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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2021-11-25Views:1335

2018Level,2019Grade Chinese Language and Literature Major Class:

In order to thoroughly implement and implement the "Northwest Normal University First -class Undergraduate Education Construction Action Plan", "Northwest Normal University New Normal University Innovation Action Plan" and other document spirit and related requirements,Further promotion of Chinese language and literature majors in the training reform and normal professional certification work,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of education internships of students in Chinese language and literature、Activity and creativity,Fully display Chinese language and literature major2018The results of the education internship of teachers' education,View Chinese Language and Literature Major2019Grade Normal students from the effectiveness of teacher skills training,Comprehensively improve the professional core literacy and employment competitiveness of Chinese language and literature professional teachers,188bet app downloadAccording to the school "About Holding2022Notice of Teaching Competition of Normal Graduates ",The college decides to hold2021Year of Chinese Language and Literature Teachers Teaching Skills Competition。Notify the relevant matters as follows:

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The contest is "Lide Shuren as the fundamental task,Promoting 'New Teachers' Education Innovation "as the theme,Active adapting to the National "Implementation Measures for the Certification of Teachers Professional for General Universities (Interim)", "Teacher Professional Standards (Trial)", "Teacher Education Curriculum Standards (Trial)" requirements for teachers,Timely summing up Chinese language and literature majors from the ability to train training and education internship,Test the results of the education reform of teachers,"Scholars、Nourishing Teacher Morality、Chuan Shi Soul "is the main line,Adhering to the "foundation of Chinese studies、Humanistic feelings、Cultural Innovation、Value Leading "running philosophy,Promote the "Excellent Teacher" training plan,Focus on improving the professional ability and Chinese core literacy of teachers,Improve the training quality of teachers,Cultivation "Ink in the abdomen、There is ambitions in the chest、Someone in the eyes、Love in my heart、Shoulder blame、There are art in your hands "Chinese" six You "talents。

2. Participating objects and activities

(1) Participating objects

College of Literature2018Level,2019Level Chinese Language and Literature majors.

(2) Activity form

The preliminary class of the competition class、Hospital -level rematch、School -level rematch、School -level finals and other stages are performed。Organize the preliminary competition in each class,Recommended excellent players to participate in the college -level rematch。Courtyard -level semi -final grouping,Recommended outstanding players (4Name) Participate in school -level rematch。School -level rematch packets,Recommended excellent players in the Chinese department (5Name) Participate 188bet app downloadin the school -level finals.

3. Event content and time arrangement

(1) Class preliminary competition:11month25Day-11month30Day

 Class preliminary competition to simulate lecturesBoard of Board is the main,Take a lecture at the same time、Teaching Plan Design、Multimedia courseware production、Teaching speech and other forms performed。

 Class preliminary competition in11month29End before the day, and the time is determined. At11month30Before the day, the class summary materials and the list of students participating in the hospital -level rematch (Recommended each shift3People) report to the academic practice department, mailbox3454622068@qq.com

(II) Hospital -level rematch:12month1Day12month3Day

    1.Release group and time

Hospital -level rematch pointsABtwo groups,2018Level contestants areAGroup,2019Level contestants areBGroup.

Hospital -level rematch in12month3The end of the day, then the recommended outstanding players (4name,AGroup participants) participated in the school -level rematch.

 2.Section content

 The content of the rematch is fromTeaching design, multimedia courseware production, lectures, simulation teachingBoard Board, Intern feelings (2019Grade students are improvised lectures)Five single competitions. Total score100points, in which teaching design15points, multimedia courseware production15points, talk about lessons10Simulation Teaching·Board Board50points, internship feelings (improvisation speech)10points. Specific requirements are as follows:

1) Teaching design:Require students to participate in a certain section of a certain unit from the current high school "Language" textbook1TimeTeaching Design,and submit the paper version of the paper before the game。The number of words in teaching design is2000Words around,Can add charts and photos,Textbooks and mys indicated at the same time。Use uniformlyWordFormat,A4Double -sided printing, binding on the left.

2) Multimedia courseware production: I want participating 188bet app downloadstudents to complete multimedia courseware production。Courseware without limit Software and production tools,Unlimited style and form。Encourage participating students to design and produce courseware,You can learn and learn from high -quality teaching resources and courseware,But resolutely eliminate photos and copy photos,Cited graphic materials should be indicated。

3) Speaking:Participating students analyze the content of the teaching of themselves from the textbook、Student analysis、Teaching design and other aspects2-3minutes statement.

4) Simulation teachingBoard BoardAfter the class is over,Then enter the simulation teaching link。Players based on the teaching design made by myself,Use your own courseware,Select at the game siteCore contentSimulation class, limited time10minutes.Simulation Teaching must have a certain amount of chalk tableboard content。Each students can bring themselves10Famous students cooperate with teaching as students,Teaching classroom teaching interaction。

5) Internship feelings (improvisation speech):Simulation after lecture,2018Level students' internship feelings,2019Grade student improvisation speech, limited time3minutes.

Four, commended reward

(1) The competition is rewarded according to the grade group, and the first prize is set up1Name, Second Prize2name, third prize3Name, excellent awards. First prize award RMB1000yuan, the second prize reward RMB800yuan, third prize award RMB600yuan, excellent award reward RMB200yuan,and awarded an honorary certificate to each winning student。If the final parallel situation of the final score occurs,You can increase the reward quota as appropriate。

(2) All the prizes are recommended to the school to participate in the finals in the college skills contest,Students who have won awards in schools and higher -level competitions can apply for the next school -level school -level employment scholarship。

5. Organization leaders

College of College Founding Literature2021New 188bet appYear Chinese Language and Literature Teachers Teaching Skills Competition Leading Group,Responsible for the overall coordination of the entire game。Members of the leadership group are as follows:

GroupLong: Ma Shinian  Zhang Lizhong

Deputy Leader: Li Mingde  Guo Weihua

ChengMember: Wang Yanmo  Qiu Linshan  Tian Jiyun  Wang Wanting  Kang Yayun  Yang Jinzheng

6. The composition of the judge


Leader of the Jury Group: Dong Fenfen

  Member of the judges:Ma Zhengxue (Member of the School Teaching Supervision and Evaluation Committee)、Xu Yan、Lei Liming、Wang Yanmo、Zhou Xiaojuan、Wang Yanmo、Tian Jiyun


Leader of the Jury Group: Qi Ziyang

  Member of the judges:Sun Qiang、雒 Peng、Luo Ligui、Ma Fan Ying、Li Xiaozheng、Qiu Linshan、Wang Wanting

7. Related requirements

 ⒈Each class teacher、The cadres of the class should attach great importance to,Vigorous publicity,Guidance and encouragement2018Level,2019Level students all participate to ensure the participation rate100%Create "Everyone Participation、A good atmosphere of improvement ",Fight for each student to improve from the game、Harvest、With achievements,The purpose of "promoting training with the competition and promoting learning with the competition",Comprehensively improve the skills of teachers and students.

 ⒉College Youth League Committee and Student Union must carefully plan, coordinate arrangements,Organize and work hard to ensure activitiesDeveloped smoothly。The Department of Academic Practice is responsible for planning、Organization; the Propaganda Department is responsible for making banners、Ship Board、Photo and other promotional work; the ideological research room and the Youth Association of the Hospital of Youth League are responsible for the class adjustment and sign -in work。

College of Literature


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