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188bet apk

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188bet app
188bet apk
1. Explanation
(1) Course Nature
188bet apk is based on economics、Sociology、Social Psychology、Studies、Statistics、Applied disciplines based on disciplines such as modern management,This course is one of the choice courses of secretary's major。The theory of 188bet apk 、Methods and Tips,It has been widely used in enterprises and various non -profit organizations,All aspects of social life。This course for cultivating students' modern market consciousness、Service Consciousness、Competitive awareness and benefit risk awareness,Update students' knowledge structure system,The secret work of all kinds of institutions, especially the profitable organizations,Has its important role。
Social Psychology of this course and this major、Organization behavior、Public Relations、Public relations planning and other courses are closely related to content,During the teaching process, pay attention to the mutual coordination and connection between the content of the curriculum。
(2) Teaching purpose
Learn the basic knowledge of 188bet apk 、Basic theory、Basic principles,Let students know and distinguish the consumer market、Producer Market、Intermediate Business Market、Basic characteristics and characteristics of purchasing behavior in the service market and international market,Skilled to master the target market strategy、Product Strategy、Pricing strategy、Promotion strategy and the basic principles and methods of market survey prediction,Have a collection of market information、Analysis of market phenomena、Investigation and prediction market trend、Basic abilities and skills of planning 188bet apk activities,Under the market economy system, better compete with the secret work of non -profit organization and profitable organization。
(3) Teaching content
This course textbook: Wu Jianan "188bet apk Science",Higher Education Press, 2011 4th edition。Main teaching content: According to the subject of undergraduate majors in secretary,,Focus on teaching 188bet apk concepts、Market type、Market demand form、188bet apk environment、Consumer market and purchase behavior、Producer market and purchase behavior、Intermediate business market and purchase behavior、Service market and purchase behavior、Target Market Strategy、Product Strategy、Price Strategy、Promotion Strategy、distribution channel strategy、Market competition strategy、Market Development Strategy、New development and new concepts of 188bet apk 。188bet apk is a constant development discipline,The content and system update is faster,Teachers should update the textbooks and teaching content in time。
(4) Teaching hours
This course is opened1 semester,The total number of teaching time is 54 hours,3 hours per week。
serial number
Inner Rong
School hours
Chapter 1Introduction to 188bet apk science
Section 1Market and 188bet apk
Section 2The emergence and development of 188bet apk science
Self -learning
Section 3Basic content of 188bet apk
Self -learning
Section 4Research on the significance and method of research 188bet apk
Self -learning
Chapter 2188bet apk Management Philosophy and its implementation
Section 1188bet apk Management Philosophy and Evolution
Section 2Promote customer satisfaction and loyalty with comprehensive 188bet apk
Section 3 market -oriented strategic organization innovation
Self -learning
Chapter 3Corporate Strategy and 188bet apk Management
Self -learning
Section 1Corporate Strategy and Strategic Plan
Self -learning
Section 2Overall strategy
Self -learning
Section 3Business Strategy
Self -learning
Section 4Planning and Organization 188bet apk Management
Self -learning
Chapter 4188bet apk environment
Section 1188bet apk Environment Analysis
Section 2Micro 188bet apk environment
Section 3macro 188bet apk environment
Section 4Environmental analysis and 188bet apk countermeasures
Chapter 5Analysis of the Consumer Market and Purchasing Behavior
Section 1The influencing factors of the consumer market and consumer purchase behavior
Section 2Consumer purchase decision -making process
Section 3Individual factors affecting consumers' purchase behavior
Section 4Environmental factors affecting consumers' purchase behavior
Section 5Other theories of consumer decision -making
Self -learning
Chapter 6Analysis of the producer market and purchase behavior
Section 1The concept and characteristics of the producer market
Section 2Production behavior of producers
Section 3Factors affecting producers' procurement behavior
Section 4Purchasing decision -making process
Chapter 7Analysis of the intermediate business market and purchase behavior
The concept and characteristics of the middle business market in the first section
Section 2 The purchase type and distribution strategy of middlemen
Section III Intermediate Business Procurement Decision and Procurement Behavior
Chapter 8Analysis of the non -profit organization market and purchase behavior
Self -learning
Section 1Types of non -profit organization
Self -learning
Section 2The purchase characteristics and methods of non -profit organization
Self -learning
Section 3Government market and their purchase behavior
Self -learning
Chapter 9188bet apk Research and Forecast
Self -learning
Section 1188bet apk Information System
Self -learning
Section 2188bet apk Research
Self -learning
Section 3Measurement and prediction of market demand
Self -learning
Chapter 10Target 188bet apk Strategy
Section 1Market Segmentation
Section 2Target Market
Section 3Market positioning
Chapter 11Competitive 188bet apk strategy
Self -learning
Section 1Competitors Analysis
Self -learning
Section 2Market leader strategy
Self -learning
Section 3Market Challenger Strategy
Self -learning
Section 4Market follower and market niche strategy
Self -learning
Chapter 12Product Strategy
Section 1Product and product life cycle
Section 2New Product Development Strategy
Section 3Packaging strategy
Section 4Product portfolio strategy
Chapter 13Brand strategy
Section 1Brand and brand assets
Section 2Brand design, combination, extension
Section 3Brand Protection and Brand Management
Chapter 14Pricing strategy
Section 1The main factor affecting pricing
Section 2The general method of determining the basic price
Self -learning
Section 3Basic strategies for pricing
Section 4Price adjustment and price change reaction
Chapter 15Distribution strategy
Section 1The functions and types of distribution channels
Section 2Design and management of distribution channels
Section 3Wholesalers and retailers
Section 4Logistics strategy
Chapter 16Promotion Strategy
Section 1Promotion and Promotion Combination
Section 2Personnel sales
Section 3Advertising strategy
Section 4Public relations strategy
Self -learning
Section 5Sales Promotion Strategy
Chapter 17188bet apk Plan, Organization and Control
Self -learning
Section 1The formulation and implementation of the 188bet apk plan
Self -learning
Section 2188bet apk Organization and Institution
Self -learning
Section 3188bet apk Control
Self -learning
Section 4188bet apk Audit
Self -learning
Chapter 18International 188bet apk [Self -Study]
Self -learning
Section 1International 188bet apk Overview
Self -learning
Section 2International 188bet apk environment
Self -learning
Section 3International target market selection and entry
Self -learning
Section 4 International 188bet apk Strategy and Strategic Alliance
Self -learning
Section 5International 188bet apk Strategy
Self -learning
Chapter 19Service 188bet apk
The first section of service products and service classification
Section 2 service features and 188bet apk countermeasures
Tactical display of service
Section 4 service quality management
Chapter 20New areas and new concepts of 188bet apk
Section of green 188bet apk
Section 2 Integrated 188bet apk
Section 3 Relationship 188bet apk
Section 4 Network 188bet apk
Section 5 Experience 188bet apk
(5) Teaching method
This course teaching is mainly classroom teaching,Some content is self -taught under the guidance of teachers。The content of [self -study] in the outline,Teachers should guide students to learn extra -curricularly,and adopt flexible and diverse ways to urge and detect。
The assessment of this course is based on basic concepts、Mastering and application of basic theory is the main content。Test questions、Understanding、The proportion of application questions is generally pressed15%、35%、50%arrangement。The 188bet logindegree of difficulty is generally at 20%、30%easier、30%more difficult、Difficulty 20%arrangement。Total evaluation scores 40%、Exam results 60%ratio comprehensive evaluation。
2. This article
Chapter 1Introduction to 188bet apk science
Teaching requirements:
Understand the process of the production and development of 188bet apk science; master the core concept of 188bet apk science,Clarify the basic content of micro -188bet apk ; fully understand the importance and significance of learning 188bet apk 。
Teaching hours:
2 hours
Teaching content:
Section 1Market and 188bet apk (2 hours)
1. 188bet apk
2. Market
3. 188bet apk
4. Core concepts related to 188bet apk
(1) Need, desire, demand
(2) Products, services
(3) Price, total cost of purchasing customers
(4) Value, total value of customer purchase
(5) seller and seller market
Section 2The emergence and development of 188bet apk [self -study]
1. Formation of 188bet apk
2. Development of 188bet apk
3,188bet apk & ldquo; Revolution & RDQUO;
4. The spread and development of 188bet apk in China
Section 3Basic content of 188bet apk [self -study]
1. The theoretical basis of 188bet apk science
2. Macro and micro 188bet apk
3. The logical structure of micro -188bet apk science
Section 4Study the significance and method of research 188bet apk [self -study]
a,Study the meaning of 188bet apk
2,Research methods for 188bet apk
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P20 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 2Marketing Management Philosophy and its implementation
Teaching requirements:
Understand the evolution and development of 188bet apk philosophy; master the main content of 188bet apk concepts; comprehensively understand the total cost of purchasing customers、Customers purchase total value and comprehensive quality management、The connotation of the value chain。
Teaching hours:
4 hours
Teaching content:
Section 1The philosophy of 188bet apk management and its evolution (2 hours)
a,The concept of 188bet apk management
2,Market demand form and 188bet apk countermeasures
(1) Positive needs
1. Potential demand (lack of demand) and corporate 188bet apk countermeasures
2, shake the demand (refund demand) and corporate 188bet apk countermeasures
3. Irregular requirements (fluctuation requirements) and corporate 188bet apk countermeasures
4. Saturated demand (full requirements) and corporate 188bet apk countermeasures
5, super saturated demand (overdoor requirements) and corporate 188bet apk countermeasures
(2) Negative needs
1. Negative demand and corporate 188bet apk countermeasures
2. Harm demand and corporate 188bet apk countermeasures
(3) Zero demand (no need) and corporate 188bet apk countermeasures
Third, the philosophy of 188bet apk management
(1) The concept of enterprise -centered
1, production concept
2, product concept
3, sales concept
(2) The concept of consumer -centric
(3) The concept of society as a whole
Section 2Promote customer satisfaction and loyalty (2 hours)
a,Customer satisfaction
2,Customer perception value
(1) Customers purchase total value
(2) Customer purchase total cost
3,Customer loyalty
Four,Comprehensive quality management
Five,Value Chain
Section 4 market -oriented strategic organization innovation [self -study]
a,Market -oriented Strategic Plan
2,Market -oriented Organization Innovation
3,Create a learning enterprise
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P44 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 3Corporate Strategy and 188bet apk Management [Self -Study]
Self -learning requirements:
Understanding the characteristics of corporate strategic planning、General process and key steps; comprehensively understand the overall strategy、Business Strategy、The meaning of functional strategy、Content and its relationship; comprehensively master dense growth、Integrated growth、Multi -keratinized growth strategy and cost leading strategy、Differential strategy、The meaning of the concentration strategy、Selection and Implementation。
Self -learning content:
Section 1Corporate Strategy and Strategic Plan
​​I. The characteristics of corporate strategy
2. The hierarchical structure of the strategic planning of the enterprise [Key]
(1) Overall strategy
(2) Business strategy
(3) functional strategy
Section 2Overall strategy
1. Knowing and defining corporate mission
2. Differential strategic business units
3. Planning investment portfolio
4. Planning Growth Strategy [Key]
(1) Dense -intensive growth
(2) Integrated growth
(3) Multimelified growth
Section 3Business Strategy
1. Analyze the competitive environment
2. Choose a competitive strategy [Key]
(1) Cost leading strategy
(2) Differential strategy
(3) Concentration Strategy
Section 4Planning and Organization 188bet apk Management
1. Determine the target market and positioning
2. Development 188bet apk combination
Third, formulate plans and implementation, control 188bet apk activities
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P63 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 4Marketing environment
Teaching requirements:
Understand the meaning and characteristics of the 188bet apk environment; comprehensively understand the constituent factors of the 188bet apk environment; in -depth understanding of the impact of the macro environment and the micro -environment on the 188bet apk of enterprises; grasp the basic characteristics and basic analysis methods of market opportunities and market threats; The basic countermeasures of the company facing threats and opportunities。
Teaching hours:
4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1188bet apk Environment Analysis (1 time)
1. The meaning of the 188bet apk environment
2. Features of the 188bet apk environment
(1) Objective
(2) Difference
(3) Multi -degeneration
(4) Related
3. 188bet apk activities and 188bet apk environment [self -study]
4. 188bet apk department and internal environment [self -study]
Section 2Micro 188bet apk environment (1 time)
1. 188bet apk channel enterprise
(1) Supplier
(2) 188bet apk intermediary
2. Customer
(1) Consumers
(2) Producer
(3) Intermediate merchant
(4) Non -profit organization
(5) International market customers
3, competitors
(1) Desire Competitors
(2) Class competitors
(3) Product competitors
(4) Variety competitors
(5) Brand competitors
Four, the public
(1) Financing public
(2) Media public
(3) Government public
(4) Society public
(5) Community public
(6) General public
(7) Internal public
Section 3macro 188bet apk environment (1 time)
1. Population environment
(1) Total population
(2) Age structure
(3) Geographical distribution
(4) Family condition
(5) Population gender
2. Economic environment
(1) Income and expenditure status
(2) Economic development
3, natural environment
(1) Resource status
(2) Ecological environment
(3) Environmental protection
4. Science and technology environment
(1) Promotion of technology for technology development
(2) The threat of technology to enterprise development
5. Political legal environment
(1) Political environment
(2) Legal environment
6. Social and cultural environment
(1) Education level
(2) Religious belief
(3) The concept of value
(4) Consumption custom
(5) Consumption epidemic
Section 4Environmental analysis and 188bet apk countermeasures (1 time)
1. Environmental threats and market opportunities
2. Threat and opportunity analysis and evaluation
(1) Threat analysis
(2) Opportunity analysis
(3) Corporate 188bet apk countermeasures
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P83 [Key Noun]、P84 [Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 5Analysis of the Consumer Market and Purchasing Behavior
Teaching requirements:
Understand the basic characteristics of the consumer market; master the classification of consumer goods; comprehensively understand consumers 'purchase behavior model and influencing factors; understand the types and characteristics of consumers' purchase behavior; master the basic 188bet apk strategies of enterprises。
Teaching hours:
4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Influencing factors of consumer market and consumer purchase behavior (1 time)
1. Consumer market and consumer purchase behavior mode
(1) Classification of consumer market and consumer goods
(2) Consumer purchase behavior mode
2. Summary of influencing factors of consumer behavior
(1) Consumer purchase decision -making process
(2) Consumer individual factors
(3) Environmental factors
(4) 188bet apk factors
Section 2Consumer purchase decision -making process (1 time)
1. Participants in the decision -making process
2. The general process of decision -making
(1) Confirmation question
(2) Collect information
(3) Evaluation of alternative products
(4) Buy decision
(5) Post -purchase process
Section 3Individual factors affecting consumers' purchase behavior (1 time)
1. Consumers' feelings and perception
2. Consumers' personality
3, economic factors
4. Physiological factors
5. Lifetime
Section 4Environmental factors affecting consumers' purchase behavior (1 time)
1. Social class
2. Related groups
3, family factors
Four, character identity
Section 5Other theories of consumer decision [self -study]
1. Consumer participation
2. Consumer purchase behavior type [Key]
3. Situation [Key]
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P107 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、P108 [Case and thinking]
Chapter 6Analysis of the producer market and purchase behavior
Teaching requirements:
Understand the basic characteristics of the producer market; master the classification of production materials; comprehensively understand the producer's purchase behavior mode and influencing factors; understand the types and characteristics of the producer's purchase behavior;。
Teaching hours:
4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1The concept and characteristics of the producer market (1 time)
1. The concept of the producer market
2. The characteristics of the producer market
3. Basic classification of production materials
Section 2The procurement behavior of the producer (1 time)
1. Procurement type
(1) New purchase
(2) Direct purchase
(3) Revised and re -acquired
2. Procurement requirements
(1) Quality, specifications, and technical requirements
(2) Price requirements
(3) Service requirements
(4) Quantity, time, and guarantee requirements
3. Procurement method
(1) System purchase
(2) Direct purchase of the contract
(3) Mutual and mutual purchase
(4) Lease
Section 3Factors affecting producers procurement behavior (1 time)
I. Internal factors of the enterprise
(1) Purchasing target
(2) Procurement Policy
(3) Procurement scale
(4) Procurement System
(5) Procurement procedure
(6) Financial status
2. Enterprise external factors
(1) Economic development scale speed
(2) The proportion of investment intensity of the three production
(3) Macroeconomic regulation policy
(4) Good market laws and regulations
(5) The development level of science and technology
(6) Social consumption level level
(7) market competition situation
Three, personnel relationship factors
(1) Procurement initiator
(2) Purchasing decision makers
(3) Purchasing influencers
(4) Procurement Expenses
(5) Product user
(6) Information controller
4. Personal factors
(1) Gender Age
(2) Temperament Personality
(3) Job status
(4) Cultural literacy
(5) Professional level
(6) The professionalism
Section 4Procurement Decision Process (1 time)
1. Question recognition
2. Confirmation needs
3. Confirm the product
4. Collect information
5. Analysis recommendation
6. Confirm the supplier
Seven, contract order
8. Performance evaluation
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P128 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、P129 [Case and Thinking] Related part of the producer market
Chapter 7Analysis of the intermediate business market and purchase behavior
Teaching requirements:
Understand the concept of the intermediate business market; understand the basic characteristics of the middle business market;、Procurement Strategy、Procurement decision -making and procurement behavior features,Clarify the basic 188bet apk strategy of the enterprise。
Teaching hours:
2 hours.
Teaching content:
The concept and characteristics of the middle business market in the first section (0.5 school hours)
1. The concept of the intermediate business market
2. Features of the intermediate business market
Section of the second section of the procurement type and distribution strategy of the middlemen (1 hours)
1. The purchasing type of the intermediate business
(1) New product purchase
(3) Amendment purchase
(3) Amendment purchase
2. The distribution strategy of the middlemen
(1) Exclusive cargo strategy
(2) Dedicated deep goods color strategy
(3) Cantonese color strategy
(4) Clueless goods strategies
Section III intermediate business procurement decision -making and procurement behavior (0.5 school hours)
1. Procurement decision of middlemen
(1)A small amount of multiple purchases
(2) Purchasing a lot of times and a small amount
2. Procurement behavior of middlemen
(1) Loyal purchaser
(2) Random purchaser
(3) Purchaser calculated
(4) trivial purchaser
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P128 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、P129 [Case and Thinking] Related part of the middle business market
Chapter 8Analysis of Non -profit Organization Market and Purchase [Self -Study]
Self -learning requirements:
Understand the types of non -profit organizations; master the purchase characteristics and methods of non -profit organizations; comprehensively understand the main factors affecting the purchase behavior of non -profit organizations。
Self -learning content:
Section 1Types of non -profit organization
1. Perform the national functions
2. Promoting group communication
3. Provide social services
Section 2The purchase characteristics and methods of non -profit organizations [Key points]
1. Buy features
2. Purchasing method
Section 3Government market and their purchase behavior
1. Purchase purpose
2. Buy participants
3, influencing factors
4. Purchase method
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P128 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、P129 [Case and Thinking] Related parts with non -profit organizations
Chapter 9Marketing Research and Forecast [Self -Study]
Self -learning requirements:
Understand the framework of the 188bet apk information system; master the market research process; master the methods and technologies of market research; understand the demand measurement method and prediction method。
Self -learning content:
Section 1188bet apk Information System
1. Information and functions
2. The connotation and function of the 188bet apk information system
Third, the composition of the 188bet apk information system [Key]
(1) Internal reporting system
(2) 188bet apk intelligence system
(3) 188bet apk research system
(4) 188bet apk Analysis System
Section 2188bet apk Research
1. The meaning and role of 188bet apk research
2. Types and content of 188bet apk research [Key]
3. Steps of 188bet apk survey [Key]
4. Methods of 188bet apk survey [Key]
Section 3Measurement and prediction of market demand
1. Market demand measurement
2. Estimated current market demand
3. Market demand measurement method [Key]
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P151 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 10Target 188bet apk Strategy
Teaching requirements:
Fully understand the theoretical and role of market segmentation; correctly understand the principles of market segmentation; master the standards and methods of market segmentation; master the target market selection model and target 188bet apk strategy; fully understand the significance of market positioning; Step of positioning、Basis and market positioning methods and market positioning basic strategies。
Teaching hours:
4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Market subdivision (1 time)
1. The concept of market segmentation
2. The role of market segmentation
3. Standards for market segmentation
(1) General standards for consumer market segment
(2) The general standard of the producer market segmentation
4. Methods and procedures for market segmentation
(1) Method of market segmentation
(2) Program of market segmentation
V. Principles of market segmentation
(1) Measurement
(2) Achievement
(3) Profitable
Section 2Target Market (2 hours)
1. The target market selection mode
(1) Market centralization
(2) Product professional
(3) Professional marketization
(4) Select professionalization
(5) Comprehensive marketization
2. The target market strategy
(1) Non -Different Market Strategy
(2) Different market strategy
(3) Streaming market strategy
3. Select the conditions of the target market strategy
(1) The resources and capabilities of the enterprise
(2) The characteristics of the product itself
(3) The life cycle stage of the product
(4) The homogeneity of the market
(5) market supply and demand trends
(6) Market strategy adopted by competitors
Section 3Market positioning (1 time)
1. Market positioning and meaning
2. Steps of market positioning
(3) Consolidate the market image
(2) Establish a market image
(3) Consolidate the market image
3. The basis for market positioning
(1) Positioning according to the characteristics of specific products
(2) Positioning according to specific use occasions and use
(3) Positioning according to the interests obtained by customers
(4) Positioning according to the type of user
4. How to market positioning
(1) Avoid strong positioning
(2) Carly positioning
(3) Re -positioning
5. Market positioning strategy
(1) Product Differential Strategy
(2) Service Differential Strategy
(3) Differential personnel
(4) The image differentiation strategy
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P171 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 11Competitive 188bet apk strategy [self -study]
Self -learning requirements:
Understand the basic methods of recognition and analyzing competitors; master the three basic competitive strategies of market leaders; master the offensive objects and offensive strategies of market challengers; grasp the competitive strategy choice of market followers; Competitive strategy selection。
Self -learning content:
Section 1Competitors Analysis
1. Recognize competitors
2. The strategy and goal of judging competitors
3. Evaluate the strength and response of the competitors
4. Selection of offensive and avoiding objects
Section 2Market leader strategy
1. Expand the total needs
2. Protect the existing market share
3. Expand market share
Section 3Market Challenger Strategy
1. Determine strategic goals and competitors
2. Choose a strategy of strategies
Section 4Market follower and market niche strategy
1. Market follower strategy
2. 188bet apk Strategy
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P195 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 12Product Strategy
Teaching requirements:
Comprehensively understand the overall concept of the product; accurately grasp the characteristics and basic 188bet apk strategies of the product life cycle; correctly understand the concept and classification of new products、The meaning and role of packaging、The concept and elements of the product portfolio; master the new product development strategy、Product packaging strategy、Product portfolio strategy。
Teaching hours:
5 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Product and product life cycle (2 hours)
1. The overall concept of the product
(1) Core product
(2) Forms
(3) expect product
(4) Extended product
(5) Potential products
2. The theory of life cycle of the product
(1) The concept of product life cycle
(2) The main features of the product life cycle of each stage
(3) mutation of product life cycle
3. 188bet apk strategy at each stage of product life cycle
(1) 188bet apk strategy of the input period
(2) The 188bet apk strategy of growth period
(3) 188bet apk strategy in mature period
(4) 188bet apk strategies at the recession period
Section 2New product development strategy (1 time)
1. The concept and type of new products
2. Necessity of the development of new products [self -study]
Third, the organization of new product development [self -study]
4. Procedures for the development of new products
Five, the adoption and diffusion of new products [self -study]
Section 3Packaging strategy1 hours)
1. The meaning, classification, and function of packaging
2. Basic requirements of packaging design [self -study]
3, packaging strategy
Section 4Product portfolio strategy (1 time)
1. Product portfolio, product line, product project
​​2. Product portfolio strategy
3. Product portfolio optimization
(1) Evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the product
(2) Product portfolio optimization method
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P225 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、P226 【Case and thinking】
Chapter 13Brand strategy
Teaching requirements:
Comprehensively understand the meaning and role of the brand; correctly understand the relationship between the brand and the trademark; master the meaning and identification of well -known trademarks; grasp the brand portfolio strategy。
Teaching hours:
4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1 Brand and brand assets (1 hours)
1. The meaning and role of the brand
2. The composition and characteristics of brand assets [self -study]
Section 2Brand design, combination, expansion (2 hours)
1. Brand design
2. Brand combination
(1) Brand belonging strategy
(2) Brand unified score strategy
(3) Composite brand strategy
3, brand extension
(1) Brand expansion and brand value -added
(2) Brand expansion and risk avoidance
Section 3Brand Protection and Brand Management (1 time)
1. The attributes of trademarks and brand registration
2. Well -known trademarks and its identification
3. Brand protection after registration
4. Brand manager system and brand management
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P245 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 14Pricing strategy
Teaching requirements:
Fully understand the importance of pricing strategies; comprehensively understand the main factors that affect pricing; understand the general method of determining the price; master the basic strategy of pricing。
Teaching hours:
4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1The main factor affecting pricing (1 time)
1. Price target
(1) Maintain survival
(2) Maximize the current profit
(3) The maximum market share
(4) The optimization of product quality
2. Product cost
3. Market demand
4. Product price of competitors
5. Government policy and regulations
Section 2The general method of determining the basic price [self -study]
1. Cost -oriented pricing method
(1) cost bonus pricing method
(2) Analysis analysis Price method
(3) The target income pricing method
2. Demand -oriented pricing method
(1) Perform value pricing method
(2) Reverse pricing method
3, competitive guidance pricing method
(1) Accompanying market pricing method
(2) Bid Price Method
(3) Auction Price Method
Section 3Basic strategy of pricing (2 hours)
1. Psychological price strategy
(1) Tail number price strategy
(2) Our integer price strategy
(3) Property strategy
(4) Recruiting price strategies
2. Regional price strategy
(1) Price of origin
(2) Destination price
(3) Uniform delivery price
(4) Partition transport price
(5) Base point price strategy
Three, discount strategy
(1) Cash discount
(2) Answer
(3) Function discounts
(4) Season discount
(5) Price discount
4. Product portfolio price strategy
(1) Product pricing
(2) Choose product pricing
(3) Supplementary product pricing
(4) Division pricing
(5) Price of by -products
(6) Product series pricing
5. Different pricing strategy
(1) Customer difference price
(2) Product form difference price
(3) Different pricing of product location
(4) Sales time Differential price
6. Price strategy of new product
(1) Skillment price
(2) Soning pricing
Seven, the Internet -based pricing strategy
(1) Low price pricing strategy
(2) Customized production pricing strategy
(3) Use pricing strategy
(4) Auction bidding strategy
(5) Digital product free pricing strategy
Section 4Price adjustment and price change response (1 time)
1. Price reduction and price increase
2. The customer's response to the price of the company's price
Third, the reaction of competitors to the price of the company
4. The company's response to the price of competitors
V. Price War of Chinese companies
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P267 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 15Distribution strategy
Teaching requirements:
Understand the concept of distribution channels; understand the basic types of distribution channels; fully understand the function of distribution channels; master wholesalers、Basic types of retailers; master the basic distribution channel strategies; understand the planning and management of logistics。
Teaching hours:
4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1The functions and types of distribution channels (1 time)
1. The meaning and function of the distribution channel
2. Types of distribution channels
(1) The level of distribution channel
(2) The width of the distribution channel
Section 2Design and management of distribution channels (1 time)
1. Factors affecting the design of distribution channels
(1) Customer characteristics
(2) Product features
(3) The characteristics of the intermediate business
(4) Competitive features
(5) Enterprise characteristics
(6) Environmental characteristics
2. Steps of distribution channel design [Self -learning]
3. Management of distribution channels
(1) Selecting channel members
(2) Members of Incentive Channel
(3) Evaluation channel members
(4) Improvement arrangement of channels
Fourth, the phenomenon of channeling and its renovation [self -study]
(1) Charming goods and reasons
(2) Remediation of Charming goods
5. New development of channel strategies [self -study]
(1) Pass & ldquo; Direct sales & rdquo;
(2) Vertical channel network
(3) Horizontal channel system
(4) Multi -channel system
(V) Internet -based distribution channel
Section 3Wholesalers and retailers (1 time)
1. Wholesale and wholesalers
2. Retail and retailers
Section 4Logistics Strategy (1 time)
1. The meaning and function of logistics
2. The goal of logistics
Three, the planning and management of logistics
4. Inventory and transportation strategies
V. Modernization of Logistics [Self -Study]
6. Outsourcing of logistics functions
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P291 [Key Noun]、P292 [Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 16Promotion Strategy
Teaching requirements:
Understand the meaning of the combination of promotion and promotion,Master the basic strategies and basic methods of promotions; master the basic techniques of personnel sales,Clarify the quality conditions of qualified sales personnel; understand the operation process of advertising、Basic types and characteristics of advertising media; understand the role of business promotion and its particularity,Master the basic business promotion method; fully understand the important role of public relations in 188bet apk ,Master the basic methods and strategies of grasping public relations promotion。Part of the content of this chapter is the same as that of the course of "Public Relations" in this major,Teachers should coordinate with related courses,Division of the content level of content level。
Teaching hours:
4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1Promotion and Promotional Portrait (1 time)
1. The meaning and role of promotion
2. Promotional combination and promotion strategy
Section 2Personnel sales (1 time hours)
1. The advantages and disadvantages of personnel sales
2. The quality of the salesperson
3. Selection and training of salesperson [self -study]
4. The form, objects, and strategies of personnel sales
(1) Basic forms promoted by personnel
(2) Prosperity objects promoted by personnel
(3) Basic strategies promoted by personnel
Section 3Advertising strategy (1 time)
1. The basic concept of advertising
(1) The meaning of the advertisement
(2) Advertising target
(3) The type of advertisement
2. Advertising media
(1) The types and characteristics of the advertising media
(2) Selection of advertising media
3, the design principles of advertising
4. Measurement of the effect of advertising
Section 4Public Relations Strategy [Self -Study]
1. The meaning of public relations
2. Basic features of public relations
Third, the way of public relations
4. Working procedures for public relations
Section 5Sales Promotion Strategy (1 time)
1. The concept and characteristics of sales promotion
2. How to promote sales
(1) How to promote to consumers
(2) How to promote to middlemen
3. Plan and control of sales promotion
(1) Promotion target
(2) Promotion object
(6) Promotional cost budget
(4) The medium of promotion
(5) The time arrangement of promotion
(6) Promotional cost budget
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P316 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 17Marketing Plan, Organization and Control [Self -Study]
Self -learning requirements:
Understand the general process of formulating 188bet apk plans; understand the organizational structure of the 188bet apk department; understand the control of 188bet apk activities、Supervision、Evaluation method; understand the basic content of 188bet apk audit work。
Self -learning content:
Section 1The formulation and implementation of the 188bet apk plan
1. General elements and content of 188bet apk plan [Key]
2. Implementation of 188bet apk plans
Section 2188bet apk Organization and Institution
1. Evolution of 188bet apk organizations
2. Organization forms of the 188bet apk department [Key]
3. Setting principles for 188bet apk organizations
Section 3188bet apk Control
I. Annual Plan Control
2. Profit control
3. Efficiency control
4. Strategic control and 188bet apk audit
Section 4188bet apk Audit
1. Audit of 188bet apk environment
2. 188bet apk Strategic Audit
3. Audit of 188bet apk organization
4. Audit of 188bet apk system
V. Audit of the 188bet apk Annual Plan
6. Auditing of 188bet apk profitability
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P336 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 18International 188bet apk [Self -Study]
Self -learning requirements:
Fully understand the significance of participating in international 188bet apk ; understand the characteristics of the international 188bet apk environment; understand the choice and entry of international target markets; master the basic strategies and strategies of international 188bet apk 。
Self -learning content:
Section 1International 188bet apk Overview
1. The meaning of international 188bet apk
2. International 188bet apk and domestic 188bet apk
3. International 188bet apk and international trade [Key]
4. The development stage of international 188bet apk [Key]
Section 2International 188bet apk environment
I. International Economic and Technological Environment
2. The cultural environment of the international community
Three, international political and legal environment
Section 3International target market selection and entry
1. Selection of the international target market
2. How to enter the international market [Key points]
Section 4International 188bet apk Strategy and Strategic Alliance
1. International 188bet apk strategy
2. International Strategy Alliance
Section 5International 188bet apk Strategy
1. International 188bet apk product strategy
2. International 188bet apk channel strategy
3. International 188bet apk pricing strategy
4. International 188bet apk promotion strategy
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P357 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 19Service 188bet apk
Teaching requirements:
Comprehensively understand the meaning of service; understand the basic classification of services; comprehensively understand the characteristics of services; master the tangible display method of service; correctly grasp the characteristics of service quality; clarify the evaluation standard for service quality。
Teaching hours:
4 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1 service product and service classification (1 hours)
a,& ldquo; concept of service & rdquo;
2. Service Products
(1) Core service
(2) Convenience service
(3) Support service
3. Classification of service
(1) Division according to the essence of service activities
(2) Division according to the relationship between service agencies and customers
(3) Divide according to the degree of freedom and satisfaction
(4) Division according to the supply and demand relationship
(5) Divide it according to service promotion method
Section 2 service features and 188bet apk countermeasures (1 hours)
1. Visible and countermeasures
2. Synchronization and countermeasures
Three, heterogeneity and countermeasures
4. Easy to passability and countermeasures
Section III service Tactical display (1 hours)
1. Types with formal display
(1) Demonstration of the physical environment
(2) Information communication display
(3) Price Display
2. The role of formal display
Quality Management of Section 4 Services (1 hours)
1. Connotation of service quality
2. Realization of service performance
3. Evaluation standard for service quality
Four,Analysis of the gap between the measurement mode of service quality and service quality
5. Strategy to improve service quality
6. Resolve customers' concerns about quality risks
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P377 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
Chapter 20New areas and new concepts of 188bet apk
Teaching requirements:
Understand the connotation of green 188bet apk 、The concept of integrated 188bet apk 、Features of Relationship 188bet apk 、Application of Internet in 188bet apk 、The concept and strategy of experience 188bet apk 。
Teaching hours:
5 hours.
Teaching content:
Section 1 Green 188bet apk (1 hours)
1. The connotation of green 188bet apk
2. The characteristics of green 188bet apk
Three, the implementation of green 188bet apk
Section 2 Integrated 188bet apk (1 hours)
1. The connotation of integrated 188bet apk
2. The execution of integrated 188bet apk
3,4C concept and 4R theory
Section III Relations 188bet apk (1 hours)
1. The meaning of relational 188bet apk
2. Features of relational 188bet apk
Three, the goal of relational 188bet apk
4. Implementation of relationship 188bet apk
Section 4 Network 188bet apk (1 hours)
1. The concept of online 188bet apk
2. The characteristics of the online market
3. Online 188bet apk business
4. Network 188bet apk strategy
Section 5 Experience 188bet apk (1 hours)
1. The concept of experience 188bet apk
2. Features of experience 188bet apk
3. Principles of experience 188bet apk
4. Experience 188bet apk strategy
Assessment requirements:
Master the textbook P402 [Key Noun]、[Thinking Questions]、[Case and thinking]
3. Reference Bibliography
1、Cottler,"188bet apk Management",Renmin University of China Press2012 14th edition.
2、Guo Guoqing"Theory of 188bet apk Science",Renmin University of China Press20114th edition of the year.
3、Yan Guoqing,"International 188bet apk ",Tsinghua University Press2013 3rd edition.
4、Chen Fang、Xie Gong,"188bet apk Planning",Current Affairs Press,The first edition of 2000.
5、Chen Fang、Xie Gong,"Brand Planning",Current Affairs Press,The first edition of 2000.
The guidance of teaching aids and modern education technology in this course
This course uses multimedia classroom、PPT courseware and other related teaching equipment and teaching aids; teachers should combine professional apprentices、Graduation internship guidance work,Guidance、Instruct students to master related business skills。
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