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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2021-04-07Views:4998

188bet app21Year of the Master's Graduate Admissions
Re -examination admission implementation rules



In order to improve the scientific and effectiveness of the re -examination,Promoting the standardization and institutionalization of re -examination,Improving the training and selection mechanism for the cultivation of innovative talents,In "Northwest Normal University2021Annual Master's Admissions Admission Measures for Master's Graduate Students,Combined with the actual situation of our hospital,Formation of this implementation rules。

a,Divided professional enrollment plan and re -examination ratio

Professional code

Professional name

Admissions Plan (including push -free number)

Re -test ratio


Literature and Art


1: 1.2


Linguistics and Application Linguistics


1: 1.2


Chinese language text


1: 1.2


Chinese classical literature


1: 1.2


Ancient Chinese Literature


1: 1.2


Chinese modern and contemporary literature


1: 1.2


Comparison literature and world literature


1: 1.2

Note: During the re -examination process,Schools and colleges will be based on the actual situation of students from various majors,Proper adjustment of the sub -professional enrollment plan。Index adjustment and re -recording rules hold the college admissions leadership group to be announced after the actual situation of the students。

2,Participants in the re -examination

(1) A volunteer candidateFor details, please refer toLink)

(2) inChina Graduate Admissions Information Network (hereinafter referred to as"Research Recruitment Network")Receive and confirmed the adjustment candidate of the re -examination notice of our hospital。

1.Opening time of the adjustment system

Our hospital will carry out several adjustment re -examination according to the actual situation。The opening time of the first batch of adjustment system is3month25Day12: 00 — March 26Day12:00。If necessary, carry out other batches of adjustment,Announcement on the college website in advance。

2. Specific conditions

In line with the school re -examination admission method"Basic Conditions".

3. Candidates who meet the conditions of adjustment can fill in the adjustment application during the opening time of our hospital,Our hospital will select re -examination personnel and send re -examination notifications,Please candidates before the deadline (4within hours) confirmed that we did not confirm that our hospital will cancel the re -examination notice.

3,Re -examination review materials

Candidates shall submit re -examination 188bet appaudit materials in accordance with the requirements,The review materials are in the school re -examination admission methodMaterials required for "Re -examination Qualification Review".

Four,Re -examination assessment content and points

Re -test content includes the following aspects:

1. Written test,Examination form is written test,full scores 100 points;

2. Comprehensive situation interview (professional basic knowledge、Business ability and ideological and political assessment、physical and mental health, etc.);

3. Foreign language listening, speaking level test;

4. The same education、Candidates for cross -disciplinary candidates,Together with two doors,"History of ancient Chinese literature" and "History of Modern Chinese Literature",The form of the test is written for written test,2 hours of test time per subject,Full scores 100 points。

Five,Re -examination time

Specific items



Involved in professional

Qualification review

March 29Day

8: 00-12: 00


Teaching Building No. 10 District B518



Written test for professional courses

March 29Day




Teaching Building No. 10 District B


Literature Introduction and Aesthetics

To be determined


Literature and Art

Introduction to Linguistics

Linguistics and Application Linguistics

Ancient Chinese

Chinese language text

Chinese classical literature

Ancient Chinese Literature

Ancient Chinese Literature

Chinese modern and contemporary literature

Chinese modern and contemporary literature

History of Western Literature

Comparison literature and world literature

Foreign language listening, spoken interview

March 29Day

14: 30-18:00



(10B402Waiting test)


Cross -professional, equivalent academic plus test

March 30Day

19: 00-21: 00



Comprehensive interview

March 30Day

8: 00-18:00

Teaching Building No. 10 District B

(10B201 waiting test)


Teaching Building No. 10 District B


Literature and Art

Teaching Building No. 10 District B


Linguistics and Application Linguistics, Chinese Language Text

Teaching Building No. 10 District B

413 (Office of the Ancient Books)

Chinese classical literature

Teaching Building No. 10 District B


Ancient Chinese Literature (the direction of the two Han Dynasty, the direction of the Wei and Jin dynasties)

Teaching Building No. 10 District B


Comparison literature and world literature

Teaching Building No. 10 District B


Ancient Chinese Literature (Tang, Song, Yuan Ming and Qing Direction)

Teaching Building No. 10 District B


Chinese modern and contemporary literature

6.Request requirements

According to the overall situation of the national epidemic prevention and control and the re -examination requirements of enrollment professional,All majors and directions of our hospital implement offline re -examination。

Candidates must log in to the Graduate School of our school before participating in the re -examination (http://yjsy.nwnu.edu.cn/"Admissions Work" column,View "Guide to the Master's Graduate Admissions of Northwest Normal University",Learn early、Familiar with the relevant policies and qualifications of the major in the major in the recruitment of enrollment and professional catalogs。or log in to the website of our hospital ( ) Learn about re -examination related policies and regulations.

Seven,Admission results calculations

Interview results include comprehensive situation interviews and foreign language hearing、Two parts of oral test,Full division100 points。Among them, the comprehensive situation interview accounted for 70%,Foreign Language Hearing、Oral test accounts for 30%。

The test score is not included in the total admission score, but the results are lower than60 points is not qualified for admission.

Admission Sorting Score Exchange 188bet apkMeasures: Admission Sorting results= Preliminary test score (political score+foreign language score+business class total score ÷ 1.5) ÷ 4 × 0.6+re -examination score (professional written test results+interview score) ÷ 2 × 0.4。

The final admission list is determined in order from high to low according to the admission sorting score,The specific sorting method is: Literature and Art、Linguistics and Application Linguistics, Chinese Language Text、Chinese classical literature、Chinese modern and contemporary literature、Comparison Literature and World Literature and other majors are sorted by second -level disciplines,Ancient Chinese literature according to the pre -Qin, Han Dynasty, Wei, Jin, Northern and Northern Dynasties literature, Tang, Song, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing modern literature, sort。


(1)This implementation rules are in "Northwest Normal University2021Methods of the Enrollment of Master Graduate Admissions "document requirements Formation。Other unsure,Implement in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school。

(2)This rules are as the Ministry of Education、Gansu Provincial Education Examination Institute or the latest policies announced by the school are involved,Ministry of Education、The policies announced by the Gansu Education Examination Institute and the school shall prevail。

(3)Consultation contact information:

College consultation Tel:0931-7971831Cuigq65@nwnu.edu.cn



College of Literature        


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