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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2023-05-18Views:306

At the end of 2021,Gansu Province Implementation of the National "First -class Discipline" breakthrough project,Five disciplines in four universities in Gansu Province create first -class disciplines,The "Jian Xuexue" of Northwest Normal University is ranked among themTo promote Northwest Normal University"Jane Scholarship" first -class discipline construction,The School of Arts Establishing Jianyu Research Center,Center is based on Northwest Han Jian,The purpose is to do a good job of study of Jianya language,Promotion"Construction of Northwest Han Jian Big Data Cloud Platform".

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Figure1: LOGO

The center currently has three full -time researchers,Including a professor、Two doctors; two part -time special professors,Professor Liu Zhao at Fudan University、Professor Li Shoukui of Tsinghua University;,A total of more than 20 people。The center founded the collection 188bet appof "Research on Jane Xue and Outbiography",Published by the Business Park,It is expected to have two series per year,First Series Yu2021Year12Monthly published,The second series has been submitted to the publishing house,Third、Four series is being edited。

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Figure2: "Research on the Research on the Literature of Jane and Extraction" (first series)

Members of the Center have been approved by the National Social Science Fund project2item, that is,"New Journal Putongham Han Jian Vocabulary Research and Corgal Library Construction" (20byy139)and"" Guangyun "difficult interpretation of the routine exam (22cyy033)Gansu Province Social Science Planning Project 1 item, that is,"Research on the Study of Suspension Han Jane Vocabulary Based on Corgal Library"20YB031). In "Research on Ancient Chinese", "ChineseResearch"" HistoryLinguistics Research"" Research on Chinese History "" Research on Chinese History "" Copy Newspaper Information· Language and Text Published CSSCISource period (set) paper number.

August 2021, CenterUnitedHeChinaInstitute of Language Research Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences、Renmin University of China Wu Yuzhang China Language Research Center、Gansu Jianyu Museum and other units,InitiativeHonorThe first sessionJian Yanxue and unearthed literature language and language academic seminar, the academic conference is every1-Hold once every 2 years, the second timeThe meeting will be at2023YearAugustHonor.

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Figure3: The first sessionJian Yanxue and unearthed literature language and language academic seminar(offline venue)

Hosted by the Center"Read on Northwest" workshop activity,Invite well -known scholars to make academic reports,Regularly organize "Suspension Han Jane" research activity。In addition,The center registered "Jian Xue", "Lecture and Academic" and "Linguistics"AcademicPublic account, create at the same time1.1 Linguistics Exchange 1 Group "" 1.2 Linguistics Exchange 2 Group "" 2.1 Jane、History、Literature 188bet app downloadExchange 1 Group "" 2.2 Jane、History、Unearthed Document Exchange 2 Group "" 3 Literature and Art Exchange Group "," 4 Philosophy and Art Education and other exchange groups "," ‘briefly read Northwest’ workshop,and "Linguistics Humanities and Social Sciences Sharing 1 Group", "Humanities and Social Science Lecture Sharing 2 Groups", "Humanities and Social Science Lectures Share 3 Groups" "Reading NorthwestWorkshop information sharing group"",The special person is responsible for managing the release message,Published by multiple directions、Promote the construction and related results of Jianye Academic Discipline of Northwest Normal University、Information。

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Figure4: Public account of Jianyu Research Center