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Publisher: College of 188bet 2Release time: 2022-05-25Views:1153

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions many times,EmphasizedPromoting the country's common 188bet words,Efforts to cultivate the socialist business builders and successors who love the party and patriotEducation at all levels at all levels in the ethnic area,Comprehensively strengthen the national general 188bet and text education。This indicates the direction of the promotion and popularization of the country's common 188bet in the new era,Metaid higher goals and requirements。

Gansu is a multi -ethnic province located in the northwest,188bet apkIn recent decades,Grand achievements in the promotion and popularization of the country's common language and teaching,But in the residential area of ​​the majority of urban and rural areas and ethnic minorities,Especially in terms of rural revitalization strategies,How to play the role of universal language,There are many jobs that need to be carried out,At the same time, there is a series of new problems that urgently need to discuss in -depth theoretical and practical aspects。For this,The School of Literature, Northwest Normal University intends to holdNew Era National General 188bet Promotion and Population and Related Textbook WritingAdvanced forums, start academic discussions on related issues.

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This forum plans to set the following five topics,but not limited to the following problems。

1.Study on the History of the Popularization of the 188bet appPromotion of the National General Language

2.188bet Resources Services Rural Revitalization Strategy and Common Wealth Research

3.Study on the norm of pronunciation and use of place names

4. Preschool education, compulsory educationDuring the State of the National General 188bet and Text Research Research

5. National areaPromotion and popularization of national 188bet teaching research and related textbook writing


1.Drawing time:2022Year6month16- 18Day

2.Location: School of 188bet , Northwest Normal University

3.Cost: transportation, accommodation, and other expense meetings be undertaken

3,Forum request requirements

The scholars who participated in the forum at all levels in our province engaged in national 188bet and teaching research and full -time staff at all levels,You need to submit the paper abstract or full text,Requirements are as follows:

1.Abstract 188bet appincludes thesis topics, content, keywords

2.Abstract Words: Chinese does not exceed600Word

3.Abstract must not include charts, keywords do not exceed5individual

4.Abstract and the format of the paper refer to the requirements of the "188bet and Text Application" magazine

Thesis or abstract, please send it to the mailbox:Atgjtyyywzi@163.comSubmission deadline2022Year6month5On the day, after the expert group is reviewed, the official invitation letter is issued.

Contact: Teacher Liu Zhigang17339910684 Teacher Zhu Shengyin13919810814

organizer: School of 188bet , Northwest Normal University

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