11月14Sunday, held by the 188bet online betting website of Liberal Arts2021年Northwestern Normal UniversityStudents’ “188bet online betting website and Entrepreneurship Ability Improvement Plan”Funded 188bet online betting websiteFinal defense 188bet online betting website, the defense 188bet online betting website will be held through Tencent Conference。188bet online betting website and Entrepreneurship Projects《"Intangible Cultural Heritage"+”Red Culture Workshop》, research projects"Research on "The Book of Songs" from the Perspective of Regional Culture—Focusing on the Northwest Region" and "A Study of Literary Activities in the Northwest Period of Gengyu" in total3组188bet online betting websiteParticipate in the final defense. Faculty of 188bet online betting websiteDing Hongwu、Sun Qiang、Qiu Linshan、Cui GuoqingTeacherServed as the reviewer for this 188bet online betting website委。
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