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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2022-05-16Views:517

To celebrate our school120Anniversary Celebration,Show the students of the School of Literature for positive upward、Vibrant、The spiritual style of comprehensive development,5month12On the afternoon, the School of Literature "Today has 188bet appyou" campus singer contest is here10BuildingDThe lecture hall on the fourth floor of the district was successfully held.

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188bet appThere is a total of this competition15Famous players participate,Comments by the Teacher Teacher Teacher and Student Judge of the School of Literature,Selected the top five players to participate in the school -level rematch。Contestants Chinese songs、Cantonese song、English songs are played,Is it or publicized or implicit,Or excited or affectionate way,Powering power with singing,Bring joy with music,Show youth sparks that are unique to the students of the Normal University。

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Counselor He Qian commented: "This game shows the unique style of college students,Reflecting the versatile and youthful style of the students of the School of Literature,It also reflects the vivid practice 188bet apkof the comprehensive development of students under the concept of ‘Five Education”。”

Teacher Yang Jinzheng commented: "There are fewer entertainment activities during the epidemic sealing school,Students are more depressed emotion,This game brought space to the students emotional release,Very high participation,Very good expression。"at the same time,Teacher Yang praised some students in the transfers、Advantages of treble,pointed out that students may cause problems such as tension,But this is also another charm sung on the spot,The overall completion of the song is very good。Hope students can establish a big ideal,Really make music warm people,Emoticon the melody。

The successful holding of the "I have 188bet appyou" campus singer contest has given full excavation of students' potential in the art field,Show the youthful style of young students,Promoting students' personality development,Improving students' singing performances and artistic performance ability,Young students discover beauty in the wonderful campus activities、Experience beauty、Perceive beauty,Exercise the aesthetic ability and improve the aesthetic literacy。

Correspondent: Liu Ziyi