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Publisher: College of 188bet app download 2Release 188bet app download : 2023-07-21Views:542

July 18, 2023 19:30,The 54th lecture of the “Brief Reading Northwest” Workshop at the School of Literature of Northwest Normal University is held in the 409 lecture hall of the Public Building (formerly 188bet app download . 10 Teaching Building) in Northwest Normal University。Professor Fu Junzheng of the School of Literature of Xihua Normal University brought an academic report entitled "Tsinghua Jane & LT; Inspection Experiment & GT;" Chinese "。The report was chaired by Professor Hong Shuai, School of Literature, School of Literature, Northwest Normal University。Vice Dean of Wang Hao, School of Literature, Northwest Normal University、Teacher Ren Li、Teacher Chen Danqi at school 2021、Grade 2022 Chinese Language and Culture Master's Graduate Students、Doctoral students and about 20 people participated in this lecture。This lecture is live broadcast on the video number "Lecture and Academic" of the "Linguistics" public account,Watch more than 860 people in total。This lecture is the 54th issue of the "Reading Northwest" workshop。

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Before the lecture,Teacher Fu first mentioned the carrier of the early 188bet app download ,The general situation of Jane 牍。At the same time, it is attractive,Delivery,I introduced to you the inscription、Write knowledge and archaeological knowledge and experience the experience of doing research,Then he stepped inPositive Questions,First briefly introduced the origin of Tsinghua 188bet app download and the content of the "Inspection Articles"。

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188bet app download passed researchQing people Jiang Yong "Zhou 188bet app download 's suspicion· Autumn Official "Qing 188bet app download Wu Dazhen's "Speaking of Ancient Bud"andZhang Taiyan "188bet app download Shi"and other handed down 188bet app download draws conclusions:"188bet app download " is a simplified book.188bet app download GovernanceThe basic 188bet app download of the country, so -called"Governance" (governing the 188bet app download ) is the strategy of governing the 188bet app download .Then 188bet app download passed again"Shangshu· Shun Dian "" 188bet app download • Yao Yao "," Mandarin "records of 188bet app download ,further demonstrated your own conclusion。Point out"188bet app download " of "Governance",DangdangRegulations and pictures of governing the 188bet app download

At the end of the lecture,188bet app download promotes to ask questions layer by layer,"Baoxue""Middle" is the basic 188bet app download written on the State in the SARS,Why did Zhou Wenwang give it to his son Ji Fa before his death? first,This is determined by the mystery of "China" and the sacredness of the transfer ceremony。Teacher Fu introduces the origin of the text and oracle essays、Golden texts to point out,Western Zhou Dynasty,Alliance's oath、Divination,After the book of the book, it must be hidden in the sacred Tianfu Zongmiao,So the basic materials of governing the country "China",Its sacred mystery should be higher,It is impossible to give it to another person。Second,Zhou Wenwang will give "Zhongzhong" to Prince Edward Ji when the serious period of illness,It is also related to the fierce power struggle at that time。Teacher Fu combined with the story of "Wenwang Killing the Season" and Boyi Uncle Qi in the handed down 188bet app download , pointed out,Wang Wang and his father season、The relationship between Wu Wang and his father Wen Wang is very delicate,The internal fighting of the Western Zhou Rong Group,Everyone is in danger,Popularity of conspiracy。Combined with the above two reasons,Teacher Fu answered the question why Zhou Wenwang gave "Zhong" to his son Ji Fa before his death。

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Lecture interactive link,Professor Hong Shuai first thanked Teacher Fu for the wonderful lecture,Summary of the talks at the same time。He pointed out,Teacher Fu’s lectures 博 博,humorous fun,I brought 188bet logindeep thinking。He emphasized,We must not only study Jane from the perspective of language and words,Also like Teacher Fu,Understand Jane from the perspective of handed down 188bet app download 。Don't be superstitious at the same time,Thinking independently,Also combined with historical culture at that time,Collect data to support your own conclusion,The saying of a family。Vice Dean Wang Hao affirmed Mr. Fu’s wonderful lecture,He believes that Teacher Fu’s argumentation process is associated with the handed down 188bet app download ,Conspiracy。Teacher Chen Danqi believes that Mr. Fu will"188bet app download " is interpreted as a SAR,What the problem of "Zhongzhong" is solved。The classmates who were present asked 188bet app download on the version question and how to determine the age of Jane,Mr. Fu answers one by one。

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Lecture last,Participating teachers and some classmates with Professor 188bet app download Junzheng took a group photo,This academic lecture ended successfully。

Introduction to the speaker:

Fu Junlian,Special Professor of the School of 188bet app download of Xihua Normal University,Dean of the National College,Write the director of this research center,Sichuan academic and technical leaders。Enjoy the State Council"Special Government Allowance" expert。Main social part -time jobs are: experts from the National Social Science Fund Discipline Review Team,Vice President and Secretary -General of the Chinese Academy of Fuxi。Published in "188bet app download Review", "188bet app download Heritage", "Journal of Peking University", "Journal of Fudan" and other publications200Yu Chapter,Published "Dunhuang Fu School Note", "Pre -Qin 188bet app download and 188bet app download Examinations", "Vulgar Fu Research", "Dunhuang 188bet app download Writing Research", etc.10The remaining academic works,The editor -in -chief "Writing Studies" and "Research on the Research on Ancient 188bet app download " Academic Collection。Academic theory of Outstanding Achievements of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Philosophy Social Sciences 2、Third prize multiple times。

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188bet app download . 1188bet app download 1 丨 Zhang Defang: Jane Xue and Northwest Han Jane (Thursday, November 18, 2021)

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188bet app download . 129 188bet app download 丨 Cai Zhangli、Dong Qiangshan: "Xuanquan Han Jian (1)" Study (13) (Monday, March 20, 2023)

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188bet app download . 132 丨 188bet app download : The discovery and collation of Chu Jianzheng (Monday, April 10, 2023)

188bet app download . 133 188bet app download 丨 Li Shoukui: Jane Xue、Doctor of Chinese Language and Text Students Guidance Meeting (Monday, April 10, 2023)

188bet app download . 134 188bet app download 丨 Li Shoukui: Xinyang's distribution is simplified (Tuesday, April 11, 2023)

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