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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2021-12-23Views:1754

Zhu Qingzhi, male,1956New Year's Eve,Jiangsu Yixing people。The current professor of Chinese language lectures at the Department of Chinese Language, the University of Education of Hong Kong,"Jiang Zhen's Chinese Language Lecture Professor",Director of the Chinese Language and Chinese Education Research Center。

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Zhu Qingzhi1972After graduating from high school, he has been cut and worked as a worker.1978In the spring of the spring, admitted to the Chinese Department of the Chinese Department of Gansu Normal University for study,1982Years1Graduated from the second score of the class to stay in school with the second score of the class,Teach "Modern Chinese" in the Correspondence Department。1983Annual admission to the postgraduate of working masters,Learn ancient Chinese from Professor Peng Duo。After Mr. Peng died of illness,Transfer to the Institute of History and Literature, Huazhong Normal University,Continue to study under the guidance of Professor Zhang Shunhui。1986Years6Graduation of the month,Get a master's degree in history。Invited 188bet app downloadby Professor Guo Jinlian,Return to work at the Institute of Alma Mater,Ren lecturer。1987Years9Monthly admitted to a doctoral student in Chinese history in the Chinese Department of Sichuan University,Under the guidance of Professor Zhang Yongyan,History of Chinese vocabulary in ancient Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures as the main corpus。During the period,Yu1990Years2Month to6Monthly at the Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit Research of the South Asian Research Institute of Peking University and Dr. Duan Qing, Sanskrit。1990Years7Monthly graduated from the Chinese Department to teach to1998Year. During the period, Yu1992Nianhe1994The year has been promoted to associate professors and professors.1992Years6Yuegong sent to the University of Delhi, India to study Sanskrit and Buddhism for one year,1994Years1from the month, at"U.S. -China Academic Exchange Committee" funding,Going to the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Pennsylvania,The Department of Asia and the Middle East in the schoolVictor H. MailProfessor is engaged in research for one and a half years.1995Annual replacement of Professor Zhang Yongyan as the director of the Institute of Chinese History of Sichuan University,Enjoy the State Council special allowance,1997year as a doctoral tutor.1998Years9Monthly transfer to the Chinese Department of Peking University,Professor of Ancient Chinese Teaching and Research Office,Doctoral mentor。1999Years10Month to2002Years1month,Part -time Deputy Minister of Academic Affairs of Peking University,Drastic undergraduate teaching work。2000Years6Month to10month,Invitation from Professor He Mo,Go to the University of Oslo, Norway, as a visiting professor。2002Years1Month to2003Years1month, he is a foreign professor at the Chinese Department of the University of Foreign Languages ​​in South Korea.2003Years10Month to2008Years5month,Part -time deputy director of the Chinese Department of Peking University、Deputy Director of the Academic Committee,主。2004Since the beginning of the year, he also served as the executive director of the Peking University 188bet loginYuanpei Management Committee,Experimental Class of the Yuanpei Program in charge,2007Nian Yuanpei College was established as the first dean,2005Years of the National Literature Research Base Peking University Chinese Linguistics Research Center deputy director。2008In the first half of the year, he served as a visiting professor at the University of Singapore.2008Annual review as a second -level professor.2009Years1Monthly leave to Hong Kong to serve as a Chinese language lecture professor in Hong Kong Education Institute,7From the month of month, he also serves as the director of the Department of Chinese Department,2012Year to2016Director of the Department of Chinese Language and Linguistics, the Chinese University of Education, who is also upgraded,,During the period,Yu2014officially departed from Peking University in the year.2013At any year"Jiang Zhen's Chinese Language Lecture Professor",2019Since the beginning of the year, he also served as the director of the Chinese Language and Chinese Education Research Center of Hong Kong Education University。

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2012YearsinChinese University of Hong KongThe organizedbilingual and comparative languageLearningResearchInternationalAt the academic seminarand famousLinguist Rapov group photo

In academic aspect,Zhu Qingzhi's long -term engaged in the research of Indian Buddhism's influence on Chinese and Han culture in China,I advocate the Chinese history research value of ancient Chinese and Buddhist literature from the dual perspective of historical linguistics and contact linguistics,Proposal based on the Vatican -based survey"Buddhist Chinese" research,It is a pioneer in the field of "Buddhist Chinese Research"、Leaders and long -term practitioners。His doctoral dissertation "Research on Buddhism and Middle -aged Chinese Vocabulary" is the earliest Chinese -based vocabulary research monograph made by the Chinese Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures as the core corpus,1995I won the second prize of the first National Humanities and Social Science Research Achievement Award for the first National Humanities and Social Science Research Achievement Award。This award is the first national national award since the founding of the People's Republic 188bet appof China,Zhu Qingzhi is one of the youngest winners。In addition,Thesis "Act it on the effects of the translation of Buddhist scriptures on the development of the vocabulary in ancient Chinese",Won the third national youth outstanding social science achievement award for the first national youthful social science achievement award,It is also the only winner from the linguistic world。

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During work at Sichuan University,Zhu Qingzhi under the leadership of Professor Zhang YongyanThe establishment of the "Middle Chinese Research" discipline has done a lot of work,Founded "Research on Chinese History Research",Encouraging Middle Chinese Studies that combine micro and macro macro,and organized the "first academic seminar of the first Chinese history research" (Sichuan University,1997year). After being transferred to Peking University, I founded it again"The First Ancient Chinese Research International Academic Symposium" (Peking University,2000year).2005Years,Under the leadership of Professor Jiang Shaoyu,The project report of the ancient Chinese teaching and research room "The New Exploitation of Ancient Chinese Series Curriculum" by Zhu Qingzhi's participation and written by Zhu Qingzhi,Won the first prize of the 5th National Teaching Achievement of Higher Education。

In terms of social services,Zhu Qingzhi has presided over the Chinese History Research Institute of the National Key Discipline of Chinese History,Under the leadership of Professor Zhang YongyanThe establishment of the "Middle Chinese Research" discipline has done a lot of work。When serving as Deputy Minister of Academic Affairs at Peking University,Planning and specific leadership undergraduate education reform with general education as the main characteristics。The main content of this reform includes broaden the foundation、Delinement professional、The school system is changed to a credit system、Free selection and free selection of professional,Establishing a general education elective course (selected class)。Not only deeply affects the undergraduate education concept and management mode of Peking University,It also had a huge impact 188bet app downloadoutside Peking University。An internationally renowned academic journal published on August 31, 2001Science("Science") magazine (Vol. 293 No. 5535 PP. 1615-1616).,Introducing the significance of this reform and the role of Zhu Qingzhi。His work summary report "From the experimental class to Yuanpei College -Peking University undergraduate training mode and management system reform,Won the first prize of the National Excellent Teaching Achievements of the Ministry of Education in 2009。In addition,During the director of scientific research and graduate education of the deputy department of the Chinese Department of Peking University,Professor Zhu Qingzhi is responsible for implementing an anonymous review system for doctoral degree papers,The improvement of doctoral training systems for doctoral students in Peking University and even other universities in the country has had an important impact。He wrote a summary of the Chinese Department of Peking University "Establishing a Strict Doctoral Education Management System,Create the best academic reserve talent "project,Won the second prize of the 5th National Higher Education National Teaching Achievement in 2005。Zhu Qingzhi has also served as deputy director of the Chinese Teaching Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education for two sessions。As the introduction of talents,Zhu Qingzhi participated in the whole process of the former Hong Kong Education Institute upgraded to Hong Kong Education University,2012Year to2016Director of the newly formed founding of the Department of Chinese Linguistics of Hong Kong Education University,Also2018The founding director of the Chinese Language and Chinese Education Research Center formed formed by the year formed by the Hong Kong Education University。

2013Years, Zhu Qingzhi participated in IndiaKumoroshMemorial Conference