A few days ago,The Chinese Writing 188bet casino held the 9th First Member Congress,Professor Ren Suihu of our college was elected as ";The Ninth Vice President of the Chinese Writing 188bet casino”,Four-year term。
The Chinese Writing 188bet casino was established in December 1980,Belongs to a national first-level 188bet casino,Mass academic group,The main task is to unite and organize the teaching and scientific research forces of the writing discipline,Discuss the basic laws of human writing activities,Establish and improve the basic theoretical system and basic training system of the writing discipline,Improving the level of writing teaching and scientific research,Popular writing knowledge。
Ren Suihu,Male,Born in 1953,from Qin'an County, Gansu,Professor, School of Liberal Arts, Northwest Normal University。Engaged in 188bet casino writing、Teaching and research of 188bet casino culture and other subjects。Won the Ministry of Education“Zeng Xianzi Education Fund”Award,Provincial level“Excellent Experts”Title,Provincial Higher Education Gardener Award, etc.,And won various other research titles more than 10 times。Published more than 100 papers in academic magazines,"Philosophical Reflections on Non-Control Theory" published in "188bet casino Social Sciences",Proposed“Non-control theory”,Aiming at the proliferation of human control,Illuminating the need for a new thinking paradigm that dismantles over-control,Has a certain influence in the academic world。The edited "General Theory of Article Studies" systematically discusses the principles of Article Studies、Problems such as methods,A masterpiece in the study of essays in the new century。The "New Graduation Thesis Writing" as the chief editor is expected to be published by Higher Education Press within this year。