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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2022-03-17Views:13359

According to the Ministry of Education and Northwest Normal UniversityPolicy requirements for graduate enrollment in 2022,and our college academic master's degree enrollment plan 188bet app downloadto apply for candidates,It will receive some academic master's degree adjustment candidates,Welcome candidates to register for adjustment。

188bet app downloadI want to receive the adjustment professional

Literature and Art (050101)

Linguistics and Application Linguistics (050102)

Chinese Language Text (050103)

Chinese Classical Literature (050104)

Ancient Chinese Literature (050105)

Chinese modern and contemporary literature (050106)

Comparison Literature and World Literature (050108)

two,Targets conditions

1. Compliance with the adjustment policy stipulated by the Ministry of Education、Northwest Normal University 188bet apk2022 Master's graduate enrollment related policies are required to be transferred to the professional application conditions;

2.The initial test score is in line with national academic master's degree studentsb Dinguction line requirements;

3. The transfer of majors to the first volunteer application is the same or similar

3,Adjustment program

Strictly follow the Ministry of Education and Northwest Normal University188bet apk2022 Master's graduate Admissions Related Policies,Adjust candidates, please log in to China Graduate Admissions Information Network (website: https://yz.chsi.com.cn/),Apply for adjustment as required。

Four,Contact information

Contact: Teacher Zhang  


Net  Address: HTPS://wxy.nwnu.edu.cn

Post  Box:593280974@qq.com

Di  Address: Teaching Building B, No. 10, No. 10, Anning East Road, Anning District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province


                                       School of Literature, Northwest Normal University

                                          March 1, 20226Day


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