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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2019-11-29Views:886

2016Level,2017Grade Chinese Language and Literature Major Class:

To fully show our hospital2016The practical results of education and teaching internship at the level of teachers, look at2017Level teacher student skills training effect,Comprehensively improve the teaching skills and employment competitiveness of Chinese language and literature professional teachers,According to the school work arrangement,The college decides to hold2019New Year Chinese Language and Literature Teachers Teaching Skills Competition。Notify the relevant matters as follows:

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The competition is "Gao Normal Education 188bet appBanner,Cultivation of Excellent Human Soul Engineers "as the theme,"Scholars、Raising teacher morality、Chuan Shi Soul "is the main line,Based on the college's "foundation of Chinese studies、Humanistic feelings、Cultural Innovation、Value Leading "running philosophy,Focusing on the Chinese major "ink in the abdomen、There is ambitions in the chest、There is in the eyesobject、Love in my heart、Shoulder blame、Arts in your hands "" Six You "" Talent training goals,Actively adapt to the national "Teacher Professional Standards (Trial)" and "Teacher Education Curriculum Standards (Trial)" for teachers' professional ability,Summarize the professional ability training work and education internship of teachers for teachers,Inspection College Teacher Education Reform Achievement,Comprehensive improvement of the training quality of Chinese language and literature professional teachers。

2. Participating objects and activities

(1) Participating objects

College of Literature2016Level,2017Level Chinese Language and Literature Teachers.

(2) Activity form

The form of activity is teaching competition (from teaching design、Multimedia courseware production、Simulation teaching、Board Board、Inpound speech, etc.)。Each class organizes class preliminary competition,Recommended excellent players to participate in the college -level rematch。

3. Event content and time arrangement

(1) Class preliminary competition:11month29Day12month3Day

The preliminary class of the class is based on simulation lectures,Take a lecture at the same time、Teaching Plan Exhibition、Courseware production、Teaching speech and other forms performed。Each class in12month4Recently reported to the preliminaries of the class and the list of students participating in the college -level rematch (recommended for each class3People).

(II) Hospital -level rematch:12month4Day

1.According to the requirements of the school notice, the college -level rematch will be in12month5End a few days ago, when the college will be based on2016LevelRecommendation of outstanding players to participate in school -level competitions(School -level competitions for graduate teaching skills contest,2017Levels do not participate in school -level recommendations

2.Section content

The content of the rematch is designed by the lesson plan、Courseware production、Speaking、Simulation teaching、Ji Yin Speech2016Grade students talk about internship harvestFive single competitions. The total score of the game is100points, of which the design plan design occupies1520554_2056215points, talk about the lesson10Points, simulate lectures·Board Board Occupation50points, improvisation speeches occupy10points. Specific requirements are as follows:

1) Teaching plan design:Require students to participate in a certain section of a certain section of a certain section of a certain section in the current high school "Language" textbook1Teaching design of the school time,and submit it before the game。The number of words in the lesson plans is2000Words around,can be added with charts and photos,At the same time, the textbooks used and their average。Uniform use of teaching plansWordFormat,A4Paper double -sided printing, binding on the left.

2) Courseware production: Completed by the students before the competition。188bet app downloadParticipating in the courseware unrestricted software and production tools,Unlimited style and form。Courseware teaching content50%above should be original,The graphic materials referenced by the courseware should indicate the source。

3) Speaking:Participating students analyze the content of the teaching of themselves from the textbook、Student analysis、Teaching design and other aspects2-3minutes statement.

4) Simulation teachingPinerns:After the class is over,Then enter the simulation teaching link。Players based on the teaching design made by myself,Use your own courseware,Choose in the classroomCore contentSimulation class, limited time10minutes.Simulation Teaching requires a certain amount of chalk plate content。Each students comes with their own10Famous students as listeners,Participating students interact with them。

5) Improvement speech:Simulation after lecture,The player gave an impromptu speech based on the topic,Limited time3minutes.

Four, commended reward

(1) ContestAccording to grade componentsLet the first prize1Name, Second Prize2name, third prize3Name, Excellent AwardSeveralName. First prize award RMB1000yuan, the second prize reward RMB800yuan, third prize award RMB600200yuan,and issue a certificate to each winning student。If there is a final parallel situation in the same score,You can increase the reward quota as appropriate。

(2) Students who awarded in the college skills competition from the college can apply for the next school -level college -level employment scholarship; all recommended to school,Students who have won awards in schools and higher -level competitions can apply for the next 188bet loginschool -level school -level employment scholarship。

5. Organization leaders

College of the College Founding Literature2019New Year Chinese Language and Literature Teachers Teaching Competition Leading Group,Responsible for the overall coordination of the entire game。Members of the leadership group are as follows:

Group Long:Ma ShinianYan  Rock

Deputy Leader:Li Mingde  Wang Yanmo

Member: Qiu LinshanYang Xingli Tian Jiyun Wang Huimei Tian Zhirong

6. The composition of the judge

AGroup  Leader of the Jury Group: Professor Gong Xiping

Member of the Judge Group:Ma Zhengxue, Dong FenFenLei Liming, Zhou Xiaojuan, Ma Ruihong, Yang Xingli

BGroup  Leader of the Jury Group: Professor Qi Ziyang

Member of the Judge Group:SunStrong,Zhang Yanping,Li Mingde,Huang Haiying, Li Xiaoyu, Ma Fan Ying

Seven, related requirements

 ⒈Pay attention to each class,Careful Organization,Ensure that all the teachers of each class are involved。

 ⒉AcademicPracticeDepartment Organization,Plan this competition。From the preliminary to the final commendation from academicPracticeDepartment is responsible.

 ⒊Propaganda Department and the New Media Center are mainly responsible for publicity work,Such as: make a banner、Show Board、Publicity of taking pictures and winners。

 ⒋Youth AssociationResponsible for class adjustment and sign -in work.

                     College of Literature


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