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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2023-07-19Views:385

7month17Day morning1030, Northwestern Normal University "Tong Yue Tongle" service team teachers and students7People arrive at the People's Government of Zhonglian Township, Yuzhong County for a period of time10Social Practice Activity。Relevant units in Yuzhong County held a welcome ceremony for the team。Zhao Xiaoxia, deputy secretary of the Yuzhong County Party Committee 188bet loginof the Communist Youth League、Minister Ding Fengxiang, the leader of the Government of Zhonglianchuan Township、Dr. Liu Zihan, the person in charge of Longyuan Ai project base, attended the ceremony。

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Minister Ding Fengxiang, the leader of the Government of Zhonglianchuan Township, gave a welcome word。Minister Ding introduced the natural environment of Zhonglianchuan Township、Social location factors and the development of the special wormwood industry,and sincere greetings for the summer social practice group of "Children's Reading Tongle",Expressing expectations and support for our practical activities。

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Zhao Xiaoxia, Deputy Secretary of the Youth League 188bet loginof the Communist Youth League, speak,While affirming the practical activities of the service team,I hope through this summer social practice activity,Bridge between the friendship between the young people of the resident university and the youth of the local members,Enhance the understanding and integration between urban and rural areas,Gathering the power of the whole society to jointly care about the cause of rural revitalization,To build a new era and new era、Livable and livable and beautiful rural contribution youth forces。

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Teacher Shen Wenxiu Teacher Shen Wenxiu delivered a speech。Emphasize social practice as the ability of college students、The important carrier of serving the society,Students must combine theory with practice,Exercise skills in the practice of deepening the masses、Growth talents,188bet apkand tell the students one by one specific matters that need to pay attention to in social practice。

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Li Jiayao's representative "Children's Reading Tongle" team made a report.。Team aims to implement the party's relevant policies and policies,There are problems with rural cultural education,Launched the accompanying service,Vigorously promote excellent traditional culture,Light up the dream of rural children。At the same time, the difficulties and problems of the existence of local Mandarin promotion at the same time,I hope to combine the push with the classic culture,Help rural spiritual civilization construction。


Afternoon1530,Gansu Long Aitang Health Culture Development Co., Ltd.,Director Hao, the person in charge of Longyuan Ai Base Hao, hosted a welcome ceremony for the "Children's Reading Tongle" service team。Director Hao extended a warm welcome to the arrival of the "Child Reading Tongle" service team,He emphasized that all the staff of Longyuan Ai Base will escort this practice,During the investigation, students should also pay attention to their own safety。The person in charge of the accompanying Mr. Shen Wenxiu expressed his heartfelt thanks to Director Hao and others,once again emphasized that the practitioners must have a strong sense of security and team consciousness。In the next ten days,"Children's Reading Tongle" service team will investigate on the spot,Actively cooperate with the local party committee and government,Various 188betforms of development、Colorful summer social practice activities,Actively practice the youth mission to help rural revitalization with action,In the hot practice of serving the people to dedicate society,Show beautiful youthful style。


morning6points, "Tong read the same music"Team Summer Social PracticeThe ceremony is held at the south gate of the school。"Learning all things in the world,Real China in the countryside。Everyone sent from the campus here,Use ‘Action’ to read and understand the university questionless book in society,Write ‘My country and our people’ in the countryside with ‘present’。"Instructor Li Mingde encouraged everyone to give full play to the expertise of our Chinese students to read and write,"Read the countryside,Especially the western village,Fang can understand China; only writing,Only to give meaning to practical activities,and tell the Chinese story from the perspective of contemporary young people。”
   It is reported,6month27Day, the Ministry of Education released "2023The year "Pushing to help rural revitalization" National college student summer social practice volunteer service activities selected team list,Gansu Province has a total of from16College30The branch team selected,Northwestern Normal University School of Arts "Tong Yue Tongle" service queue。

7month6Day,Three innings at the Central Civilization Office、Youth Youth Volunteer Action Guidance Center、Commonly carried out by the Secretariat of the China Youth Volunteer Association2023The "Dream Reading Project" serving the rural minor inheritance of excellent traditional cultural volunteer service team selection,The "Children's Reading Tongle" service team of the School of Literature of Northwest Normal University is also successfully selected。"Dream Real Estate" organization Mobilize young volunteers through a series of training、Handmade、Display performance and other forms,Carry out a variety of excellent traditional cultural heritage and popular activities for rural minors in the central and western regions。

 “Child Reading Tongle "service team will be in Li Mingde、Under the guidance of Teacher Shen Wenxiu,Practice the spirit of volunteer with actual actions,Integrate the ego into the big me,Let the flowers of youth bloom in the most needed place for the motherland。Team Design Panpu Fusion Service Plan,Method of the accompanying classroom through the delivery,On the basis of investigating the use of local Mandarin,Reading courses based on the remote mountainous areas of rural teaching points is not available、Book resources shortage、Lack of reading atmosphere and other status quo,Carry out characteristic accompaniment activities for practical problems for rural children's words。