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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2021-10-25Views:9507

According to "Northwest Normal University" Application-Assessment "Selection of the Implementation Measures for Dr. Graduate Students" (Xi Shifa [2020]139No.)、"Measures for the Practice of Doctor's Degree Work for Full -time Master's degree in Northwest Normal University" (Xi Shifa [2020]140No.),The Academy of Literature combined with the actual situation,Formation of this implementation rules。


(1) Admissions major and direction

050101Literature and Art

01 Literature and Art Theory and criticism

050103Chinese language text

01 Textwork

02 Modern Chinese dialect research

050104Chinese classical literature

01 First Tang Literature Literature

02 Literature and Literature of the Six Dynasties of the Han and Wei Dynasties

050105 Ancient Chinese Literature

01 Pre -Qin two Han literature

02 Literature of Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties

03 Yuan Ming and Qing Literature

050106 Chinese modern and contemporary literature

01 Modern Chinese Literature

02 Chinese Contemporary Literature

(2) Admissions Plan

2022New Year's Academy of LiteratureNumber of doctoral studentsYiNorthwest Normal UniversityGraduate college issuedenrollment quotarefer to.

2. Selection method

2022Year of Doctor's Graduate Admissions adopted"Application-Assessment "Systemand "Shuobo Reading"" "" ""From textCollegeOrganizationAssessment.

3. Selection objects and application conditions

(1) Selected objects

1. "Application-Assessment "System selection object

1) Fresh graduate graduate students who are not employed in full -time employment (referring to the master's degree students,The latest year of admission9month1Recently, I have obtained a master's graduate certificate and a master's degree certificate,The following is called "fresh graduate"),Do not exceed the age when entering school35Bian.

2) Personnel who have obtained a full -time master's degree (the date of the degree certificate issuance certificate is as of the year before the admission12month31Day, the following is called "previous students"), the age does not exceed40Bian.

2.Shuobo Reading Selection Object

The second or third grade full -time unscrupulous graduate students who have completed the prescribed courses,Age does not exceed35The year of age (as of the year of entering Shuobo Lian, the year9month1Day)

(2) Application conditions

1. "Application-Assessment "System Condition Conditions

1) PatrioticLaw abide by the law, the line is correct, compliance with national laws and regulations andSchool rules and regulations, honest and trustworthy, excellent moral quality, good moral education assessment.

2) Excellent academic performance during the semester,Solid professional knowledge foundation,Have strong scientific research ability。

3) The health status of the applicant is in line with the medical examination standard for doctoral students' enrollment。

4) The applicant passed the national university English level 4 (CET-4 ≥ 425points); Participate in other language tests or TOEFL、IELTS and other exams,Refer toCorrespondingExamination standard execution.

5) Master's graduation majorApplicants who apply for a professional,Potential with strong scientific research ability and innovative research,In the past five years,IPublished with the first author1High -level professional academic papers.

6) Applicants for high -level backbone talent programs at ethnic minorities,Except for the school's requirements,In the past five years,IPublished with the first author1professional academic papers.

7) Cross -professional applicant,In the past five years,Get at least one in this professional fieldAcategory achievements (thesis and work can be available). AchievementDeterminationAccording to the latest "Teaching and Research Project of Northwest Normal University、Classification Measures for Achievements。

8Other high -level results that can prove scientific research and foreign language skills,A review and identification of the admissions leadership group of the School of Literature。

2.Shuobo Reading Conditions

1) Good ideological and political performance,Comply with discipline and law; outstanding scientific research ability,With strong scientific research potential; physical and mental health,Physical health status meets the prescribed medical examination requirements。

2) Through national university English level 4 (CET-4 ≥ 425points); Participate in other language tests or TOEFL、IELTS and other exams,Refer toCorrespondingExamination standard execution.

3) During the master's degree, the first author published it publicly1High -level professional academic papers.

4Other high -level results that can prove scientific research and foreign language skills,The college's enrollment leadership group is reviewed and determined。

4. Registration

(1) Registration online

1.Applicants who meet the requirements Yu2022Years1month15Day10:00-3month4Day17:00Former registration(It is recommended that applicants do not submit registration information on the last day of the registration,It will not be enough to prepare supplementary materials when the review is not approved and affect the registration confirmation)and complete the data collection(The collection of data is to be determined),Overdue will not be submitted。Those who have not been submitted or reviewed by the registration information are deemed to be unsuccessful for registration。Fill in and print "Northwest Normal University after successful online registration2022Nian Dr. Graduate Application Registration Form(Below "" Registration Form ")

No registration as required、Online report information 188bet apkerror filling、Fill or report false information and cause it to be unable to pass information review、Qualification review、Evaluation or admission,The consequences are borne by the applicant himself。

(2) Submit material

1. "Application-Assessment "applicant Yu2022Years4month1Recently (send it& lt;Send& gt;When the time is prevailing), send (send) materials to the college in the following order (sending) materials (the mailing person is recommended to useEMSor SF Express,Address: Anning East Road, Anning District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province967School of Literature, Northwest Normal University,ZhangTeacher received, postcode:730070, Tel: 0931-7971831

1) "Application Registration Form"1(Double -sided printing, applicant signature, personnel& lt;Supervisor& gt;Sign signed by the department).

2) The original "Expert Recommendation Book" original(Recommended letter from the professor of this subject or the professor of the discipline or an expert with considerable professional technical titles,2Make all experts1)

3) Copy of a degree certificate。"Master's degree certificate" (except for students)、"Bachelor Degree Certificate"(Except for those without a bachelor's degree)A copy of each1In foreign or overseas universities、Applicants who obtained a degree from higher education institutions submitted to the certification copy issued by the Ministry of Education's Study Service Center。

4) Copy document for academic qualifications。"Master's Graduation Certificate" (except for non -master education educators and students)、"Undergraduate Graduation Certificate" (Except for the Master Reading)、"College Graduation Certificate" (provided by a college degree) copy each1

5) Original certificate of graduates of fresh graduates1(provided by freshmen, chapters of school -level departments).

6) The second -generation resident ID card copies1

7) Original "Ideological and Moral Assessment Form"1

8) Undergraduate degree course transcript and master's degree course transcript (copy,Stuck undergraduate、Exhibition of Graduate Management Department or Organization of Management Department where the applicant is located)。

9) Certificate of proved the level 188bet app downloadof foreign language level.

10) A copy of scientific research results that meet the requirements of the application.

11) Master's Degree Paper (Report on the Passment of the Paper).

12) Dr. Stage Research Plan (including research purpose and meaning,Review of the research status,Research Design,Research theory and method)。

13) Other can prove applicants scientific researchForeign languagelevelandMaterials.

2.Shuobo Reading Applicant is in2022Years4month1Recently, the materials are submitted to the college in the following order.

1) "Application Form for Application Form for Normal University of Northwest Normal University Master Bo Lian University" (The following is referred to as "Shuo Bo Lian Reading Application Form")

2) Two professors of this major(One of the doctoral supervisors who are planning to recruit the student)Recommended letter.

3) Undergraduate degree course transcript and master's degree course transcript (undergraduate、Exhibition of Graduate Management Department)。

4) Copy of ID cards and student cards (provided the original ID and the original student ID when submitting the material)。

5) The original and photocopy of the level 188bet app downloadof foreign language level.

6) A copy of scientific research results that meet the requirements of the application.

7) Master's Degree Thesis (Report on the Opening of Master's Thesis)、Other scientific research achievements and award certificates。

8) Dr. Stage Research Plan (including research purpose and meaning,Review of the research status,Research Design,Research theory and method)。

9) Fill in "Chinese Language and Literature Discipline Doctors 'Ph.D. Students' ideological and political quality and moral assessment form。

11) Other can prove applicants scientific researchand foreign languagelevelandMaterials.

(3) Application material review

1.College preliminary review2022Years4month1Day -4month6Day

After receiving the applicant's 188bet apkApplication materials from the applicant,Examine whether the applicant is in line with the basic application conditions specified in the selection of the School of Literature,The integrity and authenticity of the application materials for the preliminary review,If it does not meet the basic application conditions stipulated in these Measures,Termination of the application procedure。

2.mentor andProfessional assessment teamAudit2022Years4month8Day -4month9Day

After the preliminary examination is qualified, the doctoral supervisor applied for the applicantand a professional assessment team,Combined with the requirements of discipline professional training and the materials of the applicant,Press to the selection groupThe highest1:3Recommended assessment list.

3.College Admissions Work Leading Group Review2022Years4month10Day -4month11Day

College Graduate Admissions Leading Group passes collective research,The final review of the recommended candidates proposed by the mentor or expert group,Determine the assessment list,intextCollege webpage announced.

5. Evaluation2022Years4month15Day -4month18Day

(1) Qualification review before assessment

The college qualified to review the applicant before the assessment。Applicants who participated in the assessment,When participating in the assessment, I must bring the following materials to the college for review at the prescribed timeIf you encounter special circumstances such as the epidemic, let's notify it separately)。

1.Fill in "The Ideological and Political Quality and Moral Evaluation Form for Doctor of Chinese Language and Literature"One -type

2.Master's Graduation Certificate、Original of the degree certificate (the original student provided the original student ID)。

3.Undergraduate Graduation Certificate, Degree Certificate.

4.Original Certificate of Foreign Languages.

5.Original ID card.

6.Scientific research results that meet the requirements of the examination and other proof materials。

7.Applicants' self -report (mainly including the applicant's own political performance、Foreign language level、Business and scientific research capabilities、Dr. Stage Research Plan and other aspects,Requirement productionPPT)。

8.The applicant signed a file to retrieve the commitment.

(2)Professional assessment

Professional assessment team according to Chinese language and literature first -level discipline organization,FromNo less than5bitDoctoral supervisor or professor (of which the bloggers are not less than3People).Evaluation content:

1.188bet apkApplication materials assessment (full score100points, occupying20%)。ProfessionalThe assessment team is based on the 188bet apkApplication materials provided by the applicant,Evaluate and give grades carefully。

2.Comprehensive written test assessment (full score100points, occupying30%). Main assessment and applicationProfessionalRelated basic knowledgeTest applicants' writing ability.

3.Professional interview assessment (full score100points, occupying50%). The main assessment applicantProfessionalBasic Knowledge、Innovation ability、Scientific research potential、Psychological quality and comprehensivePerformanceetc.

1Evaluate the ideological and political quality and morality of the applicant,The main content includes the political attitude of the applicant、Ideological performance、Learning (work) attitude、Moral Quality、Compliance with the law、Honesty, trustworthiness, etc.

2) Applicants are ready10minutesPPT,Introduce personal briefing (including knowledge background and scientific research results),State the Dr. Period Research Plan

3ProfessionalThe assessment team asked questions around relevant professional issues, and fromProfessionalMembers of the assessment team score according to the percentage system,Last calculation average score,As an applicantProfessionalInterviewAssessmentScore.

6. Admission

1.​​Applicants who pass the assessment results,According to the results of the instructor,Admission from the order of high to low; if the instructor enrolls students in multiple directions,If there is no qualified applicant in a certain direction,After the consent of the instructorAllowable to adjust the direction;AppearsThe applicant gives up or enrolls the dynamic adjustment,Replenish admission in accordance with the above rules。

2.Ideological and political morals (including the political attitude of the applicant、Ideological performance、Study or work attitude、Moral Quality、Compliance with laws and minds) and physical and mental health do not make quantitative evaluations,Unqualified those will not be admitted。

3.Material assessment results,ComprehensiveWritten test results,ProfessionalUnqualified interview results (lower than60points) Those who are not admitted.

4.Shuo Bo Lian's reading before admission,All courses specified in the master's degree training plan of this discipline (this major) should be completed。Shuo Bo Lian Reading Student Do not write a master's thesis,The school does not issue a master's degree certificate。Shuo Bo Lian Student Medium -term assessment is not qualified,Should be returned to a master's degree to continue studying or dropping out。

5.Doctoral admission type is unscrupulous, admittedPost -All files must be retrieved.

7. Other matters

Other unwanted matters, "Northwest Normal University2022Relevant requirements in the Admissions of Dr. Graduate Student ""。This implementationDetailsExplanation rightbelongingNorthwest Normal University Chinese Language and Literature PhD degree authorized first -level discipline。

College consultation method:0931-7971831, mailbox:593280974@qq.com

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