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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2021-06-01Views:4697

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Liu Zhigang, male, Longxi, Gansu,1988 11Moon Sheng.2013 undergraduate graduated from the Chinese Language Language and Literature of Lanzhou University of Literature,Bachelor's degree; Shuo Bo reads the major of linguistics and applied linguistics at the School of Literature and Literature of Shaanxi Normal University,2016、Get a master's degree and doctoral degree in 2020。Entering the School of Arts of Northwest Normal University in July 2020 Teaching,Now Associate Professor of the School of Literature,Master's tutor。

[Open Course]

"Modern Chinese", "Introduction to Linguistics", "Special Research on Linguistics", "Social Linguistics", "Linguistics"。

[Research direction]

Social Linguistics、Language Policy、Language contact、Modern Chinese。

[Scientific research results]


1) One work. In the context of rural revitalization, the universal language ability and construction of farmers and herdsmen [J].,2022 Issue 4。

2) One work. In the new era, the popularization of national language ability and the popularization of the country's universal language [J].,2020 No. 2 Issue.

3) Two works. The goals and effectiveness of the text creation of ethnic minorities in New China -take Tu -ethnic text inspection as an example [J].,No. 3, 2020。

4) Two works. On the sustainability of language poverty alleviation in the implementation of rural revitalization strategies[j].Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy Social Science Edition), No. 2, 2020.

5) Two works.Confucius Institute 188bet loginLanguage Landscapes' Leading Function Analysis of International learners in Standard Chinese Teaching[j].Journal of New Siberian National University (Social Science Edition),2022Year No.4.

6) One work. The achievements and reflection of the Tu language and text research in the New China in 70 years in the New China [J]. Chinese Language Strategy,2019 No. 2。

7) One work.[j].Chinese language strategy, No. 2, 2015.

8) One work.[j].Tangdu Journal,No. 1, 2015.

9) One work. The usage of "one" in Longxi dialects in Gansu [J].,2015 Issue 2。

10) One works. The symbolization process of language [J].。 


Control.m]. Shaanxi Normal University Press, July 2021.


1) Host 2022 Gansu Province Philosophy and Social Sciences General Project: Research on Qinghai Mutual Dialect in Qinghai Mutual Dialect (2022YB056), under research.

2) Hosted 2021 188bet loginGansu Humanities and Social Science Project "Gansu ProvinceRural areasStudy on the Research on the Revitalization of Rural Rejuvenation in the National General Language Capability"(21zz34), has been assigned.

3) Gansu Provincial Department of Education 2021 Youth Dr. Fund Project "Rural Rural Revitalization Visiting Gansu ProvinceYouth BianStudy on the National General Language Proficiency Construction"(2021QB-023), has been settled.

4) Prested by the special "Language Poverty Alleviation in Rural Revitalization and Cultural Prosperity and Development" (NWNU-SKQN2021-51)。

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