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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2021-12-23Views:3055

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Jie Zhixi,Born in an peasant family in Huan County, Gansu Province in October 1961。I studied undergraduate at the Chinese Department of Northwest 188betNormal University in March 1978,Graduated in January 1982,Bachelor of Literature。In September 1983, he was admitted to the Chinese Department of Henan University to study for a master's degree,Graduated in July 1986,In September 1986, he was admitted to the Chinese Department of Peking University for a PhD,Graduated in January 1990。January 1982 to July 1983,Teacher Ren Yuwen in Huanxian No. 1 Middle School。In January 1992, he served as a professor at the School of Arts of Henan University,From March 2000 to the present, he has been a professor at the School of Humanities of Tsinghua University。

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188betTeaching and research engaged in Chinese modern and contemporary literature。By the "StubbornnessExistentialism and Chinese Modern Literature "" Beauty's partial toChinese Modern Aesthetic -Decadeist Literature Surgery Study "" Modern and ModernA practical analysis of modern Chinese literature "" Caowen narrative recordsReading of Chinese Modern Literature and Literature School "" Poems and True of the History of LiteratureReading of Chinese Modern Literature and Literature School ""-The Reading Draft of Modern Literature and Literature of China。I have won the government allowance of the State Council、Cross -century academic and technical 188betleaders、Tsinghua University Academic Newcomer Award, etc.,Won twice won the "Literary Review" Excellent Paper Award、Won three times to win the award of outstanding achievement awards of Humanities and Social Science Research in Chinese universities。

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