

Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2021-12-13Views:474

I. Project Number2021120102

2. Project name: "Chinese Student Classic Reading · Lao Tzu New Reading", "Chinese Classic Reading · Shangjunshu New Read"

3, winning (transaction) information

Supplier name:Gansu CulturePressLimited Liability Company

Supplier Address:Caojiaxiang, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu ProvinceNo. 1 Northwest Book City No. 1804

Winning (transaction) amount:120,000 yuan

Four, the main target information(Service]

Name: "New Reading of Chinese Studies· Lao Tzu's New Reading "" Classic Reading of Chinese Studies · Shangjun Book New Read "

Service range:Editorial Publishing

Service Requirements:Pacific, publish on schedule

Service Time:Completed in June 2023

Service Standards: Academic works publication

V. List of reviewers:

Guo Lingyuan, Liu Qiuzhi, Longyu

6. Announcement period

From the date of the announcement of this announcement3working days.

Seven,Ask for the content of this announcement,Please contact the following ways。

Project Contact:Ma Shinian

Electric  Talk:13919862371

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