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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2019-03-22Views:1747

 To do a good job of re -admission to the postgraduate enrollment of our college,According to the Ministry of Education "2019Regulations on the Management of National Master's Graduate Admissions Work "(Teaching[2018] 5Number) and "Guidance Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Strengthening the Re -Essay Reteration of Postgraduate Admissions" (Teaching[2006] 4No.) File spirit, according to our school "Northwest Normal University2019Enrollment 188bet loginAdmission Measures for Master Graduate Admissions Requirements,Combined with the actual situation of our hospital,Special formulation of this rules。

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 The re -examination of the graduate enrollment of our college shall be responsible for the college's admissions work group。College Admissions Working Group is responsible for formulating graduate enrollment re -examination work plans,Adjust the second -level discipline enrollment quota allocation,Draw a list of candidates,Make sure the list of candidates for graduate students,Organization and Coordination College Master's Graduate Reteration Work。

 The postgraduate re -examination of our college is specificly implemented by the disciplinary (research direction) retest group。Disciplines (research direction) Re -examination team according to the unified arrangement of the college,Organize and implement the comprehensive situation of candidates for re -examination of discipline majors (research direction)、Foreign Language Listening、Test of speaking test,and propose the disciplinary (research direction) to admit the proposal list。

2. Re -examination content and form

 According to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education,Re -examination content includes the following aspects:1.Written test in professional courses, test forms are written test, test time2Hours, full division as100points;2.Comprehensive situation interview(Professional basic knowledge, business ability, ideological and political assessment, etc.)3.Foreign language listening, speaking level test;4. The same education、Candidates for interdisciplinary additional test,Two doors in total,respectively "Ancient Chinese LiteratureII"and"Chinese modern and contemporary literatureII", the form of the exam is written, each test time2Hours, full division as100points.

 The interview is adopted to take a difference method, press11.2The proportion of the interview list。Literature and Art、Chinese classical literature、Chinese language text、Linguistics and Application Linguistics、Comparative literature and world literature and other professional receiving excellent adjustment candidates。  

3. Calculation and admission method

 Interview results include comprehensive situation interviews and foreign language hearing、Two parts of oral test,Full division as100points. Among them, comprehensive situation interviews70%, foreign language listening, speaking tests30%

 Admission Sorting Score Exchange Measures: Admission Sorting results=Preliminary Test results(Political results+Foreign language results+Total scores of business courses÷ 1.5) ÷ 4 × 0.7+ retest results(Professional written test results + interview results) ÷ 2 × 0.3

 The same academic and cross -professional test scores are not included in the total score of admission,But the grade is lower than60points are not eligible for admission.

 The final admission list is determined from high to low according to the admission sorting score,The specific sorting 188bet loginmethod is: Literature and Art、Linguistics and Application Linguistics、Chinese language text、Chinese classical literature、Chinese modern and contemporary literature、Sort of secondary disciplines such as comparative literature and world literature,Ancient Chinese literature is sorted by two groups of literature in the pre -Qin, Han Dynasty, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tang, Song, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.。

4. Re -examination time, place arrangement

 After receiving the re -examination notice, candidates will follow the "Northwest Normal University2019Entrance Admission Methods of Master Graduate Students "" Academy of Literature2019Niannian Master Graduate Reteration Notice "" Academy of Literature2019Requirements for the Re -Essay Re -Essay of Master Graduate,Reported to the college with relevant information,Depending on the schedule of the college to participate in the re -examination。

                       Re -examination schedule for schedule

Specific items



Involved in professional

Qualification review


8: 00-12: 00



Professional Course Written Test


8: 30-10: 30


Literature Introduction and Aesthetics


Literature and Art

Introduction to Linguistics

Linguistics and Application Linguistics

Ancient Chinese


Chinese language text

Chinese classical literature

Ancient Chinese LiteratureI


Ancient Chinese Literature

Chinese modern and contemporary literatureI


Chinese modern and contemporary literature

History of Western Literature

Comparison literature and world literature

Foreign language hearing, spoken interview


14: 30-18: 00

Teaching 10B402

(10B201Waiting Test)


cross -professional, equivalent academic plus test


19: 00-21: 00

Teach 10B518

Ancient Chinese Literature Ⅱ


16: 00-18: 00

Teach 10B518

Chinese modern and contemporary literature Ⅱ

Comprehensive interview


8: 00-12: 00


(10B201Waiting Test)



Literature and art, comparative literature and world literature


Linguistics and Application Linguistics, Chinese Language Text

413(Office of the Ancient Books)

Chinese classical literature


Ancient Chinese Literature (the direction of pre -Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties)


Ancient Chinese Literature (Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties in modern times)


Chinese modern and contemporary literature

Physical Examination






School Hospital

All professional

5. Other

 Please contact the Graduate Academic Affairs Office of the School of Literature.

 Contact: Teacher Yang; Tel:0931-7971831

                                         School of Literature, Northwest Normal University

                                           March 22, 2019

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