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Publisher: College of Literature 2Release time: 2023-09-21Views:9430

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Li Tianbao, male, Wuwei from Gansu, Ph.D. in LiteratureDr. Tsinghua University, professorBoGraduate mentorPositive professor at Nanchang Institute of Technology、Executive Director of the Tang Dynasty Literature 188bet appSociety of Gansu Province、Member of the Chinese Poetry Society、Member of the Liu Yuxi Society of ChinaChinaHan YuSociety membersetc., the main research direction isTang and Song Literature2005Graduated from Northwest Normal University, and in the same year7Course in school.2009Obtaining a doctoral student in our school annual,Get the "Northwest Normal University Li Bingde Education Fund" reward,Yu2012I received a doctorate in the year.2013year9Monthly enter the post -doctoral flow station of the Chinese Department of Tsinghua University for research and study,2015year10Monthly.2021Professor of promotion of the year,2022Nian was rated as a doctoral supervisor.In recent years, publishedArticle 4More than ten articles,Multiple articlesCopy of the People's CongressNewspapersInformationReproduction of Social Sciences of Chinese UniversitiesHosted the National Social Science Fund Project2Items, National University Ancient Committee Project2item, other scientific research projects3itemIndependence or cooperationPublishing monograph5Ministry.


[Open Course]

1. Undergraduate: Ancient Chinese Literature (Tang and Song Duan)、Special Research on Chinese Literature、Guide to the Tang and Song Poems

2. Graduate: Tang PoemsResearchResearch on Poetry of the Song Dynasty, Research on Tang and Song Wen


[Research direction]  

Tang and Song Literature, Chinese Classical Literature


[Scientific research results]  

1.Thesis: In "People's Daily", "Journal of Tsinghua University"" "Learning Sea", "Shandong Social Science""Guizhou Social Science""Northwest Division University News""Journal of Hainan University""Journal of Guangxi University", "Journal of Hunan University", "Journal of Central North University", "Gansu Social Sciences""Literary Review"and other magazines cooperated to publish academic papers40Mo. representWorkThere is "Sucu's Character", "Recent30Review and reflection of literary research in the Tang Dynasty ""20Review and Reflection of Tangwen Research in the Century"Near10Review and reflection of literary research in the Tang Dynasty""During the Yuan and Ming Dynasties (Tang Poems Adjacked" version ""The generation and re -examination of the concept of "Sheng Tang Meteorology" "" Du Fu's Law Qi and Shengtang QiElephant ""Sheng Tang Meteorology"Xiong Hun" theory""Su Zhe (Longchuan Luezhi "and the life of literati in the Song Dynasty""Su Zhe's political thought and political attitude""Su Zhe's three families to Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism"" "Su ZheCultureAchievements and itImpact "and so on.


2. monograph:Independence or cooperationPublishing monograph5species. The masterpieces are"Su Zhe Study in Song -type cultural vision"(Peking University Press,2023, alone);"Tang and Song Writers and Literature Research" (Jilin University Press2013, together; "Tang Poems advocate annotation"(Tianjin Ancient Books Press,2020, togetheretc.


3.Project: Independent undertaking the National Social Science Fund project2Items, National University Ancient Committee Project2item, other scientific research projects3item:

1)CountryFund Funding Project of the Home Social Science Fund: Susk research in the Song -type cultural vision,2015year.

2National Social Science Foundation Western Project: "Tang Poetry Adjustment" exchange school remittance and remittance review,2022year.

3The National College Ancient Books Relating Committee Project: "Tang Poems Promot" School Note,2013year.

4The National College Ancient Books Related Committee Project: "Quan Liangzhou Poetry" collation,2021year.

5Northwest Normal University's major scientific research project cultivation project: "Quanlong Poetry" sorting and research,2023year.

6Social Science Projects of Gansu Provincial College: "Research on History and Culture and Huaxia Civilization Heritage and Innovation Research",2013year.

7Scientific Research Project of Youth Teachers of Northwest Normal University: "Research on Su Zhe in the Song -type cultural vision"2013year.      

Participate in other scientific research projects.



1. Won the third prize of the 16th Outstanding Achievement of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Gansu Province。

2.2012 Won the Reward of Li Bingde Education Fund of Northwest Normal University.

3.2015 Outstanding Director of the Postdoctoral Association of the School of Humanities of Tsinghua University.

4. Guide Xu Zhenya, win 2019 The 3rd National Higher Normal University Future Teacher Quality Contest of the 3rd National Higher Normal University of Education 。

5.2019 yearReliable asExcellent instructor in Wensui County, Aksu, Xinjiang.

6.2019 yearReliable asNorthwestern Normal University Spring Excellent Internship Instructor.

7.2019 yearReliable asNorthwest Normal University60 Excellent internship instructor of undergraduate students.

8.2020 yearReliable asNorthwestern Normal University Autumn Excellent Internship Instructor.

9.2020yearReliable asLinxiazhouOutstanding Instructor of "Aid Education".


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