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Publisher: College of 188bet app 2Release time: 2023-10-26Views:661

For richCollege studentsCultural activities, boostCollegeLearning Style Construction,Create 188beta good learning atmosphere,Mobilize the enthusiasm of students to learn,188bet app Institute Yu10month14Day -25DayIt has been carried outUndergraduate"Most Beautiful Notes" selection activity.College undergraduateStudents actively participate,ActiveContribution, passingSelection of Jury Teachers of the College10Excellent works.

The award list is as follows:

First prize:Pan Ran

Second prize:Ding Yi Liu Lele

Third Prize:Zhu Ziyi Zhang Hairui Zhao Shengjie

Excellent Award:Ma Yingzheng Li Runze Lin Ruihan Blossom Chan

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In the line, sweat flows

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Among the scent of scent of books, the dream of a teenager is written one by one;

Among the strong ink, the horizontal and vertical skimming is a serious heart.

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Zhong Lingyu's brushwork, Cai Siquan Yongye talent

The encounter of colorful handwriting and knowledge

Rub the spark of knowledge

Claim the enthusiasm of learning

Youth does not leave white,Flowers in the pen。This event is selected by notes,Let the students record the traces of life and learning,Leave the process of thinking about research。"Frozen three feet,Non -day Cold ",The smooth development of this event,Show the 188bet loginserious learning attitude and rigorous learning style of our students,Hope students live up to Shaohua,踔,Develop and adhere to good learning habits,Further create music、Good learning atmosphere,Graduate improvement in academics。