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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2022-07-19Views:211

On the evening of July 14, 2022,Invitation of the School of Literature at Northwest Normal University,Professor Feng Shengli, School of Language Sciences, Beijing Language and Language University, wrote online entitled "The Analects of Confucius" on the important position of "The Analects"、My Yun Su -Academic Reports 188bet app downloadwith Extraordinary Documents。Professor Ma Shinian and some undergraduates、Graduate,and more than 100 teachers and students of other universities listen online。The report is chaired by Associate Professor Hong Shuai, the School of Literature。This report is also the fifth lecture of the "Jane Language Research" forum。

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The report of Professor Feng Shengli mainly focuses on rhythmThe types and attributes of "Light Position"、Rhyme opposite、"The Analects of Confucius" My difference、Confrontation of Rhymes outside the Analects、Five aspects of the rhythm of rhymes unearthed in literature materials。First,Professor Feng Shengli introduced the concept of "stress position",It is believed that the rhyme opposition in the weight position is from Qianjia、Zhang Huang's first release of its end,And point out that the problems and dilemma encountered in the current research,I hope to discuss with the majority of scholars。Second,Professor Feng Shengli gives an example.、Me "in" The Analects of Confucius ",It is pointed out that the theory of Yun Su can explain "I in the Analects of Confucius、My "usage different phenomena。Again,Professor Feng Shengli pointed out that the rhymes outside the Analects of Confucius can be from a single sentence、Sentences of severe pronunciation、Specific tone light stress and other aspects for inspection。In terms of rhythmic rhymes of literature materials,Professor Feng Shengli through specific 188betexample description,Using Yusu theory and unearthed literature can analyze and distinguish different agents and grammar of "different scriptures"。Again,Professor Feng Shengli emphasized that the establishment of ancient sound rhyme is mainly "rhyme","Rhyme" is the use of rhythm,The rhythm is also the foundation and principle of ancient sound rhyme,Rhythm has its own important role that cannot be ignored。Last,Professor Feng Shengli pointed out,Although today’s academic report is around "I、I ",But there are many new thinking and inspirations for the first time,Share with you。

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In the interactive link of the report,Associate Professor Hong Shuai first praised Professor Feng Shengli the value of this academic report,I believe that Professor Feng Shengli is in detail、Eyes like a torch,Its content is small,Thinking for people,and summarize and summarize the report。Subsequent,Professor Ma Shinian at the School of Literature of Northwest Normal University、Professor Yang Tongjun, School of International Cultural Exchange、Professor Mo Chao of Lanzhou City College and other teachers and students inside and outside the school participated in online communication and communication,Professor Feng Shengli on the questions raised by everyonemade in -depth and meticulous answers, and the teachers and students of the meeting benefited a lot.


Introduction to the speaker:

Feng Shengli,Director of Zhanghuang 188bet app downloadAcademic Theoretical Research Institute at the School of Language and Language Sciences of Beijing University of Languages、Professor、Doctoral supervisor; special professor of Beijing Normal University、Chief Professor of Language Science Center of Tianjin University、Honorary retirement professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong。Professor Lapov at the University of Pennsylvania,Specializing in Western Linguistics,In 1995, he was a doctorate in the Department of Linguistics of the University of Pennsylvania (University of Pennsylvania)。The current editor -in -chief of the joint editor of the Journal of Chinese Linguistics (JCL ’SSCI) and the joint editor of the" Rhythm Skimmy Research "。Former high -level talent of Beijing Language University (2005)、Associate Professor of East Asia at the University of Kansas,Professor of Chinese Applied Discipline and Director of the Chinese Department of East Asia at Harvard University。The research direction includes the study of Qianjia "Li Bi" and Zhang Huang Xueshi、Training 诂、Rhythm and Skills、Gravity Grammar、Chinese Lirest Sentence Law、History of Chinese rhythm literature and Chinese two -language teaching and acquisition。Published 15 Chinese Academic Monaste (4 of which were translated as English、Korean, etc.)、English academic monograph 2,Editor -in -chief academic works 16,Published more than 200 Chinese and English academic papers。



Attachment"Brief Reading Northwest" Workshop has held a catalog

No. 1Issue 1 Zhang Defang: Jane Xue and Northwest Han Jane (Thursday, November 18, 2021)

No. 1Issue 3 Zhang Xiancheng: Jane's research must be good at the comprehensive use of multidisciplinary knowledge -take the northwest Hanjian reading as an example (Friday, November 26, 2021)

No. 14 Issue Cao Jianguo: Mistake、New editor is still a clear device -some thinking about An Da's "Poetry" (Tuesday, December 28, 2021)

No. 1Issue 5 Hu Pingsheng: Introduction to Jane Cherite (Thursday, May 12, 2022)

No. 1Issue 6 Liu Zhao: Han Jian's "Sword Sword" supplement theory (June 16, 2022 Thursday)

No. 1Issue 7 Hong Shuai: Thirty -year Research Overview of the Hangquan Han Jian    Duan Li: "Xuanquan Han Jian (1)" Study (1) (1) (1 on June 18, 2022)

No. 18 Issue Shao Yonghai: Peking University Hanjie "Anti -Nu" Word Examination (Thursday, June 23, 2022)

No. 1Issue 9 Hong Shuai: The composite word durable structural mutation said  Duan Li: "Xuanquan Han Jane (One)" Study (2) (2) (Sunday, June 26, 2022)

No. 1Issue 10 Zhang Junmin: The study and reflection of the formation of Han Jian in the suspension (Thursday, June 30, 2022)



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