The 188bet slot casino held the opening ceremony and first report meeting for the training of party activists in the second half of 2014

Published by: System AdministratorRelease time: 2014-11-07Number of views:73

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11Afternoon of November 6th,The 188bet slot casino held a class opening ceremony for Party activists in the second half of 2014 (total 124th period) of the School of Liberal Arts in Room 518, Teaching Building 10。Nie Wanpeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the 188bet slot casino、Deputy Secretary Liu Bo、More than 100 party activists attended。The meeting was chaired by Secretary Nie Wanpeng。
Meeting,Secretary Nie Wanpeng introduced the background of the 188bet slot casino’s training for party activists、Purpose and significance,Put forward specific requirements for students。Deputy Secretary Liu Bo read out the "Implementation Plan for the Training of Party Activists of the School of Liberal Arts in the Second Half of 2014",Made specific arrangements for training work。
After the opening ceremony,According to 188bet slot casino arrangements,Secretary Nie Wanpeng made a speech titled“Chinese Dream and Contemporary Youth”First report。
It is reported,According to the arrangement of the 188bet slot casino,Activists who join the party need to attend four special report meetings in the next month,Watch video information,Participate in public welfare practice activities,Arrange no less than 8 hours of self-study,Take the final exam organized by the 188bet slot casino early next month,A certificate of completion will be issued if the result is passed,Selected as a party member development target after being recommended by the organization。
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