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Publisher: College of 188bet app 2Release time: 2023-10-12Views:568

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Li Xiaotian (1994-),Gansu Wuwei people,Graduated from Nanjing University College of 188bet app in ancient 188bet app 。

[Research direction]

Song Dynasty 188bet app ; Research on Chinese Native Realm.

[Scientific research results]


1) "Old Empty Mountain,188bet apkBiography Overseas: Lu Shi Choose in the Edo period of Japan ","Chinese 188bet app and History Cong",Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House2019Nian No. 12Issue;

2) "Classicization of Lu You Yongmei Poems in Japanese 188bet app ","Research on Ancient Books",Nanjing Phoenix Publishing House2022Nian No. 175series;

3) "" Sound Landscape "and" Reading Specifications "-The Songs of the Song Dynasty Show the Voice of Reading and Construction of Culture,188bet login"Research on Chinese Poetry" No. 124Series ("Copy Information of the People's Congress"2023Nian No. 18Phase full text).

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