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Publisher: System AdministratorRelease time: 2015-09-30Views:2106


Professional name

Mentor name


Huang Huaizheng teaching  Given    Korean  Weijiao  Given    Associate Professor Luo Ligui

Zhu  Associate Professor Bin

Linguistics and Application Linguistics

Mo  Super Education  Given      Associate Professor Peng    Associate Professor Huang Haiying

Associate Professor Li Jingguo    Associate Professor Yang Tongjun

Chinese language text

Zhou Yuxiujiao  Given    Associate Professor Si Xiaolian    Associate Professor Lei Liming

Hong  Handsome Associate Professor

Chinese classical literature

Fu Junjun Church  Given    Hao Runhua Jiao  Given    Lacquer Ziyangjiao  Given

Xu  Associate Professor    Associate Professor Wang Xingfen    Associate Professor Du Zhiqiang

Ancient Chinese Literature

Zhao Yan Fujiao  Given    Han Gao Nianjiao  Given    Ma Shinianjiao  Given

Dong Fenfen teachers  Given    Ding Hongwujiao  Given    Single  Fangjiao  Given

Gong Xiping teach  Given    Zhang  Military Education  Given    Wang Juying Yingjiao  Given

Wang  Associate Professor Hao    Associate Professor Zhao Maolin    Associate Professor Li Tianbao

Associate Professor Ran Yaobin    Hou  Associate Professor Winter    Associate Professor Zhang Yuzhou

Chinese modern and contemporary literature

Guo Guochangjiao  Given    Zhu Weiguo  Given    Zhang Xiaoqin Teaching  Given

Sun  Strong Associate Professor    yuan  Associate Professor Dan    Associate Professor Wang Guisheng

Associate Professor Li Mingde    Associate Professor Wang Mingli

Comparison literature and world literature

Li Xiaowei  Given    Associate Professor Ma Fanying    Associate Professor Kang Xiaoyun

Associate Professor Wang Xiaoying    Associate Professor Zhou Xiaojuan

 Annex 1:Introduction to the current teacher of the School of Literature

Annex 2:Introduction to a special -appointed teacher at the School of Literature


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