

Publisher: System AdministratorRelease time: 2015-04-20Views:415


The deadline is December 30, 2013



Author Category Title Literature source Years Issue Level
Guo Guochang Project Adjustment of national cultural policy and the new trend of the development of literary and art development in the new century Special Project of the Gansu Provincial Department of Finance-100,000 yuan 2013 11 C
Hao Runhua Project Li Mengyang's Poetry Collection School Notes and Studies National Social Science Fund Project 2013 6 A3
Hong Shuai Project Dunhuang Poetry and Vocabulary Research National Social Science Fund Project 2013 6 A3
Giant Rainbow Project Newly unearthed Han Jane (Cangjie Articles> Certificate National Social Science Fund Project 2013 6 A3
Ran Yaobin Project Research on Longyou Poetry in the middle of the Qing Dynasty Gansu Provincial Social Science Planning Project 2013 10 C
Ran Yaobin Project During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the famous foreign provincial journey writer research The Scientific Research Fund Project of the Department of Education 2013 6 D
Wang Xiaoheng Project Research on the Zhejiang Poet Cluster Research National Social Science Fund Project 2013 6 A3
Wang Xingfen Project Study of Wang Jia and "Picking" Gansu Social Science Planning Project 2013 11 C
Zhang Yubu Project The early Qing Dynasty & ldquo; Six of the Guo Dynasty & rdquo; group mentality and poetry direction research 2015 Education Hall High School High School Scientific Research Project 2013 9 D
Zhou Xiaojuan Project Fairy Tale of Victoria novels under the perspective of feminism 2013 Education Department High School Project 2013.09 5 D
Ding Hongwu Works Ge Hong's draft & mdash; & mdash; China Social Science Press 2013   A
Dong Fenfen Works Spring and Autumn Temple Study on Sports Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House 2013   A
Hong Shuai Works Dunhuang Poetry and Volume Research Guangming Daily Press 2013 7 B
Huang Huaizheng Works Research on the Development of Cultural Industry in Gansu-Deputy Editor-in-Chief National Press 2013 7 C
Zhang Xiaoqin Works Directly to existing trap Taibai Literature and Art Publishing House 2013 1 B
Zhang Xiaoqin Works Research on Contemporary Ecological Literature in China China Social Science Press 2013 3 A
Ma Shinian Edited Participate in textbooks: History of ancient Chinese literature Higher Education Press 2013 8 C
Zhang Xiaoqin Edited Chinese Contemporary Novel Youth Reading Library [Compiled] Tomorrow Publishing House 2013 5 C
Zhao Yanfu Edited China Regional Cultural Port "& Middot; Gansu Volume (editor) Zhao Yanfu/Qi Ziyang Chinese Book Bureau 2013 9 A
Wang Guisheng Award From & ldquo; Gui & rdquo; to & ldquo; 鼋 & rdquo; Gansu & ldquo; Lily Flower Award & Quot; Theory first prize 2013 6 B
Shan Fang Thesis "Jiaxuan Ci" Emotional Features 188bet apkExplanation Journal of Neijiang Normal University 2013 5 D
Shan Fang Thesis The communication and singing of Han Yuji and Xin Qiji Journal of Ningxia Normal University 2013 1 D
Ding Hongwu Thesis Suo Jing's life book test Literary History and Philosophy 2013 5 A2
Ding Hongwu Thesis Meng Tian's book and several problems in their lives Journal of Ningxia University (Human Resources Edition) 2013 4 C
Ding Hongwu Thesis Ge Hong's research history strategy since the Jin and Tang dynasties Journal of Ningxia Normal University 2013 2 D
Dong Fenfen Thesis The style and characteristics of the essays of the Spring and Autumn Period & mdash; & mdash; and reflection on the status of the cultural and sports history of the Analects of Confucius Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Science Edition) 2013 2 B
Dong Fenfen Thesis Houma、Wenxian Zai Shu and East Zhou & ldquo; Gansu Social Science 2013 2 B
Dong Fenfen Thesis The etiquette background and style characteristics of the Zhou Dynasty decided Nanjing Normal University News (Social Science Edition) 2013 1 B
Dong Fenfen Thesis Mozi & ldquo; Say & rdquo; body and pre -Qin novel Journal of Jinan 2013 10 B
Du Zhiqiang Thesis History and history of ancient Long people Journal of Ningxia University (Human Resources Edition) 2013 1 C
Fu Junlian Thesis Hu Shi Dunhuang Study's Thinking Road & mdash; & mdash; commemorate the 120th anniversary of Hu Shi's birthday Dunhuang Research 2013 2 C
Fu Junlian Thesis The linguistic value and significance of the Dunhuang contract & mdash; & mdash; Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Zhenshe Edition) 2013 3 D
Guo Guochang Thesis The transformation of the literary and art community and the establishment of the Yan'an literary system Literary History and Philosophy 2013 1 A2
Guo Guochang Thesis Lin Geng's "New Literature Summary" school reading Series of Modern Literature in China 2013 3 A1
Guo Guochang Thesis The literary battle team of the war era Journal of Humanities Journal of Hong Kong Baptist University 2013 19 C
Han Gao Nian Thesis Hanyu's "Will into the Wine" and other & mdash; & mdash; also discuss the poem of poetry poems of the banquet song poems of the Han Dynasty Le Fu Fu 2013 2013 C
Han Gao Nian Thesis "Shan Hai Jing" West Queen Mother's God, family and other Northwest National Research 2013 2 B
Han Gao Nian Thesis The political concept seen in the Book of Songs & MDASH; & MDash;、War Poems、Banquet poems are inspection center Journal of Social Sciences at Hunan Normal University 2013 2 B
Han Gao Nian Thesis Glory performance everyone & mdash; & mdash; Professor Zhao Yanfu academic deeds Gansu Social Science 2013 1 B
Han Gao Nian Thesis The Creative Motor of the Ceremony and "Guo Yan" Journal of Zhongnan University for Nationalities (Human Resources Edition) 2013 3 B
Han Wei Thesis Concept、The inner tension of methods and academic thoughts & mdash; & mdash; evaluate Cheng Jincheng's "Prototype Criticism and Reuse" Journal of Gansu United University (Social Science Edition) 2013 1 D
Han Wei Thesis Research on Contemporary Marxism -Lenopaine theory & ldquo; bottleneck & rdquo; Questions Gansu Social Science 2013 3 B
Hao Runhua Thesis Li Mengyang's Meng Shi interpretation perspective & mdash; & mdash; take the evaluation of "Meng Haoran's Poetry Collection" as an example Journal of Capital Normal University (Social Science Edition) 2013 3 B
Hao Runhua Thesis Since the 20th century & ldquo; Siku & rdquo; Journal of Gansu United University (Social Science Edition) 2013 5 D
Hao Runhua Thesis Li Mengyang Jiangxi officials and the truth about his two prison & mdash; & mdash; and the relationship between the relationship with the king of Ning Wang Journal of Nanchang University (Human Resources Edition) 2013 1 C
Hao Runhua Thesis Meng Haoran Poems and their literature value Literature 2013 4 B
Hou Dong Thesis The influence of Qianjiashu on the literature of Qing Dynasty Northern Cong 2013 2 B
Huang Huaizheng Thesis On the aesthetic space of regional culture and art Gansu Social Science 2013 5 B
Huang Huaizheng Thesis Bounce pipa & mdash; China Social Science Press 2013 7 C
Huang Huaizheng Thesis China Television Art 188betDevelopment Report Volume 2 (1012) _St. 15,000 words China TV Press 2013 6 D
Kang Xiaoyun Thesis Dante "Divine Comedy" and Thomas & Middot; Aquina's ethics & mdash; & mdash; the starting point and ideas of humanism Gansu Social Science 2013 1 B
Lei Liming Thesis Chu Zhushu's orientation words and their new words meaning and the ancestors' minds and consciousness Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition) 2013 5 B
Lei Liming Thesis Chuzhu Shu inheritance characters New see the original meaning of the original meaning Journal of Chongqing Academy of Arts and Sciences 2013 4 D
Lei Liming Thesis The "Chinese Dictionary" is revised in Chu Jian's choice & mdash; & mdash; take & ldquo; show & rdquo; Journal of Hebei University of Technology (Social Science Edition) 2013 2 D
Li Hua Thesis "Zuo Zhuan" & ldquo; Cheng Dian & rdquo; Non -& ldquo; married & rdquo; test Dictionary Research 2013 1 D
Li Xiaowei Thesis From life experience to life experience Novel comment 2013 2 B
Li Xiaowei Thesis The lasting vitality of pursuing realistic literature & mdash; & mdash; On Chen Zhongshi's creation of the creative view of Liu Qing literature Journal of Baoji Literature and Sciences (Social Science Edition) 2013 2 D
Li Zhanpeng Thesis Zhou Yibai: Multi -volume writing and the three -dimensional narrative of the history of the drama and the history of drama Northwest Division University News (Social Science Edition) 2013 1 B
Li Hecheng Thesis Bloom & ldquo; Deyi & rdquo;,Communicate with people & mdash; & mdash; Arrren & ldquo; political aesthetic theory & rdquo; meaning of modern political philosophy Literary Theory Research 2013 2 C
Luo Ligui Thesis The form of anxiety and imagination of literature & mdash; & mdash; Journal of Central South University (Social Science Edition) 2013 2 B
雒 Peng Thesis Gansu dialect and Gansu culture Silk Road 2013 22 D
雒 Peng Thesis Gansu dialect person called pronoun preliminary exploration Silk Road 2013 22 D
Ma Shinian Thesis Destiny Fu Jue: Example of the pre -Qin ancient Fu system Gansu Social Science 2013 2 B
Ma Shinian Thesis The composite text features and exploration analysis of "New Story & Middot; Caiwei" Journal of Hainan University (Human Resources Edition) 2013 1 B
Ma Shinian Thesis The editing of the pre -Qin subtraction and & ldquo; The classic generation of the axishere era & rdquo; Literary History and Philosophy 2013 1 A2
Ma Shinian Thesis Chu Sheng complex and the prosperity of Chu Song style poems in the Han Dynasty Chinese Literature Research 2013 12 B
Ma Shinian Thesis For example, governing jade,Think about & mdash; & mdash; Professor Ma Shi Nian, host of the National Social Science Project Journal of Chinese Social Sciences 2013 522 B
Ma Shinian Thesis Academic interviews: three -dimensional literary research method Journal of Chinese Social Sciences 2013 118 B
Ma Shinian Thesis Pre -Qin ancient art system examples Copy information of the People's Congress "Research on Modern Literature in ancient Chinese" 2013 8 A2
Ma Shinian Thesis The editing of the pre -Qin sub -book and the classic generation of the axis era China Social Sciences Digest 2013 5 C
Qi Ziyang Thesis Fuxi Impression in History Culture and folk art in Wushan area Journal of Tianshui Normal University 2013 4 D
Ran Yaobin Thesis The spirit of the times of the poetry of the poet Li Nianci poetry in the early Qing Dynasty Nanjing Normal University News 2013 5 B
Ran Yaobin Thesis Yuan Shen is very thin at the same time. How do you know that there are rivers & mdash; & mdash; Northwest Division University News 2013 6 B
Ran Yaobin Thesis The poet Yang Yan of the Guanzhong of the Qing Dynasty and his poetry creation Journal of Gansu United University (Social Science Edition) 2013 3 D
Sun Qiang Thesis Late Qing literature modernity research review Journal of Yanshan University (Zhenshe Edition) 2013 1 D
Wang Hao Thesis Sales of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties、Book 牍 and content、Significance of Function and Literature Journal of Liaocheng University (Social Science Edition) 2013 4 D
Wang Hao Thesis Take the melting Chu Sao Self -Casting & MDASH; & Mdash; Gansu theoretical journal 2013 1 C
Wang Jianguang Thesis "Tea House": Public space、Private space、System and the truth of life Journal of Hainan Normal University (Social Science Edition) 2013 6 D
Wang Xiaoying Thesis Self -narrative and 188bet apktext politics & mdash; & mdash; First -person protagonist -style homosexual novel analysis Journal of Hainan Normal University (Social Science Edition) 2013 5 D
Wang Xiaoying Thesis Culture and emotion of Chinese characters Silk Road 2013 5 D
Wang Xiaoying Thesis The thorns in the movie 1942 Silk Road 2013 1 D
Wang Xingfen Thesis Thinking and exploring the way of teaching and examination methods of university Chinese curriculum Chinese Teaching Communication & Middot; D Journal (Academic Journal) 2013 8 D
Xu Xiaojun Thesis Anxiety of imitation: Analysis of cottage Aesthetic phenomenon Journal of Changchun University 2013 7 D
Xu Xiaojun Thesis Different words: Targeting of Chinese and Western aesthetic form differences Journal of Mianyang Teachers College 2013 6 D
Xu Yan Thesis Yang Yi's writing test Research on History Literature 2013 6 B
Yang Xiaobin Thesis Maps, Fang Zhi's compilation and creation of Han and Jin Duxi Literary Review 2013 2 A1
Yang Xiaobin Thesis Deletion of Wang Shizhen's collection of poems and their poems Reprinting information of the People's Congress 2013 3 A2
Yang Xiaobin Thesis Yanzhi's pushes for false falsification Studies of Chinese Studies 2013 6 B
Yang Xiaobin Thesis & lt; Yan's Family Training & GT; Hidden Character Hui Test Ancient Books Research 2013 7 B
Yang Xiaobin Thesis The deletion of the collection of poems of Wang Shizhen and the Qing Dynasty text prison & mdash; & mdash; Academic Forum 2013 2 B
Yang Xiaobin Thesis Yan Zhi Push & LT; Ji Shengfu & GT;、Collection and Tone Differential Analysis Reprinting information of the People's Congress 2013 1 A2
Yang Xiaobin Thesis Pan Yue's "Sheng Fu" aesthetic meaning and time Journal of Jinggangshan University (Social Science Edition) 2013 2 D
Zhang Xiaoqin Thesis Millennium Lonely China Experience & mdash; & mdash; Series of Modern Literature in China 2013 2 A1
Zhang Xiaoqin Thesis Lightning & mdash; & mdash; on Zhang Qinghua's literary world Literature and art contention 2013 4 A2
Zhang Xiaoqin Thesis Fate of Literature Gansu Daily 2013 10 D
Zhang Xiaoqin Thesis Whether one light can be removed for thousands of years Journal of Lanzhou Jiaotong University 2013 5 D
Zhang Xiaoqin Thesis The sky question of contemporary women Literary News 2013 9 D
Zhang Xiaoqin Thesis One unrealistic long trip Expo Group Book 2013 8 D
Zhao Yanfu Thesis Zhao Yisheng Ping Make up theory Journal of Sun Yat -sen University (Social Science Edition) 2013 4 B
Zhao Yanfu Thesis The idea of ​​the rule of law with caution Social Science Front 2013 4 A2
Zhao Yanfu Thesis On the research of Qin history and the Qin people's westward problem & mdash; & mdash; Read Mr. Zhongzhong "Qin Shi Zhi Zhi Lu" Journal of Tianshui Normal University 2013 1 D
Zhao Yanfu Thesis Look at the literature issues in the research of cattle women from two quotes Research Journal of Ancient Books 2013 5 D
Zhao Yanfu Thesis On the relationship between Gansu's early culture and Huaxia civilization Gansu Social Science 2013 4 B
Zhao Yanfu Thesis On Ge Hong's thoughts, writings and value Fudan Journal (Social Science Edition) 2013 4 B
Zhao Yanfu Thesis From interest to the formation of mission Contemporary Education and Culture 2013 5 D
Zhao Yanfu Thesis On Ge Hong's thoughts、Writing and its value & mdash; & mdash; "Fudan Journal" 2013.4 Copy of the People's Congress. Ancient Literature Research 2013 10 A2
Zhao Yanfu Thesis Cheng Chuan Tun Fu is the history of poetry & mdash; & mdash; Copy of the People's Congress. Ancient Literature Research 2013 2 A2
Zhao Yanfu Thesis Zhao Yisheng Ping Molying-Journal of Sun Yat-sen University (Social Science Edition) 2013.4 Copy of the People's Congress. Ancient Literature Research 2013 12 A3
Zhao Maolin Thesis Four "Poetry" text sources of the Han Dynasty Journal of Hefei University of Technology (Social Science Edition) 2013 1 D
Zhao Maolin Thesis & lt; Mao Zhuan & GT; Sinology Journal 2013 4 D
Zhou Xiaojuan Thesis Charlotty & Middot; New Detective of Brummer's Novels Chinese Teaching Communication & Middot; D Journal (Academic Journal) (Non's Mandarin) 2013 11 D
Zhou Xiaojuan Thesis What is the fairy tales: The new solution of the fairy tale theme of Victoria novels Chinese Teaching Communication & Middot; D Journal (Academic Journal) (Non's Mandarin) 2013 9 D
Zhou Xiaojuan Thesis The fairy tale theme of Victorian women's novels Journal of Xi'an Foreign Language University 2013 4 D
Zhu Bin Thesis Poetry jumping Writing 2013 5 D
Zhu Bin Thesis Return to literature common sense: New Century & ldquo; Literature and thought & rdquo; Literature and art contention 2013 1 A2
Zhu Bin Thesis The nature of the tension of thesis Journal of Yanshan University (Zhenshe Edition) 2013 3 D
Zhu Bin Thesis Exploration of self-identification of national novels in the 1950s and 1950s Journal of Shihezi University (Zhenshe Edition) 2013 4 C
Zhu Bin Thesis The integration of national novels in the middle of the 20th century & ldquo; self -& rdquo; cause analysis Shanxi Normal University News (Social Science Edition) 2013 1 C
Zhu Bin Thesis Significance of the ontology of literary tension Northern Cong 2013 5 B
Zhu Bin Thesis Dunhuang Art's regeneration phenomenon in contemporary language context reflection Journal of Hainan Normal University (Social Science Edition) 2013 5 D
Zhu Bin Thesis Literature and Art: Respect tradition and history Journal of Chinese Social Sciences 2013 3-29 30 B

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