188bet online casino Yaping, male,Born in 1958,People from Wushan, Gansu。1980 to 1984,Studying in the 188bet online casino Department of Northwest Normal University,Bachelor of Arts degree。Graduated from the 188bet online casino Department of Fudan University in 1993,Master of Arts。Currently a professor at the School of Literature and Journalism, Ocean University of China,Leader in the discipline of 188bet online casino linguistics。Part-time Distinguished Professor of Qingdao Socialist College,Director of the 188bet online casino Character Society,President of Qingdao Linguistics Society,Specially appointed expert of Qingdao City’s Literature, History, Philosophy and Foundation Project,Teaching Supervision of Ocean University of China。
Professor 188bet online casino Yaping has30 years of college work experience,Formerly undergraduate students、Graduate student、More than 10 courses are offered to foreign students such as "Ancient 188bet online casino", "Phonetic Exegesis", "188bet online casino History", "General Script Studies", "188bet online casino Character Civilization", and "Annotation"。Since 2016,As a responsible professor,Formed a curriculum team to offer Ocean University of China’s first school-level core general course "188bet online casino Cultural Tradition",Very popular among students。Have concurrently served as administrative staff at the School of Literature and Journalism, Ocean University of China for many years,Accumulated rich experience in subject construction。
Mainly engaged in exegetical annotation、General philology theory and comparative philology research,Published papers in journals such as "Language Research" and "188bet online casino Studies"More than 50 articles,Published 8 academic works such as "Chinese Character Semiotics", "General Character Research", "Character and Civilization Research",Won 5 provincial and municipal academic awards,Presided over 1 national social science late-stage funded project。While in office,Being invited to participate in international academic activities many times and giving keynote reports at conferences。188bet online casino Yaping is the initiator of the concept of "broad philology",With German scholar Bai Ruisi、"General Text Research" edited by Wang Xiaobing is the first work in this field,The "Words and Civilization" translation series (first volume) planned and edited by has been published,"Words and Civilization Translation Series" is published in the Commercial Press edition,The "Introduction to the Words of Holy Books" in the translation series has been printed several times in two or three years,Translated works such as "The Origin of Words" and "Religion and Cultural Memory" were included in the "Chinese Translation of World Academic Masterpieces Series" by The Commercial Press。The latest "Yu Jian" produced by CCTV4 channelžCivilization”Large variety show,Recruit Professor 188bet online casino Yaping as an academic consultant in the field of "Western Civilization and Writing"。