In order to do a solid job in evaluating the Dream Building 188bet online casino,Play a leading role by example,Promote the construction of academic style,11month1Sunday, the School of Liberal Arts is in Zhi Gong 188bet online casinoBDistrict409The "Dream Building 188bet online casino" defense meeting was held in the conference room。Follow "Public、Fair、Justice、The selection principle of “choosing the best”,Applying as a student、Based on college review,Conduct difference defense。The judging panel consists of Luo Ligui、Wang Xuecui、Meng Huihai、Li Yan、Zhou Zhongqiang、Composed of seven teachers Wang Leichao and He Liangliang,Teacher Luo Ligui serves as the defense team leader。
This defense meeting is divided into two parts: personal presentation and judges’ questions。Respondent candidates’ ideological expression、Professional learning、Innovative achievements、Make on-the-spot presentations on comprehensive qualities and other aspects,Full display of the academic excellence of 188bet online casino arts students、Striving for excellence、Good spirit of being brave in innovation。Won unanimous praise from the judges in the personal presentation session of the defending contestants。
This defense meeting further brought into play the inspiring and guiding role of the Dream-Building 188bet online casino and the role model of advanced models,Highlights the diligence and studiousness of liberal arts students、Perseverance、Excellent quality of dedication,Let the effectiveness of funding education work be implemented。
(Written by: Li Yixuan)