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Publisher: System AdministratorRelease time: 2018-04-09Views:5836



        Li Yan,Female,Born in August 1981,People from Shandan, Gansu,Participate in 2009,Doctor of Literature and Art,Shaanxi Normal University is studying post -doctoral。

    [Open Course]

        Introduction to Literature, Aesthetics, Foreign Literature, University Chinese, etc.

    [Research direction]

        Folk Literature、Folklore in Hexi area、Hexi Baojuan and other Hexi folk rap art

    [Scientific Research Achievement]

        1. "Four Research Categories of Literary Geography" Published in Lanzhou Academic Journal,June 2015。

        2. "Reading Methods and Skills of Western Masterpieces" Published in "Chinese Teaching Communication",November 2015。

        3. "Repeated Research on God's Spectrum" published in "Cultural Studies",June 2016。

        4. "The New Discovery of Hexi Baoji Vol.",December 2016。

        5.,May 2017。

        6. Doctoral dissertation "Hexi Baojuan Programming Study".


        8. Participate in the Humanities and Social Science Research Project-Gansu Provincial High School Scientific Research Project "Gansu Contemporary Minority Writers Group Research"。



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