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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2021-06-01Views:2264

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Liu Zhigang, male, Longxi, Gansu,198811monthSheng.2013Graduation of the year undergraduateLanzhou University School of Literature and Literature and LiteratureBachelor's degree; Shuo Bo all studied at the Linguistics and Application Linguistics of Literature and Application Linguistics,separately from2016、Get a master's degree and doctoral degree in 2020。2016-2017Working in Longxi County No. 1 Middle School;2020Years7Monthly entered the School of Arts of Northwest Normal University to teach.

[Open Course]

1.Chinese Language Literature: Modern Chinese、Introduction to Linguistics、Social 188bet appLinguistics、discourse and rhetoric、Language contact, etc.。

2.Secretary: Secretary practice, social psychology, sociology.

[Research direction]

Social linguistics, language contact, modern Chinese.

[Scientific research results]

1. Thesis:"New era of national languagePopularization with the Popularization of the National General Language ", published in"Journal of Xinjiang University "(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)2020 Issue 2"The goals and effectiveness of the creation of the text creation of the New China ethnic minorities — Take Tu -e -text inspection as an example,Published in "Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition),2020year No. 1Issue 3, "Literature and Academic Digest of Higher School" CUAA2020year No. 14Reprinted;"The sustainability of Language Poverty Alleviation in the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization 188bet apkStrategy ",Published in the Journal of Shaanxi Normal University (Zhenshe Edition),2020 Issue 2, "Xinhua Digest"2020year No. 117Issue"Exclusive Excerion" selection."SocietyJournal of Science2020YearsApril 30No. (Political Education LawDigest) The third edition selection and pick;"Established New ChinaTuyu and text for 70 yearsResearch achievements and reflection ", published in"Chinese Language Strategy ",2019year No. 1Issue 2 (half -year issue);"Both (Nothing)" word discussion and discussion and discussion of the words,Published in "Tangdu Journal",2015year No. 1III;""Usage" in Longxi Dialects in Gansu ",Published in the Journal of Lanzhou Academy of Arts and Sciences (Social Science Edition),2015year No. 12;"Investigation Research on the Status of Tuyu Tuyu in Tianzhu County, Gansu Province ",Published in "Chinese Language Strategy",2015No. 12;"Symbolization of Language",Published in the Journal of Xi'an Academy of Arts and Sciences (Social Science Edition),2015 Issue 5。

2. Project:Participate in major national social science projects and one provincial project,Participate in the major scientific research and cultivation project of the School of Arts of Shaanxi Normal University,Host completed the completion of Shaanxi Normal University"Doctor Freedom Exploration Project"。Prested a special scientific research project of Northwest Normal University。

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