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Modern Etiquette
a,    Description
(1) Course Nature
Modern etiquette is a compulsory course for secretaries。This course is a special etiquette specification and its origin that people must follow in social life、A discipline of development and various etiquette and practical knowledge。
(2) Teaching purpose
The purpose of the teaching of this course is to introduce a series of knowledge about etiquette,Further improve the comprehensive literacy of students,Help students better use etiquette,To better regulate interpersonal relationship,Successful success。
(3) Teaching content
This course is guided by the basic principles of Marxism -Leninism,Adhere to the principle of theoretical connection with actual conditions,Based on the scientific research results at home and abroad,According to the characteristics of my country's actual and modern etiquette,Highlight its application。Scientifically explain the basic concepts of modern etiquette scientifically、Basic knowledge and basic skills,and properly introduce the new achievements and different opinions of this subject。
(4) Teaching hours
This course is opened for a semester, common72 school hours, the average school hours are 4 hours a week.
serial number
Inner Rong
School hours
Chapter 1 Introduction
    Section 1 The essence of etiquette
    Section 2 The origin of etiquette and its historical evolution
    Section 3  The function and principles of etiquette
Chapter 2 etiquette cultivation
    Section 1  Overview
   Section 2  Features and methods of etiquette cultivation
    Section 3  Three relationships that should be paid attention to etiquette
Chapter 3   Personal etiquette
   Section 1  Overview
    Section 2  Instrument gesture
Chapter 4   Family etiquette
    Section 1  Overview
    Section 2  Family member title
Self -learning
   Section 3  Family member etiquette
    Section 4  Congratulations to etiquette
    Section 5  Gift etiquette
   Section 6  entertainment etiquette
Chapter 5   social etiquette
    Section 1  Overview
   Section 2  Meeting etiquette
    Section 3  Introduction etiquette
    Section 4  Talking etiquette
    Section 5  Banquet and Gift
    Section 6  Dance and Salon
    Section 7  Social contraindications
Chapter 6  official etiquette
   Section 1  Overview
    Section 2  Work etiquette
    Section 3  Conference etiquette
    Section 4  Corporal etiquette
    Section 5  Business welcome
Chapter 7   Business etiquette
   Section 1  Overview
    Section 2  counter service etiquette
    Section 3  Business negotiation etiquette
    Section 4  Product sales etiquette
    Section 5  Business ritual
Chapter 8   Foreign Affairs etiquette
    Section 1  Overview
    Section 2  Foreign Affairs Welcome
    Section 3  Meeting and talks
    Section 4  Foreign Affairs Banquet
    Section 5  Gift etiquette
    Section 6  Visit the Etiquette
    Section 7  The etiquette at the literary party and the dance party
Self -learning
    Section 8  Other foreign affairs etiquette
Chapter 9   Customs etiquette
    Section 1  Overview
    Section 2  holiday etiquette
    Section 3  Life etiquette
    Section 4  my country's major ethnic minority customs
Chapter 10   etiquette documents
    Section 1  Overview
    Section 2  General Book Letter
    Section 3  etiquette speech and correspondence
    Section 4  Cambodian posts and employment letters
    Section 5  Business card and greeting card
    Section 6  Inscription and notice
    Section 7  讣 讣 悼
(5) Teaching method
The teaching method of this course is mainly taught、Discussion and multimedia teaching and practice。Teachers should combine the actual study of students,According to the focus of teaching、Difficult point,After each chapter, you should propose a targeted thinking question,Require students to check reference materials,Complete written homework。You can also organize students to discuss、Answer,Conclusion。Cultivate students' good learning style and improve practical application ability。​​This big outline has a reference book,Teachers should combine the teaching progress,Instruct students to read planned in a planned manner。
2. This article
Chapter 1   Introduction
Teaching points:
The main points of teaching in this chapter are the essence of etiquette (meaning) and & ldquo; three rituals & rdquo;,Origin and historical evolution of etiquette。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are7 hours.
Teaching content:
      Section 1 The essence of etiquette (3 hours)
One obvious feature of human beings different from animals is human social。Human activities are not only affected and restricted by natural laws,and also affected and restricted by the various social norms determined by social laws and social laws。In these social specifications,Except for moral norms and legal specifications,There is another very important aspect,This is etiquette specification。
1. The meaning of etiquette
In Europe,& ldquo; etiquette & rdquo; The word is first seen in French & ldquo;Etiquette & RDQUO;,The original meaning was & ldquo; Pass on court & rdquo;。
In China,& ldquo; etiquette & rdquo;。
In ancient Chinese,& ldquo; Rites & rdquo; It mainly includes three layers of meaning:
First,The hierarchical 188bet appsystem of slave society and feudal society in my country, as well as a set of etiquette rituals that are compatible with it。
Second, it means respect and politeness.
Third, the gift, the items presented.
As an overall concept,Etiquette speaking in a broad sense,Refers to the code system of an era。In a narrow sense,Refers to people due to historical traditions in social communication、Customs habit、Religious beliefs、The influence of factors such as the trend of the times,The recognition and obey of people,Various behavioral specifications and codes of the purpose of establishing a harmonious relationship。
2. The characteristics of etiquette
(1) Specification
(2) Diversity
(3) Inheritance
(4) Differences
(5) Socialist
3, content of etiquette
    (1) & ldquo; three rituals & rdquo; basic content
    (2) Basic content of modern etiquette ourselves
    Section 2 The origin of etiquette and its historical evolution (2 hours)
This section is mainly based on Chinese etiquette,Explain the origin of etiquette and its historical evolution。
a,Origin of etiquette
Etiquette is the product of social history,It was the earliest in the process of interaction of people,It is after the human society from the animal world and organizing human society,Gradually formed in long -term social practice。
two,The historical evolution of etiquette
    (1) The origin stage of etiquette
The Xia Dynasty was born before the 21st century BC.
    (2) The formation stage of etiquette
21st century BC to BCXiaoshang on Wednesday of 771.
    (3) The change stage of etiquette
Bed BC771 to 221 BC during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period.
    (4) The formation, strengthening and decline of feudal etiquette.
From the Qin and Han dynasties from 211 AD to the late Qing Dynasty in 1911。
    (5) Modern etiquette stage
From the beginning of 1911 to the present.
       Section 3  The function and principles of etiquette (2 hours)
1. The function of etiquette
    (1) It helps to shape a good social image
    (2) Regulate people's social behavior
    (3) Help to build a socialist spiritual civilization
    (4) It is conducive to Chinese people to enhance national self -esteem
2. The principle of etiquette
    (1) The principle of sincerity
    (2) Dear Principles
    (3) Principles of sympathy
    (4) Principles of Care
Evaluation requirements:
The assessment requirements of this chapter are mainly the essence of etiquette、The origin and historical evolution of etiquette and the content of & ldquo; three rituals & rdquo;。
Chapter 2   etiquette cultivation
Teaching points:
Etiquette cultivation is an important form of etiquette activities,It is an important question that cannot be ignored in modern etiquette。Explore the problem of etiquette cultivation,Reveal the essence of etiquette cultivation、Significance、Features and methods,Perform etiquette practice consciously to grasp the norms of etiquette and consciously,It has very important significance。
Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are7 hours.
Teaching content:
    Section 1  Overview (2 hours)
1. Cultivation and etiquette cultivation
It mainly refers to people to achieve a certain social purpose,According to certain etiquette specification requirements,combined with your actual situation,
In etiquette quality、Self -exercise and self -transformation of consciousness and other aspects。
2. The importance of etiquette cultivation
    (1) Through etiquette cultivation, standardized etiquette behavior;
    (2) Cultivate the quality of etiquette through etiquette cultivation.
         Section 2  Features and methods of etiquette cultivation (2 hours)
1. General features of etiquette cultivation
    (1) It has the same nature;
    (2) Multi -end;
    (3) Has repetitive;
    (4) It is practical;
    (5) Graduation.
2. Method of etiquette cultivation
    (1) Formed in people's interaction;
    (2) Subject and objective unity,The theory and practice are linked;
    (3) From recognizing the process of repeated practice;
     Section 3  Three relationships that should be focused on etiquette cultivation (3 hours)
This section is a non -heavy content, and students are required to learn by themselves.
1. Etiquette cultivation and social characters
2. Etiquette cultivation and morality
Three, etiquette cultivation and beauty
Evaluation requirements:
The main point of the assessment of this chapter is the meaning of etiquette cultivation、The general characteristics of etiquette cultivation and the method of etiquette cultivation, etc.。
Chapter 3   Personal etiquette
Teaching points:
The teaching points of this chapter are the basic knowledge of personal etiquette,Definition of personal etiquette、Principles of personal etiquette, etc.,Because I only learn personal etiquette,It is possible to further learn other etiquette knowledge。
Teaching hours:
The number of teaching hours in this chapter is 7 hours.
Teaching content:
             Section 1  Overview (4 hours)
1. The concept of personal etiquette
(1) The connotation of personal etiquette:
Personal etiquette is the standard of living behavior of social individuals and guidelines for treating people,Is a personal instrument、Return、Talk、Herms、Specific regulations in treating people and other aspects,It is personal moral quality、Cultural literacy、Educational conscience and other mental connotation external performance。
(2) Basic features of personal etiquette
   1.Personal as the fulcrum;
   2.Based on cultivation;
   3.The principle of respect;
   4.A goal of beauty.
2. The cultivation and formation of personal etiquette
(1) Personal motivation;
(2) The driving force of education;
(3) Infectious power of the environment.
3. Strengthen the importance of personal etiquette cultivation
(1) It helps improve personal quality and reflects its own value;
(2) helps to enhance interpersonal communication,Create a harmonious and friendly atmosphere;
(3) help promote social civilization,Accelerate the process of social development。
            Section 2  Instrument gusts (3 hours)
The first and second parts of this section are self -study parts.
Three, the basic principles of clothing in the beauty of clothing:
(1) Coordinate with the environment;
(2) Coordinate with social roles;
(3) Coordinate with your own conditions;
(4) Coordinate with the season of wearing;
Section 3 and 4 of this chapter is self -study content.
Evaluation requirements:
This chapter has the assessment requirements mainly the meaning of personal etiquette、Principles of personal etiquette、General features of personal etiquette, etc.。
Chapter 4   Family etiquette
Teaching points:
Family is the most basic unit to understand and master etiquette knowledge,Learning family etiquette has its special significance and necessary。The main points of teaching in this chapter are the most basic family etiquette knowledge,The meaning of family etiquette、Features and content of family etiquette。
Teaching hours:
The number of teaching hours in this chapter is 7 hours.
Teaching content:
               Section 1  Overview (2 hours)
1. The essence of the family and the meaning of family etiquette
(1) The essence of the family
(2) The meaning of family etiquette
Refers to people in long -term family life,Used to communicate thoughts、Communication information、Delinking the agreed codes and etiquettes that are gradually formed in contact with the relationship、Total name of the ceremony。
2. The characteristics and content of family etiquette
(1) Features of family etiquette
   1.Based on blood relationship;
   2.For the purpose of contact with emotion;
   3.Taking the principle of mutual care;
   4.Taking social benefits as the standard;
(2) The content of family etiquette
   1.Member etiquette;
   2.Performance etiquette;
   3.ritual etiquette;
   4.Hiroki and entertainment etiquette.
Section 2  Family member title (self -study)
      Section 3   Family member etiquette (1 time)
The etiquette between parents and children in the second part of this section is the key content。
1. Etiquette between husband and wife
2. Etiquette between parents and children
      Section 4  Congratulations on etiquette (1 time)
1. Birth celebration
2. Graduation Graduation Celebration
3, winning, promotion congratulations
Fourth, birthday congratulations
5. Congratulations to marriage
      Section 5  Gift etiquette (1.5 hours)
1. Gift etiquette
 (1) The nature and function of the gift
 (2) The timing and occasion of gifts
2. The choice of gifts
3. Joly and contraindications of giving gifts
4. Sending flowers
       Section 6  entertainment etiquette (1.5 hours)
I. Hirokosaurus
2. Guest
3, communication
Evaluation requirements:
The assessment requirements of this chapter are mainly the meaning of family etiquette、Features and content of family etiquette、The etiquette that the children should have for their parents。
Chapter 5   social etiquette
Teaching points:
Social etiquette is the most basic etiquette knowledge of students in this major,Is the focus of learning。The main point of learning in this chapter is the meaning of social etiquette、Meeting etiquette、Introduction etiquette、Talking etiquette, etc.。
Teaching hours:
The number of teaching hours in this chapter is 8 hours.
Teaching content:
        Section 1   Overview (2 hours)
1. The meaning and characteristics of social etiquette
(1) The meaning of social etiquette
Refers to the mutual respect of people in social interaction activities、Respect、Good and friendly behavioral specifications and usual forms。
(2) The characteristics of social etiquette
2. The basic principles and requirements of social etiquette
        Section 2   Meeting etiquette (1 time)
I. Words
2. Watching etiquette
         Section 3   Introduction etiquette (1 time)
1. Introduction
 (1) Introduction to the general rules
     1.introduce men to women;
     2.The young man introduced it to the elderly;
     3.introduces low status to people with low status;
     4.introduce the unmarried person to the married person;
     5.Gender and status should be introduced in the order of status.
(2) Introduction to the type introduced
(3) Requirements for etiquette during the introduction
(4) Introduction to etiquette requirements
2. Use the ceremony of using business cards
(1) Stocking of business cards
(2) Show the ceremony of the business card
(3) Accept the ceremony of receiving business cards
(4) The use of business cards
        Section 4   Talking etiquette (1 time)
1. The attitude of conversation
2. Topics of conversation
3. The grasp of the atmosphere and topic of the conversation
(1) The atmosphere of the conversation
(2) Skills of conversation
4. Talking about the body's posture
(1) Emoticon
(2) Gesture
(3) Gesture
5. The art of listening
6. Telephone language
(1) How to call
(2) How to answer the phone
(3) Precautions for calls
         Section 5   Banquet and Gift (1 time)
1. Banquet
(1) The form of a banquet
(2) The etiquette of hosting the banquet
(3) The etiquette of the banquet
(4) Dining ceremony
2. Gifts
    (1) Selection of the time of gifts
    (2) Selection of gift gifts
    (3) Gift requirements
    (4) The etiquette of the ceremonial person
         Section 6   Dance and Salon (1 time)
I. Dance
    (1) Organization of the Dance Club
    (2) The requirements of the participants
    (3) Please dance the etiquette
    (4) The etiquette that should be paid attention to when refusing to invite
    (5) The grace that should have when dancing
2. Salon
    (1) The meaning and form of the salon
    (2) Participate in the Salon requirements
         Section 7   Social contraindications (1 time)
1. Avoid excessive jokes
2. Avoid anger
3, avoid evil language hurting people
Four, avoid flying short stream length
5. Taboo and have no faith
6. Avoid nicknames for others
Evaluation requirements:
The main point of the assessment of this chapter is the meaning of social etiquette、Meeting etiquette、Introduction etiquette、Talking etiquette, etc.。
Chapter 6   official etiquette
Teaching points:
Business etiquette is a very practical etiquette。Require students to master basic official etiquette specifications that must be followed by business activities such as official etiquette、Nature、Function and content of conference etiquette。
Teaching hours:
The number of teaching hours in this chapter is 7 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1   Overview (1 time)
1. The nature and role of official etiquette
2. Principles and classification of official etiquette
Section 2   Work etiquette (2 hours)
1. job search guide
2. On -the -job etiquette
3. Receiving petitions and door -to -door interviews
4. Reporting work and listening to report
5. Office etiquette
Section 3   Conference etiquette (2 hours)
I. Organization of the meeting
2. The etiquette of the meeting
Three, several common meeting procedures and etiquette
(1) Examination
(2) Symposium
(3) Celebrating the commendation meeting
(4) Press conference
  Section 4   Corcular etiquette (1 time)
I. The characteristics of the etiquette
2. Rules of official document etiquette
3, the etiquette requirements 188bet apkhandled by the official document
4. Etiquette requirements for common official documents
      Section 5   official service delivery (1 time)
a,A general program for receiving guests
two,General procedures for seeing guests for guests
3,Official giving ritual etiquette
Four,The contraindications of giving away
Evaluation requirements:
The assessment requirements of this chapter are the meaning of official etiquette、The nature and role of official etiquette、Principles of official etiquette、Classification and requirements of conference etiquette in official etiquette。
Chapter 7   Business etiquette
Teaching points:
Business etiquette is a ritual specification for business workers in business communication,The behavioral specifications that must be followed by business activities。This chapter learns commonly used business etiquette knowledge: the meaning of business etiquette、Features and types,The role and principles of business etiquette, as well as business negotiation etiquette and product sales etiquette。
Teaching hours:
The number of teaching hours in this chapter is 7 hours.
Teaching content:
           Section 1   Overview (1 time)
a,The characteristics and classification of business etiquette
two,The role and principles of business etiquette
           Section 2   counter service etiquette (1 time)
a,Etiquette specifications of commercial service personnel
two,Basic etiquette of salespersons
3,Basic etiquette of hotel service
           Section 3   Business negotiation etiquette (2 hours)
a,Preparing stage etiquette
two,Etiquette in the negotiation process
3,Skills for business negotiations
           Section 4   Product sales etiquette (2 hours)
a,Personnel sales etiquette
two,Non -personal sales etiquette
           Section 5   Business ritual (1 time)
1. Open ribbon -cutting ceremony
2. Signing ceremony
3. Opening and closing ceremony
Evaluation requirements:
The main point of the assessment of this chapter is the meaning of business etiquette、Features、Function and business negotiation etiquette and product sales etiquette。
Chapter 8   Foreign Affairs etiquette
Teaching points:
Foreign affairs etiquette is to express respect to foreign guests during foreign communication activities、Friendly formats and etiquettes、Standards for ritual and habit。Foreign affairs etiquette is especially important after joining the WTO in China。This chapter is the focus of learning。The focus of this chapter is the meaning of foreign affairs and etiquette、Features and principles of foreign affairs etiquette、The overall requirements of foreign affairs work, etc.。
Teaching hours:
The number of teaching hours in this chapter is 7 hours.
Teaching content:
             Section 1   Overview (1 time)
1. The etiquette and principles of foreign affairs work
(1) Foreign affairs work etiquette and its characteristics
(2) The basic principles of foreign affairs work
(3) The overall requirements of foreign affairs work
2. Sequence and requirements of rituals
             Section 2   Foreign Affairs Welcome (1 time)
1. The arrangement of welcome
2. Determine the giving specifications
3. Master the time of arrival and leave
Fourth, Flowers
5. Introduce each other
6. Cyber ​​car in the welcome delivery
7. Other matters to welcome
            Section 3   Meeting and talks (1 time)
I. Meeting and its nature
2. Connotation of talks
Third, the arrangement of meeting and talks
4. The venue layout and seat arrangement
5. Several specific tasks of meeting and talks
            Section 4   Foreign Affairs Banquet (1 time)
a,Four forms of banquet
two,Preparation of Banquet
3,Equipment in the banquet
Four,Polite cultivation of the banquets
            Section 5   Gift etiquette (1 time)
a,Gift Rules
two,Gift etiquette
            Section 6   Visit Tour Etiquette (1 time)
a,The selection of the project
two,Arrange layout
Four,Receive visit
6.Logistics arrangements
     Section 7   etiquette at the literary party and the dance (self -study)
a,etiquette at the literary party
two,The etiquette of the ball
          Section 8   Other foreign affairs etiquette (1 time)
a,Calling etiquette
two,Clothing etiquette
3,Diet etiquette
Four,Gift to enter the room
Five,Taboo from foreigners
Evaluation requirements:
The main point of the assessment of this chapter is the meaning of foreign affairs and etiquette、Features and principles of foreign affairs etiquette、The overall requirements of foreign affairs work, etc.。
           Chapter 9   Customs etiquette
Teaching points:
Learning through this chapter,Make students master the meaning of the most common and practical custom and etiquette in daily life、Basic conditions for forming and development、essential attribute、Basic classification, etc.。
Teaching hours:
The number of teaching hours in this chapter is 7 hours.
Teaching content:
              Section 1   Overview (2 hours)
1. Analysis of the connotation of custom etiquette
Refers to the guidelines and customs rules of social life habits and customs that people should comply with in daily life,It is the specific provisions of a country and nation in its long -term social practice that gradually form and follow the practice of living habits and customs on the behavior and activities of social members。
2. The basic conditions for the formation and development of custom and etiquette
Three, the essential attributes of custom etiquette
(1) Massism
(2) Inheritance
(3) mutation
4. Basic classification of custom etiquette
           Section 2   Holiday etiquette (2 hours)
I. China's major folk festivals
2. Main folk festivals in foreign countries
            Section 3   Life etiquette (2 hours)
a,Birthday etiquette
two,Adult etiquette
3,Marriage etiquette
Four,Funeral funeral customs
    Section 4   my country's main ethnic minority customs (1 time)
2. Northwest region
3, Southwest Region
Evaluation requirements:
    The main points of the assessment of this chapter are the meaning of custom etiquette、Basic conditions for forming and development、essential attribute、Basic classification, etc.。
Chapter 10   etiquette documents
Teaching points:
etiquette documents refer to social interaction、Etiquette activities are used to adjust、Improvement、Development between people、between people and organizations、Written materials and texts that are related to the relationship between organization and organization。Learning through this chapter,Make students master the basic characteristics of etiquette documents and their writing methods and etiquette requirements。
Teaching hours:
The number of teaching hours in this chapter is 8 hours.
Teaching content:
              Section 1   Overview (2 hours)
1. The meaning of etiquette documents and its characteristics
 (1) Meaning
Daipan in society、Etiquette activities are used to adjust、Improvement、Development between people、between people and organizations、Written materials and texts that are related to the relationship between organization and organization。
 (2) Features
communication, etiquette, and standardized.
2. Basic requirements for writing ritual writing
 (1) The basic features of the writing of etiquette
 (188bet login2) The purpose of the writing of etiquette documents is practical;
 (3) The writing content of etiquette documents is targeted;
 (4) The actual conventions of etiquette documents;
 (V) The writing form of etiquette documents is culturally cultural.
Three, the basic requirements for writing of etiquette are:
 (1) The expression method is flexible and diverse, eclectic;
 (1) The expression method is flexible and diverse, eclectic;
 (3) Simple and refined in language, smooth and decent;
 (4) Reflects the sincere and sincere emotional and sincere in the text.
Four, the type of etiquette document
 (1) The style of style of etiquette documents
 (2) Applicable types of etiquette documents
            Section 2   General book letter (1 time)
1. The composition and type of letter
2. Basic requirements of letter writing
 (1) Writing must be in line with norms, polite words;
 (2) The content should be credible, passionate;
 (3) The essay should be smooth and clear.
3. Writing of the textbooks
 (1) Title
 1(2) Text
 (3) Jingyu
 (4) Set and time
4. Writing of the text of the letter
 (1) The receiver postal code
 (2) The address of the receiver
 (3) The name of the receiver
 (4) The address of the sender and the postal code
5. Precautions for writing letters
(1) Introduction letter and postcard
         Section 3   Etiquette speech and correspondence (1 time)
(2) The types and characteristics of the ceremonial speech
(3) Writing and precautions for etiquette speech
(4) The types and characteristics of etiquette correspondence
(V) Writing and precautions for etiquette correspondence
           Section 4   Cambodian posts and employment books (1 time)
a,The types and characteristics of Cambodian stickers
two,Cambodian posting and precautions
3,Application Book
           Section 5   Business card and greeting card (1 time)
a,The meaning and purpose of the business card
two,Types and prints of business cards
3,Writing of business card
Four,The production and writing of greeting cards
           Section 6   Intelligence and Notes (1 time)
I. The types and writing of inscriptions
(1) The meaning of inscription
(2) Type
(3) Writing requirements
2. The types and writing of the notice
(1) The meaning of the notice
(2) Features
(3) Type
(4) Writing
(5) Precautions for writing
    1.The title should be brief and eye -catching;
    2.The content should be highlighted;
    3.The statement should be concise and concise;
    4.The text should be polite and decent.
          Section 7   讣 讣 and eulogy (1 time)
I. The meaning and writing of 讣 讣
(1) The meaning of 讣 讣
(2) The types and writing of 讣 讣 讣
(3) Printing and Precautions for the Proposal
2. Writing and precautions for eulogy
(1) The meaning of the eulogy
(2) Writing of eulogy
(3) Precautions for Writing Emperor's Emperor
Evaluation requirements:
The main point of the assessment of this chapter is the definition of etiquette documents、Basic features、Basic requirements and the characteristics and writing attention of various etiquette documents。
3, Reference Bibliography:
1.Lu Yuyu、Guo Li,"Secretary etiquette",Fudan University Press, 2008, 1st edition。
2.Tan Yiping、Zheng Yajun、Zhang Jifei,"Secretary etiquette practice",Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010 1st edition。
3. Kim Jong Kun,"Practical Etiquette Series Textbooks",Renmin University of China Press2010 3rd edition
4. Yang Jianyu,"Must -read for Foreign Etiquette",Hubei Science and Technology PressThe first edition of 2000.
This course uses teaching aids and guiding opinions of modern education technology
Disciplinary and characteristics of the course of "Modern Etiquette" curriculum,Modern teaching methods should be used in teaching。Specific performance as: when some teaching content related to actual activities is performed,You can use multimedia teaching,If the teaching time for social etiquette,To explain the problem more clearly,It can be used in the form of a slide。Another,In the teaching time of etiquette documents,In order to make students look at the various forms of etiquette documents at a glance,It can be explained to students in the form of PowerPoint document。Last,In some teaching hours related to data,You can use Excel database and table form for teaching,So,Both are conducive to teacher teaching,It is also conducive to improving students' enthusiasm for learning related knowledge。
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