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Publisher: College of 188bet login 2Release time: 2023-11-27Views:352

November 23, 2023, at the Northwest Normal UniversityCollege of 188bet login Invitation,Researcher at the Institute of 188bet login of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences、Doctoral guide teacher ZiyiProfessorI was entitled "I made by Yue Fei& lt; Manjiang Red · Writing & gt; The Tri Out of the Two of the Author and the History of Literary 188bet app downloadImage "academic report。The lecture was chaired by Professor Li Tianbao of the School of 188bet login ,More than 60 people in our hospitalDivisionStudent participation.

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At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Fan Ziyi was "Man Jianghong· Writing "has the meaning and historical value of the times.,Pointing out the author of the academic community about this word and the time controversy in the era,Make traceability combing。Professor Fan Ziyi pointed out,In the 1930s, Yu JiaxiMr.The first to propose "Manjiang Red· Write"AuthorTruth. afterLong Dahalf a century, wordAuthorTruthQuestionIt has become a public case in the literary and historical community。Professor Fan systematically combed Yu Jiaxi、Xia Chengzhang、Zhang Zhengzheng、Yang Xie and other scholars"Different False theory"and Tang Guizheng、Cheng Qianfan、Yao Xueyi、Deng Guangming、Wang Zengyu、Wang Ruilai、Zhou Ruchang and other scholars"Prove the truth",On this basis, Professor Fan has a detailed examination,ExpressedYour own research point of view

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During the lecture process,Professor Fan emphasized the relationship between the literary imagery and text construct in this word,Explanation"Long Xiao", "Long Car", "Mountains," and other literary imagery,and give a new explanation to "Mountain Scarcation",Think of "mountain lack" as a beautiful image,NevershouldBecomeObject 188bet apkof "Poch",I interpreted classic images from the perspective of literary history

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Lecture interactive link,Professor Fan enthusiastically、Answer the questions from the students in detail。Subsequent,Professor Fan combined with his own learning experience and research experience,Emphasizing learning should be read in depth,Read widely,Continuously improve personal literary cultivation and aesthetic ability。Professor Fan emphasized,"Reading and thinking is a kind of ability,It is even more necessary ",andReminder that the attitude of the majority of young students must be positive,Academic methods must be strict,Divide to achieve thick accumulation、levels of the touch of the category。

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Professor Li TianbaoyesLecturePerformSummarized and shared personal experience,I think Professor Fan opens the field of vision,On the basis of possession of a lot of information,Clear provisions,娓,Clarified some of the academic circlesDifferential,Expressed my opinion,Provides us for further academic research。Professor Li TianbaoI also thinkProfessor FanResearch on Demonstration,Promote when studying related classic literary works,You can alsoReading textBen andInvestigationResearch combines

Introduction to the speaker:

Fan Ziyi, born inMay 1964。Dr. 188bet login 。Researcher at the Institute of 188bet login , Institute of 188bet login of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 188bet login(professional secondary,Chief of Innovation Engineering),Professor of 188bet login at the University of 188bet login of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences、Chinese Classical 188bet login Professional Doctors,President of the Chinese Society of the Chinese Society,Director of the History Society of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties China,Member of the Chinese Writers Association。The main research field is the 188bet login of Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties、History and the history of nomadic people based on the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the ancient 188bet login and the music。Hosted and completed the three items of the National Social Science Fund General Project,A special introduction talent project (provincial and ministerial),Currently hosting the major project of the National Social Science Fund "Tao Yuanming 188bet login Integration and Research",As the chief expert。PublishedPublishing academic works10: "Research on the Life of Middle Ages" (Shandong Education Press,2001),"Tao Yuanming in the Heritage of the Nanshan -Tao Yuanming in the Cultural Field" (Dongfang Publishing Center,2010),"Cultural Interpretation of Middle 188bet login " (Taiwan's Classification Bureau,2011),"Spring Silkworm and Stop Wine — Tao Yuanming Poems in Mutual Visual" (Social Science 188bet login Press,2012),"Bamboo Forest Xuan Academic Essays" 188bet(Phoenix Publishing House,2012),"Passing the Wind of Wei Jin's Gust -" Research on the New Words of the World "(World Book Publishing Company,2014),"Interpretation of Tao Yuanming's Religious Culture" 188bet(Phoenix Publishing House,2020), "Xuanzhai Academic Essays" (Phoenix Publishing House2021),"Nature's Consistence -Research on Xiao Yin and Le Poems" (China Social Science Press,2021) and"On the Wilderness of Culture "(Business Press,2022),Published more than 200 articles。Hosted the scientific research project "Modern Sinology and Chinese Middle Culture in the United States" won the 7th Youth Teacher Fund of the Ministry of Education Huo Yingdong Foundation (December 7, 2000),The thesis written in "Refusing and absorbing: On the Relationship between Tao Yuanming and Lushan Buddhism" won the second prize of outstanding scientific research achievements of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (January 15, 2014),Thesis "" "Organizes" and "Yugong Yishan" -iji Xianlin & LT; Liezi & GT;,The first prize of the outstanding scientific research achievement of the Institute of 188bet login of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (December 31, 2021)。

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