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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2019-03-25Views:2256

"Century Chinese" —— The School of Literature of the Northwest Division recruits British Cai,Welcome to join!

    [College History] The School of Literature of Northwest Normal University is developed on the basis of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Its history can be traced back to1902The "Chinese Literature Gate", established by the year established by the year.1939Year8Monthly National Northwestern Normal University established,10033_10047。1950Year12Monthly renamed the Chinese Language Department.1959Year1Monthly Courtyard Adjustment,Some teachers of the Chinese Department of Lanzhou University and all teachers of the Chinese Department of Lanzhou Academy of 188bet appArts are merged into the Chinese Department。20Century90Since the age,Opening a secret education one after another、News、Three new majors in Chinese teaching。2000Year,To meet the needs of the development of school education,Chinese Department and History Department、Ancient Books Collection Research Institute、Institute of Northwest Culture Research Institute and other institutions merged,Establishment of Literature,2008Annual renovation of the Academy of Literature and History.2012Year,School reform and professional adjustment,Chinese Department as the main body,With pre -Qin Literature and Cultural Research Center、Ancient Books Collection Research Institute、Northwest Cultural Research Institute、Sinology Center, etc.。In recent years,Chinese Language and Literature is identified as a provincial superior discipline in Gansu,and get it in the fourth round of discipline evaluationBLevel.

    [Senior Scholars] Self1942The National Northwest Normal University of the National Northwest Normal University was relocated to Lanzhou,A large number of famous scholars at home and abroad have taught in the Chinese Department and the School of Arts,Li Jinxi、Tan Jiefu、Roganze、Li Chendong、Jiao Juyin、Li Chendong、Wang Ruyi、Li Jiayan、Ding Yi、Zhi Kejian、Zhao Yintang、Zhi Kejian、Shen Xinwu、Yang Bojun、Zheng Wen、Kuangfu、You Bingyu、Peng Duo、Guo Jinlian、Tang Qi、Wu Fuxi、Zhang Wenxiong、Zhi Kejian、Sun Keheng、Li Dingwen、Ye Meng、Mr. Chen Yong and others,I made outstanding contributions in different disciplines。Huo Xudong、蹇 Changchun、Wan Song、Prophet Joe、Li Shukai、Ji Chengjia、Hu Dajun、Zhang Minglian、Mr. Yin Zhanhua and others 188bet appstill pay attention to the progress of the college,Promoting suggestions for the development of the college。Delivery of generations,Lao Zhongqing salary fire passed,It has formed a stable and realistic realization、Study for aggressiveTraditional,Build the college into a unique "Long Shang Yuyuan"。

    [Disciplines] There are two undergraduate majors in Chinese language literature and secretaries in the Academy of Literature。Have a master's degree、Dr. Level 1 degree authorization point,and Chinese Language and Literature PhD Research Stations。Ancient Chinese literature is a national focus (cultivation) discipline。Chinese majors are national characteristics。Chinese Language and Literature is a key discipline in Gansu Province。Predictive Literature and Cultural Research Center is a provincial humanistic research base,Humanities high -end think tanks selected by Nanjing University。Ancient Books Collection Research Institute is a direct research institute of the National College of Ancient Books of the Ministry of Education。

    [Teachers Team] Existing full -time teachers of the college58People, of which professors20People, associate professor27People, Lecturer11People. Doctoral degree winner43People, doctoral reading6People. PhD Tutor10People, master tutor31People, National Teaching Teacher1People, national -level outstanding contribution experts1People, Outstanding Talents of the Ministry of Education1People, provincial outstanding experts2People, province "333”“555”Cross -century academic technology leaders first and second level candidates15People, provincial young teachers to become talented awards5People, leading talents in Gansu Province6People. Provincial Feitian scholar special professor2People, young scholars1People, lecture professor1People,8President or Vice President of the State or Provincial Society,1Chairman of the Provincial Folk Literature and Artists Association.1People won the first prize of the third national college young teacher teaching competition final,1People have won nominations for national moral model nominations,1People won the "May 1st" labor medal.

    [Scientific Research] In recent years,The college relies on the "Pre -Qin Literature and Cultural Research Center", "Institute of Ancient Books", "Sinology Center" and "Northwest Cultural Research Institute".,Based on promoting excellent traditional culture,Discover the Northwest Geogical and National Culture,Sort the local literature,Popularization of Chinese classics,It produced a good social reputation。Published in the paper、Get approved by the National Social Science Fund major project、Publishing academic works、Scientific research and teaching awards, all achieved good results。Currently undertaking major projects of the National Social Science Fund3item, key and general items20remaining, publishedCSSCIJournal papers300Yu article, work100The remaining part, won the reward of scientific research results at or above the provincial level50Yueda。Ramed by the Academic Evaluation Center of Human Humanities and Social Sciences as "Important Reprinted Source Institutions"。

    [188bet app download]2019In the year, our hospital plans to recruit a doctor of Chinese language and literature discipline3-5name,Among them, priority considers Chinese language text、Ancient Chinese Literature、Literature、Chinese modern and contemporary literature and other majors。Welcome to join the outstanding 188bet apktalents at home and abroad!

    [Introduction of treatment]

    1.Enter the formal compilation of the school;

    2.Provide a settlement subsidy: the first level25million yuan, the second level2010,000 yuan, the third level1510,000 yuan;

    3.Provide scientific research startup funds from various disciplines: first and second levels5-1510,000 yuan, the third level3-1010,000 yuan;

    4.Work full2After the year, the title of associate professor can be appraisal;

    5.Provide a teacher's apartment listing for the first level of doctors,is the second、Three -level doctors provide rental housing (can be provided in two years120Newly -built teacher apartment houses about a square meter);

    6.Comprehensively guarantee the introduction of the garden of the children of talents、School of enrollment,School Affiliated Primary School、Second Middle School、Affiliated middle schools are the best basic education resources in Lanzhou;

    7.The performance results are particularly prominent and urgently needed a professional doctor to take "one thing, one discussion".。

    【Level Identification Standard and Conditions】

    First level:SSCIThesis2articles orCSSCIThesis4. At the same time as before3Participate in provincial and ministerial projects1item.

    Second level:CSSCIThesis3.

    Third level: According to the needs of discipline construction,Other doctors agreed to introduce。

    [Contact information]

    Contact Address: Anning East Road, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province967No. School of Literature, Northwest Normal University  Tel:0931-7971332  Email:Wxybgs11@163.com3

    Secretary Yan:0931-7971223   24954417@qq.com
    Dean Ma:0931-7970128    mashinian@163.com

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