

Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2024-04-30Views:10

For further strengtheningYouth BigStudents' safety awareness,Comprehensive multi -dimensional improvement of students' safety education results,The Academy of Literature Yu4month29The initiative of the youth college students' "Being a Safety Lord" initiative。This meeting is fromCollege Youth League Book BookHost of Teacher Wang Wanting, the Youth League Committee of the Academy of LiteratureStudent UnionStudent backboneand some studentsRepresentativeParticipate.

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First, Teacher Wang Wanting ledClassmatesCommonLearning"Academy of Literature AboutDoSafety"Prince" initiative ",Through learning,Students are safeKnowledgeWithMore accurate and detailedCognitionBeing able to attach great importance to various typesSafety issues.

Second, Teacher Wang WantingBy reporting a negative list of recent security issues, combinedReal caseSafety for the development of the country、Personal safety、Property safety and other aspects conduct safety preaching, proposedNational security is to consciously strengthen the value of ideological value,Actively practice the core values ​​of socialism,Education of ideals and beliefs carefully、Ai School Rong School Education and Law Education related knowledge,Maintenance of national security as ideological consensus and action awareness; Second,Based on our schoolNear Yellow RiverGeographical location,Teacher Wang in terms of personal safetyFocus 188beton the prevention of preventing drowning,Reminder studentsConsciously achieve "three no"Dangerous areas such as not playing water in the river or entering Hexin Island without authorizationUnsafe activities such as playing water in the riverUnfamiliar water, do not go to the water without authorization.

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At the same time, Teacher Wang emphasized,For the coming May Day holiday,ClassmatesShould pay attentionPropertySafe and outing safety, the teacher reminds the students forEliminates "Greeds Cheap"、"One Night Rich"、"Falling Pies in the Sky"ErrorPsychology,alert "winning"、Reject "Swipe Plums"、Ignore "Strange Links",Do not trust,Not blindly obey。As the backbone of students of the School of Literature,Students should start with themselves,In the class、In the dormitory、Actively preach the knowledge 188betof safety education in life; take the initiative to take the responsibility,Follow the Safety Behavior Specification,Delow the responsibility and responsibility of youth college students in the new era with their own actions。

After the meeting, andWillThe classmates signed collectivelyInitiative,Promise to comprehensively improve the awareness of security precautions,Enhance the ability of emergency offices,The protagonist of your own safety、Propaganda at home school safety education、Campus safety maintenanceer。

Writing: Shang Yonghong Xing Yilin

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