Since the 18th 188bet sportsbook review Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions many times,Emphasis on“Promote the national common 188bet sportsbook review and written language,Strive to cultivate builders and successors of the socialist cause who love the party and the country”,“We must improve all types of education at all levels in ethnic minority areas,Comprehensively strengthen 188bet sportsbook review common language education”。This points out the direction for the 188bet sportsbook review and popularization of the national common spoken and written language in the new era,Proposed higher goals and requirements。
Gansu is a multi-ethnic province located in the northwest,In recent decades,We have achieved gratifying results in the 188bet sportsbook review, popularization and teaching of the national common spoken and written language,But in the vast urban and rural areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities,Especially in the rural revitalization strategy,How to play the role of universal language,There is still much work to be done,There are also a series of new issues that require in-depth discussion in theory and practice。For this,School of Liberal Arts, Northwest Normal University to be held“188bet sportsbook review and popularization of national common spoken and written language in the new era and preparation of related teaching materials”Advanced 188bet sportsbook review to conduct academic discussions on related issues.
一, 188bet sportsbook review topic
This 188bet sportsbook review plans to set the following five topics,But not limited to the following questions。
1.Research on the history of the 188bet sportsbook review and popularization of the national common spoken and written language
2.Language resources serve rural revitalization strategy and research on common prosperity
3.Research on the pronunciation and wording standards of place names
4. Preschool education and compulsory education in ethnic minority areasSurvey and study on the use of national common 188bet sportsbook review and written languages during the stage of development
5. Ethnic areasPromote and popularize the research on the teaching of 188bet sportsbook review common language and the preparation of related teaching materials
2. 188bet sportsbook review planning time, location, fee
1.Drafting time:2022year6month16—18日
2.Place: College of Liberal Arts, Northwest Normal University
3.Expenses: Transportation, food and accommodation are at your own expense, other expenses will be borne by the conference
三、188bet sportsbook review solicitation requirements
Scholars engaged in national common language and teaching research from various schools at all levels in our province and full-time staff of language committees at all levels who participated in the 188bet sportsbook review,Need to submit the abstract or full text of the paper,The requirements are as follows:
1.The abstract includes the paper title, content, and keywords
2.Abstract word count: Chinese no more than600words
3.The abstract must not contain figures and tables, and the keywords must not exceed5number
4.Abstract and paper format refer to the requirements of the magazine "Language Application"
Please send papers or abstracts to。Submission deadline2022year6month5On the day of 13847_13867
Contact: Teacher Liu Zhigang17339910684 Teacher Zhu Shengyin13919810814
Organizer:School of Liberal Arts, Northwest Normal University