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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2023-06-12Views:274

June 9morningAt the invitation of the School of Literature at Northwest Normal University,Beijing Language UniversityProfessor and doctoral supervisor of the Chinese Institute of CultureZhang TingyinTeachers come to our hospital,I was entitled "Time, Book Sites, and Personality's Tri Language& lt; Lanting Preface & GT; "。The lecture is fromDeputy DeanXu YanProfessorHost, our hospital50Common of the remaining teachers and studentsI heard the report

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Professor Zhang from the times、Book Sites and Personality Trilateral Context to explain the value of "Lanting Preface"188bet app download。First,From the perspective of the times, the generation background of "Lanting Preface"。Second,From Wang Xizhi's free and free interpretation of the key meaning of "Lanting Preface""Le", "Pain", "Freedom",Then the idea of ​​"Lan Ting Preface" was born。Again,Re -interpreted "Lanting Preface" from the perspective of book traces。asThe first line of the world"Lanting Preface", in one go, there is a law,Really reflects the state of writing and the spirit of calligraphy。Last,Summarized how to interpret ancient literary works,Division of the world theory、Knowing Poetry,You can also know the art of arts、Knowing Book Theory Poems,opened a new perspective for our analysis of ancient literary works。

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Professor Zhang's rigorous and humorous lectures,benefit teachers and students a lot。In 188betthe communication link,Active interaction with teachers and students,Detailed answers to the questions raised by the students。Professor Ding Hongwu thinks,Professor Zhang’s lecture provides us with new ideas for interpreting literary works,The presentation of Wei Jin's style is many aspects,We should inspect at multiple angles。Last,Professor Xu Yan gave a summary of the talks,Think that Professor Zhang is worth learning and reference with a small research path,Follow the work"Book Sites" provides us with a new research angle,The research method of cross -fusion of disciplines is of great significance for promoting ancient literary research。



Introduction to the speaker:

Zhang Tingyin,Gansu Qingyang people,Professor of the Chinese Institute of Culture University of Beijing Language University,188bet apkDoctoral supervisor。President of the Society of Chinese Literature History Sciences、Vice President of the Chinese Society of Customs Literature。National Social Science Foundation Major Project"Research on the Research on Literature and Literature in Fang Zhi Fang Zhi"。Into the "Research on Wei Jin Xuanyan Poems", "Research on the Collection of Literature and Data from Fang Zhi", "Research on Literature Critical Information in the Genealogy"。Several academic papers in "Literature Review", "Literary Research", "Literature Heritage"。


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