

Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2023-02-15Views:326

2023year2month9Day, School of LiteratureCentury Chinese Cloud Lecture Hall ·Famous Master ForumInvite to the Professor of the School of Literature of Renmin University of China、Executive Director of the Ancient Text Culture International Research Center Xu Jian CommitteeI made a question for the teachers and students of our collegeClimate, Politics and Western Han Dynasty academic thoughts"wonderful report。The lecture was chaired by Professor Ma Shinian of Dean,inside and outside the school200YuNameTeachers and studentsParticipated in this lecture.

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From the lecture, Teacher Xu uses"Why care about the climate?" This question leads the content of the lecture,He pointed out,For ancient literature、Research on Classical Literature,Need a relatively broad vision,Thinking of interdisciplinary,From this, it may make the research look new。For example, discuss climate problems in natural science,Perhaps it can provide a new understanding of the changes in the academic thoughts of the Western Han Dynasty。Follow,He made three instructions on the basic assumptions of the report:1.In ancient China,Political culture will directly affect academic and ideological trends,It is constructing academic and ideological and decisive power。2.The way of facing the crisis in the dynasty,To a large extent, the characteristics of political culture。3.Agricultural civilizationIn the crisis, the climate crisis is the most common and direct.

Next, Mr. Xu introduced the teachers and students at home and abroad19Study on the relationship between 188bet loginclimate and civilization from the end of the century, including20In the 1950s Yale University's Elsworth· Huntington,Chinese scholar Zhu Kezhen、Zheng Zizheng, etc.,More detailed introduction to the research book of American scholar Kyle Harper in recent years "Rome's DestinyClimate、End of the Empire ",Pointing out the study of the relationship between the relationship between climate and early human civilization has been not short of examples。Follow,He also held many cases of climate change and the change of civilization,The origin of the origin of agriculture12900Year to11600Related to the new fairy wood incident years ago、Wu Wang destroyed business with BC12-11A relationship between China Around the century, and the end of China's great warmth period, and3The rise of Genghis Khan between the Century Genghis Khan and the warm and humid climate,, etc.。

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Last,Teacher Xu explained the main problem of the change of climate and the academic thoughts of the Western Han Dynasty from three aspects。First,By borrowing Lu Simian's argument about the research of Qin and Han history,ThinkAfter the Emperor of the Western Han Dynasty,Disaster Doctrine quickly entered the mainstream political discourse system; followed by the two kinds of disaster theory in the Han Dynasty: "Hong Fan" disaster and "Spring and Autumn" disaster。Second,188betQi Qi of the Western Han Dynasty's climate,Generally pointing out that the Western Han Dynasty was in the warm period of the new world,The climate is generally conducive to the development of socio -economic。Then expand specific discussions,Think of Huidi、The overall climate in the post -high climate is warm,Although there are too heavy droughts and floods,,But overall agricultural economy has begun to recover quickly from the war in the end of the Qin Dynasty; the flood during the Emperor Han Zhao has always been a problem in the dynasty;,This created the time and local interests for Xuan Emperor ZTE; the Emperor Han and Yuan Dynasties was almost an every year with natural disasters,This has formed a sharp comparison with the Emperor Han Xuan Emperor。Third,The climate is not the only factor,The factors of Emperor Han Yuan are also an important reason for the prosperity of disaster theory,Emperor Yuan prefers Confucianist,And he was taught by Xia Houjian, a scholar of disaster disaster、Xia Hou Sheng,This has also promoted the rapid prosperity of disaster learning。

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After the report is over,The teachers and students present raised many interesting questions,Teacher Xu made a detailed answer。The host Ma Shi Nian teacher rightXuTeacher’s wonderfulLectureTo summarize and express thanks。Teacher Xu’s lecture,188bet app downloadOn the one hand, make us understand the wide field of vision、Cross -disciplinary thinking for ancient literature、The important meaning of the study of classical literature,On the other hand, it also talks about the relationship between climate change and academic changes in the Western Han Dynasty,Academic History of the Han Dynasty、The multi -angle study of the history of thought is also very important,benefit us a lot。


Introduction to the speaker:

Xu Jianyuan,Professor of the School of Literature, Renmin University of China。The research field is the history of the warring States Qin and Han literature、Literature and academic history。The works are "Archeology: Research on the Relationship of the Left" and "Historical Records" "," Hanshu Arts and Wen Zhi Six Arts Snote "," New Note of the Book of Songs "(Combined)、"Text Revolution: Liu Xiang、·Arts and Wenzhi> and Early Text Research "" From Literature to Text: Copy and Flowing of First Tang Classic Documents "(Coincident)、"Say Garden" Study: Cenisty with the Cumulative and Academic History of the Literature and Academic History of the Warring States Period ", etc.。



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