188bet casino Liu Lili from Nankai University came to our college to give an academic report

Published by: 188bet casino AdministratorRelease time: 2016-07-16Number of views:49

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July 13, 7:30 pm,Invited by our hospital,188bet casino Liu Lili of Nankai University gave a speech titled ";&lsquo in story perspective;Law and Literature’Research”’s lecture。The report will be hosted by 188bet casino Han Wei of our college,More than 70 teachers and students from the college listened to this report。

After the report starts,188bet casino Han Wei gave a brief introduction to Teacher Liu。Teacher Liu starts from his own experience of applying for national projects,Provides practical experience for teachers and students of the college to conduct academic research。Next,Teacher Liu launched his report from three aspects。First introduced the formation of story problem perspective,Explains the origin of the story with detailed arguments。After,Teacher Liu introduced viewing human story activities as a system。Introduced the composition of this system in detail with academic knowledge。Finally,“Law and Literature”Inspection and analysis of research,Teacher Liu specifically listed the ";Law and Literature”Research results,Putted forward his own thoughts on this issue,And suggested areas where further research can be conducted in the future。The teachers and students present have benefited a lot。

After the report meeting,Teacher Liu had a brief interaction with the teachers and students attending the meeting,Detailed explanations of the questions raised by teachers and students,And encourage students to think more,Form your own complete expression of the problem。188bet casino Han Wei gave a wonderful summary of the entire report,Further deepened teachers and students’ understanding of Teacher Liu’s academic contribution。

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