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Li Shengbin,Professor of Northwest Normal University,Doctoral supervisor。Director of the Chinese Modern Literature Research Association、Director of the Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Association、Director of Modern Chinese Literature Society、The director of the Lu Xun Research Association、Director of Guo Moruo Research Association,Acting expert and project review expert。Zeng served as vice chairman of Yinchuan Literary Federation Writers Association and Vice Chairman of the Arts Critics Association。Mainly engaged in modern Chinese literature、20Research on the direction of Chinese local literature and western literature and Chinese education。Graduated from Qinghai Provincial Normal School、Shaanxi Normal University,2005Dr. Nian graduated from Fudan University,2006Annual visit to Southampton, UKSOLENT University2009Nian Henan University (Modern Literature Museum of China) post -doctoral exit.2000Year to2017I taught at Ningxia University in the year,2017year8The month has been taught at the School of Literature of Northwest Normal University so far.2005Years was rated as a master's tutor,2008The year of Pockery is promoted to a professor。Open Chinese modern literature for undergraduates and research、Modern Chinese Literature、Chinese New Poems and other professional courses。In China、Contemporary Literature Research "," Journal of Sichuan University "," Lu Xun Research Month "," Contemporary Writer Review "," Guo Moruo School "and other publications published literary reviews and papers100Multiple articles; publishing "The Charm of Condor and Invoices", "Charm of Shen Congwen and Jingpai literati", "Late Qing Thoughts and Culture and Lu Xun", "Contemporary Ningxia Poetry San" and other academic works8Department。Hosted the completion of the National Social Science Foundation Project "Research on Contemporary Chinese Poetry of the Western Five provinces and regions" and the provincial and ministerial scientific research projects6Items; participate、The National Publishing Fund Project "The History of Ningxia Literature" and other scientific research projects5Item; Research on the National Social Science Fund project "Research on Contemporary Western Poetry Poems in Contemporary Western Poetry in the Formation of the Chinese Nation"。2003Published 188bet apkin the year of "Appreciation of Masterpieces"9Issue Literature Review "The Art Wores and Painting of Language" was selected as "Appreciation of Masterpieces" Forty -year Selection "Chinese Modern and Contemporary Prose Drama Appreciation";2018Since the years, it has won the "Outstanding Achievement Award of the Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Association" for three consecutive years;2018The results of the major commissioned projects that were published in the publishing of the year "Ningxia Literature Sixty Years (1958-2018) "also provides important models for the study of the study of modern and contemporary literature in China。1984Winning outstanding results since participating in the year、Teaching Reform、Thesis guidance、Internship guidance、Various scientific research、Teaching Awards50Yueda. 

[Open Course]

Modern Chinese Literature、Modern Chinese Literature、Research on New Poems in China、History of Modern Chinese Literature、Introduction to Chinese modern and contemporary literature、Chinese modern and contemporary (classic) writer special research and other professional basic courses and professional elective courses。

[Research direction]

Chinese modern literature,Chinese local literature and western literature in the twentieth century,Chinese Education,Publications and Literature Associations, etc.。

[Research results]


Li Shengbin: "" A Times of A Pastoral Small Article "-The Discussion Guo Moruo20Dynasties Literary Prose "," Guo Moruo Study Journal "2000Year No.1Issue (2000year3month30Day), No. 150-55page. Copy of the National People's Congress "Research on Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature2000year06Reproduced.

Li Shengbin: "Guo Moruo40Literary Prose Exploring Micro "," Guo Moruo Study Merchants "2001Year No.3Issue (2001year9month30Day), No. 150-58page. This article income2012year7Monthly published by Shanghai Bookstore Press "Guo Moruo Research Literature Exchange(1920-2008)".

Li Shengbin: "Historical Causes of the" Beijing School "writer group,"Journal of Guyuan Master Specialty"2002Year No.2Issue (2002year4month15Day), No. 157-60page.

Li Shengbin: "The Artistic Features of Guo Moruo's Artistic Prose","Guo Moruo Study Merchants"2002Year No.2Issue (2002year6month30Day), No. 152-59page.

Li Shengbin: "The Poet Guo Moruo's Social Ideal and Political Feeling Humanity Interpretation","Journal of Ningxia University (Humanities and Social Science Edition)"2002Year No.5Issue (2002year10month15Day), No. 127-31page.

Li Shengbin: "Bi Feiyu& lt;corn& gt;Multi -tragedy of novels "," Northern Discussion "2004Year No.1Issue (2004year1month25Day), No. 132-35page.

Li Shengbin: "Showing Life's Poetry and Romantic Literature —— Regarding Zhang Wei's Creation and Comment,"Contemporary Literature"2004Year No.4Issue (2004year7month22Day), No. 150-52page. Income2006Nian Shandong Literature and Art Publishing House published "Zhang Wei Research Information.

Li Shengbin: "On the God of Prose","Journal of Ningxia University (Humanities and Social Science Edition)"2004Year No.6Issue (2004year11month30Day), No. 115-18+31page.

Li Shengbin: "Promoting GongThe power of creation -the foundation of the new poem of Chinese vernacular from the May 4th New Culture Movement ","Lanzhou School Journal"2004Year No.6Issue (2004year12month25Day), No. 1292-295page.

Li Shengbin: "The Historical and Cultural Find of Lu Xun's ideological and cultural personality","Journal of Tangshan Teachers College"2005Year No.3Issue (2005year5month20Day), No. 114-17+53page.

Li Shengbin: "20The flow of Chinese novels at the end of the century ","Journal of Xuzhou Normal University"2005Year No.6Issue (2005year12month30Day), No. 121-27page.

Li Shengbin: "From abandoned to& lt;Big Year& gt;: The Aesthetic and Criticism of Literature "," Yellow River Literature "2006Year No.3Issue (2006year5month5Day), No. 1112-115page.

Li Shengbin: "Static water deep flow: the poetic manifestation of the noise of the soul -read Shi Shuqing's novel& lt;Orchard& gt;"," Appreciation of Masterpieces "2007Year No.11Issue (2007year6month1Day), No. 194-102page.

Li Shengbin: "Literary Pursuit of Literature with suffering -Dongxiang ethnic writers, Yirong novel creation,","National Literature"2007Year No.9Issue (2007year9month1Day), No. 1125-127page.

Li Shengbin: "The literary significance of watching the country -will be on with fire& lt;The language of the village& gt;as Example, "Contemporary Literature"2007Year No.6Issue (2007year11month5Day), No. 1125-127page.

Li Shengbin: "The" Aesthetic Pursuit of the "Beijing School" writer group and its human nature view,"Journal of Ningxia University (Humanities and Social Science Edition)2007Year No.6Issue (2007year11month30Day), No. 1139-142page.          

Li Shengbin、Tian Yan: "Novel narrative between tradition and modernity -talk about Shen Congwen's short stories& lt;Light& gt;"," Shuo Fang "2008Year No.6Issue (2008year6month5Day), No. 167-69page.

Li Shengbin, Zhou Huian: "On& lt;Henan& gt;Early Literary Thought with Lu Xun,"Journal of Ningxia University (Humanities and Social Science Edition)"2012Year No.1Issue (2012year1month30Day), No. 11-7page.

Li Shengbin: "Research on Guo Moruo, who is difficult to silence -Jelly Guo Moruo's Study Works","Appreciation of Famous Works"2013No. 111Issue (2013year4month1Day), No. 115page.

Li Shengbin、Tian Xin: "The Poetic Inspection of" Xi Xia Epic ","Chinese Poetry"2016Year No.8Issue (2016year8month31Day), No. 1148-150page.

Li Shengbin: "The narrator of" Kong Yiji "said、narrative structure and inner emotions ","Lu Xun Research Month"2018Year No.6Issue (2018year6month30Day), No. 118-24page.

Li Shengbin、Ni Wenqin: "Unique style and sadness -Lu Xun Novel Teaching Reading (up and down)","Shaoxing Lu Xun Research"2020Year (2020year9month30Day), No. 13-17page;2021Year (2021year8month31Day), No. 146-58page.

Li Shengbin: "Guo Moruo Zhou Qin Zhuzi Research on Research — Centers for Ten Critical Books","China Cultural Forum"2021Year No.2Issue (2021year3month8Day), No. 186-99+158-159page.

Li Shengbin、Yuan Hongtao: "The Structure Significance of the Bandit Narration of the Bandit","East Asian Sinology Research"2021Special Number, No. 1173-183page.

Li Shengbin、Anxuan: The interpretation of "" Story "and" Dialogue "— Commenting Feng Yuli Cultural Novels& lt;Mustang, Dust& gt;"," Contemporary Writer Comments "2021Year No.5Issue (2021year9month25Day), No. 1186-191page.

Li Shengbin: "The Art Show of Revolutionary Emotion and the National Spirit -Three Reads of Mao Zedong Poems","Literature and Art Forum"2021Year No.5Issue (2021year10month1Day), No. 131-39page.

Li Shengbin、Li Chengfang: "Ningxia Contemporary Literature in the" Local Path "","Contemporary Literature"2021Year No.6Issue (2021year11month1Day), No. 194-100page.

Li Shengbin、Jiao Yuqin: "Narrative Reconstruction of Historical Dialogue — Review Mei Zhuo& lt;Divine and Moing Ji& gt;"," Alai Research "2021No. 12Issue (2021year11month30Day), No. 1151-156page.

Li Shengbin: "Conciles in the Ministry of Things", "Poetry Tide"2022Year No.10Issue.

Li Shengbin: "Poetic Exploration of the Minds is close to the earth -Yang Tingcheng Poetry Review Collection","Qinghai Lake Literature Monthly",2023Year No.4Issue.

Li Shengbin、Li Lulu: "The" Texas Grassland "is written -Sunan Caicang and it& lt;On the wasteland& gt;"," Alai Research "No. 118series, Sichuan University Press2023year5Monthly.

Li Shengbin、Gong Minglu: "The Unique Show of the Beauty of Tibetan Culture -Sanjia Wanma Cai Dan's Novels and Movies","Contemporary Writer Review"2023Year No.5Issue.

Li Shengbin、Anxuan: "The true and compassion of the narrative —— The theory of the longest notes of Jia Pingwa's long story& lt;Qinling Ji& gt;,"Western Literature and Art Research"2023Year No.6Issue.


"Research Collection of Condor", Ningxia People's Publishing House2006year12Monthly published.

"Charm of Shen Congwen and Jingpai literati",Ningxia People's Publishing House2008year3Monthly published.

"Study of Zhu Ziqing and his Poetry",Published by Jilin University Press2010year9Monthly published.

"The Thought and Culture of the Late Qing Dynasty and Lu Xun",China Social Science Press2013year10Monthly published.

"Aesthetic criticism and case research: contemporary Ningxia Literature Theory",Yellow River Publishing Media Group Sunshine Press2016year8Monthly published.

"Sixty years of Ningxia Literature (1958-2018), Ningxia People's Education Press2018year10Monthly published.

"Literature Research and Criticism","History of Ningxia Literature" Volume 4,Yellow River Publishing Media Group Sunshine Press2020year12Monthly published.

"Contemporary Ningxia Poetry Scattered theory", China Social Science Press2021year9Monthly published.


2006Director of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Social Science Fund Project "Research on Women's Enlightenment Thought and Forms in Modern Literature Transformation"。

2006Hosting Ningxia University Social Science Education Reform Project "Grasp the Fundamental、Discussion on the practice of open -type teaching driving literary elective courses with scientific research "。

2009Hosting the completion of the key topic of the Guo Moruo Research Center of Sichuan Province "Guo Moruo Prose Research"。

2017Demonstration of the "Graduate Education Innovation Plan" demonstration class construction project of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region "History of Chinese Contemporary Literature Criticism"。

2018Host completed the completion of major project commissioned by the Ningxia CPPCC: "Sixty Years of Literature in Autonomous Region" Literature History Writing Project。

2019Hosting the completion of the National Publishing Fund Project: "Ningxia Literature History" Volume Fourth -class sub -topic research and writing。

2021Presiding the ideological and political demonstration class "Modern Chinese Literature" in the year.

2022Hosting the National Social Science Fund 188bet app downloadProject: "Research on Contemporary Chinese Poetry of Contemporary Chinese Poems in the Five Provincial Districts of the West"。

2023Presided by the National Social Science Foundation Western 188bet app downloadProject: "Research on Contemporary Western Poetry Poetry of Contemporary Western Poetry in the Species of the Chinese Nation Community"。


2004year, thesis "20Flowing and Freedom Writing of Chinese Novels at the end of the century "won the first prize of the Sichuan Chengdu Academy of Social Sciences。

2005year,The papers "Poet Guo Moruo's Humanity Interpretation of Social ideals and political feelings" won the third prize of Ningxia Ninth Ningxia Excellent Achievement Award for Philosophy and Social Sciences。

2008year, thesis "Spring Chinese Lighting Month, Qingshui out of hibiscus —2007year& lt;Yellow River Literature& gt;Research Research "and so on won the" Yellow River Literature "100th issue of Outstanding Author Award。

2009year,Specialty "Charm of Shen Congwen and Jingpai writers" won the first prize of Ningxia's eighth Literature and Art Award Literature and theoretical category。

2018year,Specialty "Aesthetic Criticism and Case Research: Contemporary Ningxia Literature Theory" won the 16th Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Award。

2020years, monograph "Sixty years of Ningxia Literature (1958-2018) won the 17th Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Outstanding Achievement Award。

2022 In the year, the monograph "Contemporary Ningxia Poetry Scattered theory" won the No. 1 18 Excellent Achievement Award for Contemporary Literature Research in China.

2023year,Specialty "Contemporary Ningxia Poetry San" won the 17th Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award for Gansu Province。


[Other rewards]

2005Nian Dr. Graduate Graduation and Graduation of "Shanghai Excellent Graduate" title。

2009year, teaching reform project "Grasp the fundamental、Discussion on the practice of open -type teaching driven by scientific research drives literary elective courses "won the second prize of Ningxia University Excellent Teaching Achievements。

2011year,Won the first Ningxia University -China Merchants Bank Undergraduate Teaching Excellent Teacher Award。

2014year,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Outstanding Master's Paper Instructor Award (Song Yan Master's Degree Thesis "Enlightenment and Criticism of Literature -& lt;Scream& gt; & lt;& gt;Comprehensive on Research ").

2018year,Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee awarded the "Helan Mountain Literature Award" Achievement Award (Literary Criticism and Research)。

2021year,Ningxia University School of Humanities awarded the "Excellent Contribution Award"。

202278384_78397The Ping'an District Government of Haidong City awarded the "Literary Creation Outstanding Contribution Award",

2023year9month8Day,The title of "Excellent Teachers" was won at the 39th Teacher's Day Commendation Conference of Northwest Normal University。

2023year9month9Day,Essay "Nostalgia in the Heart -also Say Diligent Family Style" won "Promoting the Spirit of the Normal UniversityConcerning the first prize of the theme of the theme of the good family style.


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