentleman’s 188bet is to make himself good,The 188bet of villains regards knowledge as an external property like livestock。“188bet for people” was what Xunzi criticized at that time,But,Today’s view,Even if it is "188bet for people",It’s not easy for us either,Because of the premise of showing off knowledge,First of all, you must be knowledgeable!Differences between ancient and modern times,Sentimental!Nevertheless,We still look forward to true “188bet for ourselves”,After all,A person’s growth,It takes knowledge to be beautiful!Xunzi also said, “It is not beautiful for a gentleman to know his husband incompletely and completely”,So you must be a person with "moral conduct",This is "a gentleman values ​​everything he has",That is, the pursuit of perfect and comprehensive moral ethics。

Third,Get close to a good teacher,Respect the teacher’s way。Xunzi said: "If you don't learn, you will get close to him。”“It is better to learn the classics quickly than to learn from others,Takanori followed。”means,There is no better way to learn than to be close to a good teacher、It is more convenient to respect a good teacher、Faster,The second most important thing is to respect etiquette。Xunzi advocates closeness to good teachers,Very meaningful for university study,Especially in some online media malicious stigmatization、The current situation of vilifying college teachers,This kind of good teacher-student relationship deserves special attention、Worth advocating。Two days ago,"Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Spirit of Educators and Strengthening the Construction of High-Quality Professional Teachers in the New Era" released,Special emphasis is placed on the leading role of the educator’s spirit。I think,This is very important for both teachers and students。Promote the spirit of educators,It requires teachers to persist in cultivating people with moral integrity,Has good teacher ethics and professionalism;Same,For students,Also require them to devote themselves to 188bet 、Respect teachers and respect the Tao,Get close to a good teacher,Pursue knowledge。《Book of Rites》·Xue Ji" said: "Let one learn and be close to one's teacher,Be happy with your friends and believe in your ways。"Know his teacher,Believe it,This is very plain、A very profound truth!

Revisit these traditional 188bet methods,For us to adapt to the university as soon as possible、Especially the study of Chinese majors,It is undoubtedly of great benefit。Same,For those of us who are so sophisticated、Trapped in worldly affairs、Unable to make progress、For those who are lazy,It is also a good medicine to wake people up!We are also looking forward to it,We can all be guided by the "gentleman's 188bet ", "self-188bet " and "adult's 188bet ",Truly become a virtuous person、A person with integrity。

I wish you all the best in your studies and progress! Learn something!
