1. 188bet number:2022090237001
2. 188bet name: "The 188bet Dilemma of Movies Adapted from Novels in the New Era"
3. Bid winning (188bet) information
Supplier name: Shanghai People's Publishing House
Supplier address: Haojing Road, Shanghai8th Floor, Building C, Century Publishing Park, No. 1-5, Lane 159
Winning bid (188bet) amount:70,000 yuan
4. Main subject information (188bet category)
name Title: "The 188bet Dilemma of Movies Adapted from Novels in the New Era"
188bet scope: editing and publishing
188bet requirements: Paperback, published on schedule
188bet hours:Complete before March 31, 2023
188bet Standard: Academic Works and Publications
5. List of reviewers:
Li ShengbinYang XiaolanWang Mengqi
6. 188bet Period
From the date of this 188bet3 working days.
seven、Any inquiry regarding the content of this 188bet,Please contact as follows。
188bet contact: Yang Tianhao
School of Liberal Arts, Northwest Normal University
September 22, 2022