To continue doing well2022Promotion of the “188bet free betting and Entrepreneurship Ability Improvement Plan” project for students,5月30Day, 188bet free betting of Liberal Arts10B409Conference room held“188bet free betting and Entrepreneurship Capacity Improvement Plan”188bet free betting188bet free betting examination defense meeting.188bet free betting of Liberal ArtsDing Hongwu, Hong Shuai, Yang Tianhao, Cui Guoqing, Liu Zhigang, Tian Jiyun6位The teacher serves as the 188bet free betting reviewer.
Total number of projects for this 188bet free betting defense12items, including 188bet free betting and entrepreneurship5item, 188bet free betting research category7Item. The project respondent elaborated on the 188bet free betting development of the project in terms of project progress, specific completion status, project adjustments and changes, project deficiencies, and later project plans。The judges asked questions, commented and provided guidance one by one based on the significance of the topic selection, presentation of results and standardization of 188bet free betting writing. They fully affirmed the efforts and achievements of each 188bet free betting in the research process, and pointed out the 188bet free betting problems and shortcomings in the process, and put forward valuable suggestions for revision.
Teacher Ding Hongwu pointed out in the comments, Pay attention to writing 188bet free betting booksSpecification性,Follow academic requirements, 188bet free betting research must be rigorous and detailed, and more refinements must be made on concept definitions and core vocabulary。AlsoI appreciate the efforts of all students and hopeBased on teachers’ suggestionsContinue to improve and improve188bet free betting,Be positiveContact me proactivelyInstructor, promotion188bet free bettingReportAnd the results of the 188bet free bettingCompleteness andNormative。
Teacher Hong Shuai fully commentedYes了Each 188bet free bettingAcquiredPhasesThe result is also correct188bet free betting UtilizationNew videos, public accounts, WeChat mini programs, etc.Methods of media promotionAffirm it,And encourage students to continue working hard. It is recommended that students pay attention to the collection, organization and research of materials, polish the format and layout of the paper, make it smaller and more detailed, and obtain richer results.
Final passReview TeamTeacherDiscuss and decide based on the project 188bet free betting situation,12All projects passed the 188bet free betting defense inspection, including project research2The 188bet free betting was rated as excellent, innovative and entrepreneurial4Item was rated as excellent. This defense meeting is to inspect the 188bet free betting of Liberal Arts2022年Student“188bet free betting and Entrepreneurship Capacity Improvement Plan”188bet free betting'sImplementationProcess and 188bet free betting results achieved to help students further analyze and solve188bet free betting practice promotion process, further improved188bet free betting and Entrepreneurship188bet free bettingandQuality.