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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2021-12-02Views:1283

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Huang Yaping, male,Born in 1958,Gansu Wushan people。1980 to 1984,Study at the Chinese Department of Northwest Normal University,Bachelor of Literature。Graduated from Fudan University in 1993 at the Department of Chinese Department of Fudan University,Master of Literature。At the professor of the School of Literature and News and Communication of Ocean University of China,Discipline of Chinese Language and Fudge。Part -time professor of specially appointed professors of Qingdao Socialist College,Director of Chinese Culture Society,President of the Qingdao Language Society,Qingdao Cultural History 188bet appZheqiang base project special expert,Teaching supervision of Ocean University of China。

Professor Huang Yaping30 years of college work experience,I am undergraduate、Graduate、Students opened more than 10 courses such as "Ancient Chinese", "Text Training 诂", "Chinese History", "Broadwriting Study", "Chinese Character Civilization", "Notes"。Since 2016,As a professor of responsibility,Establishing a course team opened the first core general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general communication class,Welcome to students。He has served as the administrative work of the School of Literature and News and Communication for many years of the School of Literature and Press and Communication of China,I have accumulated rich experience in discipline construction。

Mainly engaged in trainer notes、Study on the theory and comparative 188bet loginliterature of general text,Published in publications such as "Language Research" and "Language Research"More than 50 articles,Published "Chinese character symbolics", "Broadwriting Research", "Research on Text and Civilization" and other academic works 8,5 items of various academic rewards at the provincial and municipal level,Prested 1 item of the National Social Sciences Funding Project。During the job,Many times invited to participate in international academic activities and make the theme report at the conference。Huang Yaping is the advocate of the concept of "broad text science",With German scholar Brees、The "Broadwitch Research" edited by Wang Xiaobing is the work of the field of this field,Planning and serving as the editor -in -chief "text and civilization" translation (first series) has been released,"Text and Civilization Translation 188betCluster" is released on the business printing library version,The "Introduction to the Holy Book Character in the Translation" has been repeatedly printed multiple times in two or three years,"Origin of Text", "Religious and Cultural Memory" and other translations were included in the "Chinese Translation World Academic Famous Book"。CCTV CCTV4 Channel's latest "LearningžCivilization"" Large variety show,Hire Professor Huang Yaping for academic consultants for "Western Civilization and Text"。

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