Century Chinese Lecture Hall·Celebrity Forum丨Fu Junlian: The Position of Gansu 188bet apk in the History of Chinese 188bet apk

Published by: School of Liberal Arts 2Release time: 2024-08-13Number of views:10

2024Year8Month 10Researcher at the Gansu Provincial People’s Government Cultural and Historical Research Institute,Professor Fu Junlian, School of Liberal Arts, West China Normal UniversityIn the conference hall on the second floor of the Teacher Development Centerfor25 inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, teachers and students of the School of Liberal Arts wrotetitled "The position of Gansu 188bet apk in the history of Chinese 188bet apk 》AcademicLectureLectureBy School of Liberal Arts, Northwest Normal UniversityVice Dean Hou DongProfessor presided over. Northwest Normal University College of Liberal ArtsVice President Xu Yan, Deputy Secretary Wang XuecuiLi Yan、Wang Zhixiang、Mona、Liu Yangjie、Fu Xueqin、Zhang An、Shen Wenxiu、Chen Danqi、Wang Leichao、Zhou Xinyuan and other young teachers andAt schoolofDoctorMaster’s degree approx.More than 60People participated in this eventReport

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Teacher Fu starts from the definition of 188bet apk ,And distinguish the relationship between 188bet apk and civilization。He pointed out that 188bet apk is unique,Human beings are different due to 188bet apk ,The essence and the dross coexist;Civilization is a norm that all mankind abides by、Guidelines,is excellent、Positive and positive。Therefore,Teacher Fu reflects on the revival of traditional 188bet apk in recent years,Proposed that the revival of traditional Chinese 188bet apk should take its essence,Get rid of the dross。

Specific toIn terms of "Chinese 188bet apk " and "Gansu 188bet apk ",Teacher Fu first clarified the two academic concepts of "Chinese 188bet apk " and "Gansu 188bet apk ",Analysis of the proposal of “Gansu 188bet apk ” from a theoretical perspective。He started from the inscription "Zhaizi China" on He Zun from the Western Zhou Dynasty that was unearthed in Baoji, Shaanxi in 1973,Combining the development and evolution of the concept of "China" since the Western Zhou Dynasty,Last point out,Regionally speaking,“China” refers to the territory after the Qing Dynasty unified China。The 188bet apk that produces development on this territory,All belong to Chinese 188bet apk 。At the same time,Master Fu started from the official establishment of Gansu Province in the Yuan Dynasty in 1281,List the territorial history of Gansu Province,Think that Gansu 188bet apk has Hexi、Hedong division,Also describe the general development status of Hexi and Hedong cultures in the past dynasties。To this,Teacher Fu concluded,Studying Gansu 188bet apk ,You should have a clear understanding of Gansu’s administration and Gansu’s history。He also emphasized that the biggest feature of Gansu 188bet apk is that it occurs at the intersection of Chinese and Western cultures,Therefore we should look at Gansu 188bet apk with a broader and inclusive attitude,Recognize the important position of Gansu 188bet apk in the history of the development of Chinese civilization,Get rid of the misconception that Gansu 188bet apk is exclusive。

Gansu 188bet apk is very rich in content,In terms of its content, it covers Zuyuan 188bet apk 、Border and ethnic 188bet apk 、The 188bet apk of exchange and integration between China and the West、Academic Thought and Art。Teacher Fu focuses on the 188bet apk of Tianshui area,Comprehensive description of the ancestral 188bet apk spread in Gansu、Prehistoric 188bet apk 、National 188bet apk 、Great Wall 188bet apk 、Yellow River 188bet apk 、National 188bet apk 、Silk Road 188bet apk 、Dunhuang 188bet apk 、Grotto 188bet apk ,And again,Many contents of Gansu 188bet apk play a decisive role in the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures,Therefore, the 188bet apk of exchange and integration between China and the West is the most important part of Gansu 188bet apk in the history of Chinese 188bet apk 。Also,Mr. Fu combines his own research results and experience,Example to demonstrate the role of Gansu 188bet apk in literature、Philosophy、Academic、Calligraphy、Painting、Music and many other performances,Showing the comprehensiveness of Gansu 188bet apk 。

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Last,Teacher Fu pointed out,The research on intangible cultural heritage must be closely connected with the ancient history and 188bet apk of Gansu。In Gansu 188bet apk ,Especially the Tianshui area is deeply influenced by Zhou Qin 188bet apk and Han and Tang 188bet apk ,Preserves many original cultural relics。The 188bet apk of Tianshui area must not only be passed down as intangible cultural heritage skills,We must also strengthen research。

Last reportVice Dean Hou Dong’s answerThe wonderful thing about Teacher FuThanks for reporting, at the same timeReportMade a summary. He pointed out that Teacher Fu’sReportExtensive quotations,Rich content,Brings you profound thoughts。He emphasized,Gansu is a province rich in cultural resources,We should pay attention to the exploration of Gansu local 188bet apk in our daily research,Attach importance to the promotion and research of intangible cultural heritage,Teacher Fu’s report undoubtedly points the way for us to conduct research。

Speaker’s introduction:

Fu Junlian,Professor, School of Liberal Arts, West China Normal University,Director of the Writing Research Center,Sichuan ProvinceHigh-level research team in social sciencesHead of the "Ancient Literature Characteristics Document Research Team",Researcher at the Provincial Government Literature and History Research Center. Enjoy the State CouncilExpert on “Special Government Allowance”Expert of the National Social Science Fund Discipline Review Team,Vice President of China Fu Society, etc.。Presiding over major projects of the National Social Science Fund、Four general items,Host the major project of the Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Base of the Ministry of Education、Five general items。In "Literary Review" "Literary Heritage""Chinese Literature and History Series"Published papers in "Journal of Peking University" and other publications1More than 00 articles,Published "Annotation of Dunhuang Fu", "Research on Pre-Qin Documents and Literature", "Research on Popular Fu" and "Dunhuang LiteratureGeneral Introduction》etc.More than 10 academic works,Editor in chief of the academic journals "Research on Manuscripts" and "Research on Documents with Characteristics of Ancient Literature"。Academic treatises won two outstanding achievements in philosophy and social sciences from the Ministry of Education and the province、Third Prize Multiple Times。

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