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Organization behavior
1. Explanation
(1)   Course Nature
This course is the core compulsory course of the secretary professional,Provide professional theories about the basic laws of organizational behavior for learning professional knowledge,and & ldquo; Leading science & rdquo;、& ldquo; Modern management & rdquo;、& ldquo; Secretary Student & rdquo;。Is a multi -disciplinary、Multi -layered cross -edge comprehensive discipline。
(2)   Teaching purpose
Learning through this course,Make students systematically understand the basic laws of organizational behavior,Improve students' work in secretary、Basic abilities participating in organizational management。
(3) Teaching content
Main content: The content system of this course consists of ten parts。1、Ontology theory 2、Disciplinary Theory 3、Element theory 4、Operating theory 5、Individual behavior theory 6、Group Behavior Theory 7、Leading Behavior Theory 8、Organization Management Theory 9、Organization incentive theory 10、Organization change theory
(4) Teaching hours
72 hours
serial number
Inner Rong
School hours
Chapter 1    Overview of organizational behavior
Section of the meaning and characteristics of organizational behavior
The function and type of organizational behavior in Section 2
The mechanism and history of the third section of the organization behavior
Chapter 2    Science of organizational behavior
Section 1 The basic meaning of organizational behavior and discipline characteristics
Section 2 Organizational Development History and Basic Theory
Section 3 The structural system and main content of organizational behavior
Section 4 The significance and research method of organizational behavior
Chapter 3    Elements of organizational behavior
The main body of the organization's behavior & mdash; & mdash; social organization
Section 2 Organization of Organizations & MDASH; & MDASH; Organization Environment
Section III Organization Behavior & MDASH; & MDASH; Organization Labor
Section 4 The formal elements of the organizational behavior & mdash; & mdash; organization culture
Section 5 The motivation elements of organizational behavior & mdash; & mdash; organization target
Chapter 4    Operation of organizational behavior
The design of the first section of the organization
Section 2 Organization procedures
Section 3 Organizational operation system
Section 4 Organizational operation
Chapter 5    Individual behavior in the organization
Overview of individual behavior in the first section
Section 2 Personal factors affecting individual behavior
Section 3 The environmental factors affecting individual behavior
Section 4 Personal Career Design
Chapter 6    Group behavior in the organization
Section 1 of group behavior
Section 2 internal factors that affect the efficiency of the group
Section 3 The external factors that affect the efficiency of the group
Work Design of Group 4 Group
Chapter 7    Leadership in the organization
Overview of leadership behavior first
Section 2 The constituent element of leadership behavior
Section 3 The constraints that affect leadership behavior
The function of the leadership behavior in the fourth quarter
Chapter 8    Management of organizational behavior
The meaning and characteristics of the first section of organizational behavior management
Section 2 The functions and elements of organizational behavior management
The functions and methods of organizing management and management
The principles and theories of organizational behavior management
Chapter 9    Incentives of organizational behavior
Section 1 Organizational Incentive Principles
Value in the second quarter needs to be motivated
Section III target -oriented motivation
Section 4 Effect Feedback Incentive
Chapter 10    Change of organizational behavior
Section of the development of organizational behavior
Adjustment of organizational behavior in Section 2
Section III Organization Behavior Transformation
(5) Teaching method
Using systematic lecture、Special discussion、Work exercises、Teaching method combining self -learning。
2. This article
Chapter 1    Overview of organizational behavior
Teaching points:
The meaning and function of organizational behavior、Features and types、History and mechanism knowledge。
Teaching hours:
6 hours
Teaching content:
Section of the meaning and characteristics of organizational behavior
I.The meaning of weaving behavior (1) The meaning of social behavior (2) The meaning of organizational behavior
2、Characteristics of Organization (1) Main features (2) Functional features (3) Forms Features (4) System Features (5) Structural Features (6) (Management Features)
The function and type of organizational behavior in Section 2
I.Function of organizational behavior (1) Function of social labor (2) Social communication function (3) Social education function (4) Social management 188bet appfunction (5) Social security function (6) Social innovation function
2、Types of organizational behavior (1) Division according to the subject of the behavior (2) divide according to the occurrence of behavior (3) Press the content of the behavior (4) according to the behavior method (5) according to the behavior of behavior (6) according to the stage of behavior (seven) ) According to the value of the behavior (8) according to the time of behavior (9) according to the scope of the behavior (ten) according to the form of behavior
The mechanism and history of the third section of the organization behavior
I.Mechanism of organizational behavior (1) Core mechanism (2) Basic mechanism
 2、History of organizational behavior (1) commune system (2) family system (3) section system (4) power change system
Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness、understand and analyze the meaning and characteristics of organizational behavior、Function and Type、History and mechanism knowledge。
Chapter 2    Science of organizational behavior
Teaching points:
Basic meaning of organizational behavior、Disciplinary features、development history、Structure System、Structure System、Main content, etc.
Teaching hours:
7 hours
Teaching content:
Section 1 The basic meaning of organizational behavior and discipline characteristics
I.Basic meaning of organizational behavior (1) meaning expression (2) meaning analysis
2、Discipline special signs of organizational behavior (1) universality (2) comprehensive (3) systemic (4) cross -.
Section 2 Organizational Development History and Basic Theory
I.The development history of organizational behavior (1) Basic process of development history (2) the main feature of development history
2、Basic theory of organizational behavior: Management、Studies、Psychology、Sociology、Economics、Political Science、Culture、Ethics、Communication、Physiology、Leadership Science、Cognitive Science
Section 3 The structural system and main content of organizational behavior
I. Structural system (1) Master discussion (2) Subject discussion
2、Main content: consisting of ten parts。1、Ontology theory 2、Disciplinary Theory 3、Element theory 4、Operating theory 5、Individual behavior theory 6、Group Behavior Theory 7、Leading Behavior Theory 8、Organization Management Theory 9、Organization incentive theory 10、Organization change theory
Section 4 The significance and research method of organizational behavior
I. Main meaning
2、Main methods (1) method of obtaining research data (2) Analysis of the method of research data
Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness、League of understanding、Analysis of the basic meaning of organizational behavior、Disciplinary features、development history、Structure System、Structure System、Main content, etc.。
Chapter 3    Elements of organizational behavior
Teaching points:
The main body of organizational behavior、Object、Motor、Content、Forms and other elements knowledge。
Teaching hours:
9 hours
Teaching content:
The main body of the organization's behavior & mdash; & mdash; social organization
I.The meaning of the organization (1) Overview of meaning (2) meaning analysis
2、Organization elements (1) Organization members (2) Organizational goals (3) Organization system (4) Organization specifications (5) Organizational environment
3、Organization Function (1) Concentration Resources Function (2) Function of System configuration (3) Uniform goals function (4) Function of standard incentives (V) Value Realization Function (6) Social communication function
4、Types of the organization (1) Division according to the system (2) Dividement according to the field (3) divide according to scale (4) divide according to space (5) divided by setting (6) according to the relationship (7) divided by mechanism (eight) by mechanism (eight) ) According to functions (9) divide (10) divide by nature
Section 2 Organization of Organizations & MDASH; & MDASH; Organization Environment
I.The external environment of the organization (1) Human environment (2) Ecological environment
2、The internal environment of the organization (1) Human environment (2) material environment
3、The characteristics of the organizational environment: There are five main aspects,Objective、Condition、Objective、Dynamic、Interactivity
Section III Organization Behavior & MDASH; & MDASH; Organization Labor
1. The meaning of organizational labor
2、Basic process of organizing labor (1) Labor investment (2) Labor output (3) Labor exchange (4) Labor distribution (5) Labor consumption
3、Main content of organizational labor (1) Product labor (2) Life labor
4. Organizing the expression of labor
5. The development trend of organizational labor
Section 4 The formal elements of the organizational behavior & mdash; & mdash; organization culture
    I.The meaning of organizational culture (1) Organic culture in a broad sense (2) Sumid organizational culture
2、The function of organizational culture (1) Guidance function (2) Gathering function (3) Incentive function (4) Educational function (5) Specification function (6) Integrated function (7) Construction function (8) Construction function
3、Characteristics of organizational culture (1) Creativity (2) Social (3) Synthetic (4) History (V) historic (6) richness (7) diversity (8) interaction
4. The formation and factor of organizational culture
Section 5 The motivation elements of organizational behavior & mdash; & mdash; organization target
I.Meaning of Organization goals (1) Meaning expression (2) meaning analysis
2、Function of organizational goals (1) Revitalizing function (2) Guiding function (3) Promotion function (4) Unified function (5) Integrated function
3. Types of organizational goals: Seven division methods
4. Settings of organizational goals
Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness、The main body of the organizational behavior、Knowledge of elements such as object,Analysis and application of organizational behavior、Content、Forms and other elements knowledge。
Chapter 4    Operation of organizational behavior
Teaching points:
Organizational design, procedures, systems, structures and other knowledge.
Teaching hours:
7 hours
Teaching content:
The design of the first section of the organization
I.The meaning of organizational design (1) meaning expression (2) meaning analysis
2. The concept of organizational design
3. Elements of organizational design
4、Principles of organizational design 188bet login(1) Target -oriented (2) Program unified (3) Institutional science (4) Reasonable structure (5) Clear and clear responsibilities (6) Essential efficiency (7) Overall coordination (8) Innovative development
Section 2 Organization procedures
I.The meaning of the organizational program (1) meaning expression (2) meaning analysis
2、Input of labor resources (1) Resource type (2) Input method (3) Input principle
3、Configuration of Labor Resources (1) Configuration Type (2) Configuration Method (3) Configuration Principles
4、The development of business work (1) Work type (2) working method (3) working principle
5、Output of labor products (1) Output type (2) Output method (3) Output principle
Section 3 Organizational operation system
I.The meaning of the organizational system (1) meaning expression (2) meaning analysis
2、Functions of the organizational system (1) Organization function (2) reflecting function (3) specified function (4) constraint function
3. The attributes of the organizational system
4、The composition of the organizational system (1) Organizational system (2) Organization system
Section 4 Organizational operation
I.The meaning of the organizational structure (1) meaning expression (2) meaning analysis
2、Content of the organizational structure (1) Structural relationship between organizations (2) Structure relationship within the organization
3. The scale of the organizational structure
4、Types of the organizational structure (1) Direct line system (2) functional system (3) matrix system (4) synthetic system (5) career system (6) multi -dimensional system (7) power change system
Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness、League of understanding、Analysis、应用Organizational design, procedures, systems, structures and other knowledge.
Chapter 5    Individual behavior in the organization
Teaching points:
The meaning and characteristics of individual behavior、Type and Management,Personal factor affecting individual behavior、Environmental factors,Design and development of personal career。
Teaching hours:
7 hours
Teaching content:
Overview of individual behavior in the first section
I. The meaning of individual behavior
2、Features of individual behavior (1) Personalization (2) Occupation (3) Energy (4) Basic (5) Emotional
3. The rules of individual behavior
4、The role of individual behavior (1) The character regulations (2) role identity (3) role performance
5、Types of individual behavior (1) Division according to the content of behavior (2) Dividement by behavior (3) Dividement according to the relationship relationship (4) divide according to behavior form (5) divide according to behavioral significance
Section 2 Personal factors affecting individual behavior
I.Summary of Personality (1) Personality attributes (two) Personality characteristics (3) meaning of personality (4) Personality formation (5) Personality development
2、Personal cognition (1) The meaning of cognition (2) Function of cognition (3) The element of cognition (4) Cognitive type
3、Personalistic tendency (1) Temperature (2) Ability (3) Personality
Section 3 The environmental factors affecting individual behavior
I.General factors (1) Social and cultural factors (2) Social psychological factors
2、Specific factors (1) Social factors (2) Natural factors
Section 4 Personal Career Design
I.The meaning of the design and development of professional career (1) meaning expression (2) meaning analysis
2、The function of career design (1) Mingzhi (2) guide (3) Incentive (4) Basic (5) adjustment
3、Content of career design (1) Objective design (2) Select design (3) development design) (4) Practice design (5) Management design (6) Change design
4、Principles of Career Design (1) Combination of individuals and organizations (2) Combination of self and society (3) Combination of survival and development (4) Combination of reality and future (5) ideal and actual combination
5. Change of career design
Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness、The meaning and characteristics of the individual behavior、Type and Management knowledge,Analyze and apply personal factors that affect individual behavior、Environmental factors,Design and development of personal career。
Chapter 6    Group behavior in the organization
Teaching points:
The meaning and function of the group、Growth and Type、Knowledge such as joint strength and interaction,and internal factors and external factors that affect the effectiveness of the group、Work design and other knowledge of business group。
Teaching hours:
7 hours
Teaching content:
Section 1 of group behavior
I.The meaning of the group (1) meaning expression (2) meaning analysis
2、Features of the group (1) Synthesis (2) functional (3) Multi -dimensional (4) Lisity (5) Intermediary (6) Convergence
3、Features of the group (1) Available function (2) Complement function (3) Control function (4) Coordination function (5) Incentive function (6) Social function (7) Inheritance function (8) Inheritance function
4. Types of the group
5、History of the masses (1) historical period (2) historical characteristics
6、The interaction of the group (1) meaning (2) object (3) function (4) form
Section 2 internal factors that affect the efficiency of the group
I.Structural factors (1) Group target (2) group technology (3) group composition (4) group decision -making (5) group specification (6) group communication
2、Psychological factors (1) Group consciousness (2) group relationship (3) group communication (4) group psychology (5) group pressure (6) group price
Section 3 The external factors that affect the efficiency of the group
I.Organize the cultural environment (1) Spiritual and cultural environment (2) Business Cultural Environment (3) Personnel Cultural Environment
2、Related business environment (1) External social environment (2) Internal business environment
3. Social ecological environment
Work Design of Group 4 Group
I.Meaning of work design (1) meaning expression (2) meaning analysis
2、Work Design Function (1) Function of division of labor collaboration (2) The function of clear responsibility and power (3) The function of the management of this management 188bet app download(4) the function of self -motivation
3、Content of the Design of Work (1) Work Content (2) Work Responsibilities (3) Work Relationship (4) Work Specification (5) Work Feedback
4、Work Design Method (1) Professional design method (2) Rotating design method (3) Enriched design method (4) Featured design method
5、Principles of Work Design (1) Principles of Work Efficacy (2) Principles of Technical Science (3) Principles of Psychology (4) Principles of Management
Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness、Complete the meaning and function of the group、Growth and Type knowledge,Analyze and apply the combination and interaction of the group、Internal factors and external factors that affect the efficiency of the group、Work design and other knowledge of business group。
Chapter 7    Leadership in the organization
Teaching points:
The meaning and elements of the leader、Attributes and features、authority and efficiency,and organizational factors and member factors that affect leadership authority,The general functions and main functions of the leader
Teaching hours:
7 hours
Teaching content:
Overview of leadership behavior first
I.The meaning of leadership (1) meaning expression (2) meaning analysis
2、Features of Leadership (1) Personnel (2) Political nature (3) Duality (4) Global (V) Preface (6) Stereo (7) Organization (8) Interactivity
3、The authority and efficacy of leadership (1) The authority of the leadership (2) the performance of the leader
Section 2 The constituent element of leadership behavior
I.The main factors & mdash; & mdash;
2、Objective factors & mdash; & mdash; leadership deployment
3、Power factors & mdash; & mdash; leadership target
4、Organizational factors & mdash; & mdash; leadership system
Section 3 The constraints that affect leadership behavior
I.Leading Environment (1) Meaning (2) Function (3) Elements (4) Requirements
2、Leadership specifications (1) meaning (2) formation (3) function (4) content
3、Leading Fang Strategy (1) Meaning (2) Formation (3) Function (4) Content (5) Use
4、Leadership efficacy (1) Meaning (2) Element (3) Meaning (4) Evaluation
The function of the leadership behavior in the fourth quarter
I.Functions of Leading Behavior (1) Business System (2) Personnel System (3) Facilities System (4) Environmental System (V) Management System (6) Information System
2、Main functions of leadership (1) Decision -making work (2) Preparation work (3) Personnel work (4) ideological work
Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness、The meaning and elements of the leadership、Attributes and features、authority and efficiency,and organizational factors and member factors that affect leadership authority,The general functions and main functions of the leader
Chapter 8    Management of organizational behavior
Teaching points:
The meaning and characteristics of organizational behavior management、Function and elements、functions and methods、Principles and theory knowledge。
Teaching hours:
7 hours
Teaching content:
The meaning and characteristics of the first section of organizational behavior management
1. The meaning of organizational behavior management
2、Procedures for Organization Management (1) Decision (2) Execution (3) Monitoring (4) Adjustment
3、The characteristics of organizational management (1) duality (2) integration (3) intelligent (4) organizational (5) comprehensive (6) layered
Section 2 The functions and elements of organizational behavior management
I.The function of organizational management (1) Positioning function (2) Orientation function (3) Integrated function (4) Resource function (5) Power function (7) Maintenance function (8) Innovation function
2、Organizational management elements (1) Management personnel (2) Management objects (3) Management Objective (4) Management System (5) Management and Communication
The functions and methods of organizing management and management
I.System Management Function (1) Management function of business system (2) Management function of personnel system (3) Management function of environmental systems (4) Management function of management system (5) Management function of facilities and systems (6) Management function of information system
The principles and theories of organizational behavior management
Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness、League of understanding、Management functions of organizational behavior、Management method,Analyze and apply the management principles of organizational behavior、Management theory and other knowledge。
Chapter 9    Incentives of organizational behavior
Teaching points:
Organizational incentive principle、Value needs to be motivated、Target -oriented motivation、Effect feedback Incentives and other knowledge。
Teaching hours:
8 hours
Teaching content:
Section 1 Organizational Incentive Principles
I.The meaning of incentive (1) the need for humanization management (2) the need for scientific management (3) the need for democratic management (4) the need for legalization management (5) the need for innovative management
2、Incentive Elements (1) Organization value need (2) motivation of organizational behavior (3) Organizational behavior goals (4) Organization behavior (5) Effects of organizational behavior feedback
3. Procedures for organizational behavior incentive
Value in the second quarter needs to be motivated
I.Need structural theory (1) Basic views (2) Important significance (3) Actual use
2、Need to adjust incentives (1) Basic perspective (2) Important significance (3) Actual use
3、Double needs 188bet app downloadincentive (1) Basic views (2) Important significance (3) Actual use
4、Achievements need to be motivated (1) Basic perspective (2) Important significance (3) Actual use
Section III target -oriented motivation
I.Target expectation incentives (1) Basic perspective (2) Important significance (3) Actual use
2、Target setting incentives (1) Basic perspective (2) Important significance (3) Actual use
3、Target value 188bet app downloadincentive (1) Basic views (2) Important significance (3) Actual use
4、Moderate target 188bet app downloadincentive (1) Basic views (2) Immigration (3) Actual use
Section 4 Effect Feedback Incentive
I.Effective Incentives (1) Basic Perspective (2) Main methods (3) Actual use
2、Effect cognitive 188bet app downloadincentive (1) Basic views (2) Main methods (3) Actual use
3、Effective emotional motivation (1) Basic perspective (2) Main method (3) Actual use
Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness、Leading the principle of organizational incentive,Analysis and application value requires motivation、Target -oriented motivation、Effect feedback Incentives and other knowledge。
Chapter 10    Change of organizational behavior
Teaching points:
The meaning of organizational development、Method condition、Strategy,The meaning of organizational adjustment、Reason、countermeasures,Movement of organizational change、resistance、Content、Method,The meaning of organizational innovation、Mechanism、Conditions, etc.
Teaching hours:
7 hours
Teaching content:
Section of the development of organizational behavior
I.The significance of development (1) The power condition of the survival of the organization (2) the prerequisites of resolving contradictions (3) Basic conditions of social development (4) the necessary conditions for personal development
3、Development conditions (1) Internal conditions (2) External conditions
4、Promotion of development (1) Learning improvement (2) Practice summary
Adjustment of organizational behavior in Section 2
1. The meaning of organizational adjustment
2、Reasons for organizational adjustment (1) Internal reasons (2) External reasons
3、Organic adjustment content (1) Target adjustment (2) standard adjustment (3) System adjustment (4) Technical adjustment (5) Personnel adjustment (6) Program adjustment (7) management adjustment
4、Method of organizational adjustment (1) Guidance -type adjustment (2) Instruction type adjustment
5、Organization adjustment procedures (1) understanding issues (2) Determine goals (3) Formulation plan (4) Organization implementation (5) feedback adjustment (6) Effect evaluation
Section III Organization Behavior Transformation
1. The meaning of organizational change
2、Reasons for change (1) Internal reasons (2) External reasons
3、Content of the change (1) Organization goals (2) Organization system (3) Management method (4) Organization Technology (V) Organization Personnel (6) Organization Program (7) Organization specification
4. Procedures for change
5. Strategy of change
Evaluation requirements:
League of understanding、Analyze and apply the meaning of the development of the organization、Method condition、Strategy,The meaning of organizational adjustment、Reason、countermeasures,Movement of organizational change、resistance、Content、Method,The meaning of organizational innovation、Mechanism、Conditions, etc.。
3, Reference Bibliography
1、Li Jianfeng,"Organization Behavior",Renmin University of China Press,2000.
2、Robins,"Organization Behavior",Renmin University of China Press, 2005 edition。
3. Fred, "Organization Behavior",People's Posts and Telecommunications Press, 2008, 11th edition.
4、Zhu Yongxin,"Management Psychology", Higher Education Press2006New Year.
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