In order to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions on 188bet free betting workDiscussion and General Secretary Xi Jinping celebrating the establishment of the Communist 188bet free betting League of China100Important spirit at the annual meeting,Further enhance the cohesion of grassroots 188bet free betting organizations and better inspireEach 188bet free betting in the collegeThe enthusiasm, creativity and initiative of the Youth League organization, College of 188bet free betting Arts188bet free betting Committee于6月19Day in10B409Conference room held2022The "Vitality League Branch" 188bet free betting activity.College 188bet free betting CommitteeCounselors Tian Jiyun, Yang Jingtong, Kang Yayun, He QianTeacherServing as a judge,2019-2021level undergraduate member representativeParticipate and review。
Participated in this "Vitality League Branch" 188bet free betting7Surrounded by class and 188bet free betting league branchesIdeological and political guidance, 188bet free betting learning and development, basic league affairs work,Creation ideas and featuresProceed in other aspectsReport,Key pointsTellThe 188bet free betting League branch’s “Three Meetings, Two Systems and One Lesson” were launched,Theme group day activities,188bet free betting study, league member recommendation to join the party, branch characteristics and collective honors. BranchesFull display188bet free betting members are youthful and passionate,Enterprising spirit, effectively demonstrating the youthful 188bet free betting of the class branch。
During the defense process, the judges and teachers asked questions about the content and development status of each 188bet free betting’s reportproposedOpinionsSuggestion, sufficientAffirm the positive role of the construction and development of the 188bet free betting League branches of each class, point out the shortcomings in the development and construction of the 188bet free betting League branches, hope各The 188bet free betting League branch uses fuller enthusiasm, more novel methods, and more advanced ideas to strengthen the leading role of the 188bet free betting League organization, further unite to serve young people and play a leading role.
After the judges and teachersStudents on siteScoring and 188bet free betting,2019级Chinese Language Literature1班Group 188bet free betting、2019级Chinese Language Literature3班League 188bet free betting RongWon first prize,2020Level Secretary学班Group 188bet free betting、2019级Chinese Language Literature4班League 188bet free betting RongWon the second prize,2020级Chinese Language Literature2班Group 188bet free betting、2021级Chinese Language Literature1班Group 188bet free betting、2021级Chinese Language Literature4班League 188bet free betting Rongwon the third prize.2019Level Chinese Language and Literature1The class and 188bet free betting league branch will continue to represent the collegeParticipateSchool -level &188bet free betting;188bet free betting Group Branch”188bet free betting and creation。