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Leadership Science
    (1) Course Nature
Leadership Science is an elective course for secretaries,Provide professional theories about the basic laws of leadership behavior for learning professional knowledge,and & ldquo; Organizational behavior & rdquo;、& ldquo; Management & rdquo;、& ldquo; Secretary Student & rdquo;。
    (2) Teaching purpose
Learning through this course,Let students master theoretical knowledge about the basic laws of leadership behavior,Professional consciousness that forms a modern secretary to effectively exert its functions,Professional foundation with scientifically serving the leadership。
    (3) Teaching content
The content system of this course consists of six parts: 1、Basic Principles of Leaders,Including the meaning of the leader、Elements、Properties、Features、Function、Discipline, etc.; 2、Leadership Concept Theory,Including the concept of leadership、The concept of leadership relationship、Leaders' authority concept、The concept of leadership efficiency, etc.; 3、Leadership Function Theory,Including leadership decisions、Select personnel、Management personnel, etc.; 4、Leading System Theory,Including the meaning of the leadership system、Properties、Function、Content、Type、Evolution, etc.; 5、Leading subject theory,Including leadership quality、Leading method、Leadership style、Leadership Art, etc.; 6、Leadership Theory,Including leadership authority、Leadership efficiency, etc.。
Select the content:
Including the general attributes and functions of leaders、Objects and content of ideological education、The attributes and evolution of the leadership system、The significance and principles of leadership efficiency assessment。
    (4) Teaching hours
This course is opened for a semester, common36 students, the average school hours are 2 hours a week.
serial number
Inner Rong
School hours
Chapter 1   Leadership Overview
    Section 1  The meaning and elements of leadership behavior
    Section 2  Attributes and features of leadership behavior
    Section 3  functions and disciplines of leadership behavior
Chapter 2   Leaders' concepts
    Section 1  The concept of leadership nature and leadership relationship
   Section 2  The concept of leadership decision -making and leadership method
    Section 3  The concept of leadership authority and leadership achievement
Chapter 3   Leadership decision
   Section 1  The meaning and characteristics of decision -making
    Section 2  Types and principles of decision -making
    Section 3  Decision procedures and systems
Chapter 4   Leadership User Word
    Section 1  Leaders' routes and standards
   Section 2  Principles and systems of selecting talents
    Section 3  Principles and systems of use talents
Chapter 5   Leadership Management
   Section 1  Management personnel
    Section 2  Management business
Chapter 6    Leadership System
    Section 1  The meaning and attributes of the leadership system
    Section 2  Function and content of the leadership system
    Section 3  The evolution and type of the leadership system
Chapter 7    Leading method
    Section 1  The meaning and evolution of the leadership method
    Section 2  Types and performances of the leadership method
   Section 3  Use and conditions for leadership methods
Chapter 8    Leadership style
    Section 1  The meaning and characteristics of the leadership style
    Section 2  Functions and types of leadership style
    Section 3  The content and improvement of the leadership style
Chapter 9    Leading Art
    Section 1  The meaning and essence of leadership art
    Section 2  The 188betcharacteristics and foundation of leadership art
    Section 3  The performance and improvement of leadership art
Chapter 10    Leadership Quality
    Section 1  The meaning and characteristics of leadership quality
    Section 2  The content and cultivation of leadership quality
    Section 3  The quality and optimization of the collective collective
Chapter 11    Leadership authority
    Section 1  Overview of leadership
    Section 2  Organizational factors that determine the authority of leadership
    Section 3  Member factors that determine the authority of leadership
Chapter 12    Leadership efficacy
    Section 1  The meaning and elements of leadership efficacy
    Section 2  Function and principles of leadership efficiency assessment
    Section 3  Standards and methods of leadership efficiency assessment
    (5) Teaching method
Using systematic lecture、Case analysis、Work exercises、Teaching method that guides self -learning。
2. This article
Chapter 1    Leadership Overview
    Teaching points:
The meaning and elements of leadership behavior、Attributes and features、Function and Discipline。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
                          Section 1  The meaning and factor of leadership behavior (1 time)
a,The meaning of the leader
    (1) Traditional meaning
    (2) Modern meaning
two,Leader's elements
    ​​(1) Leader
    (2) The leader
    (3) Leadership target
    (4) Leading System
    (5) Leadership environment
                     Section 2  The attributes and characteristics of the leadership behavior (1 time)
1. The attributes of the leader
    (1) General attribute
    (2) The essential attribute
2. Features of leaders
(1) Features of traditional leadership behavior
(2) Features of modern leadership behavior
                    Section 3  Functions and Disciplines of Leadership Behavior (1 time)
a,Leader's functions
    (1) General functions
    (2) Main functions
2. Disciplines of Leaders
    (1) Research object
    (2) Main content
    (3) Basic theory
    Evaluation requirements:
Remembering and understanding the meaning and elements of leadership behavior、Function and Discipline,Analyze and apply the attributes and characteristics of leaders。
Chapter 2    Leaders' concepts
    Teaching points:
About the nature of leadership and leadership、Leadership decision -making and leadership method、Knowledge of ideas such as leadership authority and leadership results。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
                        Section 1  The concept of leadership nature and leadership relationship (1 time)
a,The concept of leadership
    (1) Traditional concept
    (2) Modern concept
2. The concept of leadership relationship
    (1) Traditional concept
    (2) Modern concept
                       Section 2  The concept of leadership decision -making and leadership (1 time)
a,The concept of leadership decision -making
    (1) Traditional concept
    (2) Modern View
2. The concept of the leadership method
    (1) Traditional concept
    (2) Modern concept
                      Section 3  The concept of leadership authority and leadership effectiveness (1 time)
a,The concept of leadership authority
    (1) Traditional concept
    (2) Modern concept
2. The concept of leadership results
    (1) Traditional concept
    (2) Modern concept
    Evaluation requirements:
Leading、Analyze and apply the relationship between leadership and leadership、Leadership decision -making and leadership method、Knowledge of ideas such as leadership authority and leadership results。
Chapter 3    Leadership decision
    Teaching points:
The meaning and characteristics of decision -making、Type and Principles、Program and system knowledge。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
Section 1  The meaning and characteristics of decision -making (1 time)
1. The meaning of decision -making
    (1) Traditional meaning
    (2) Modern meaning
2. Features of decision -making
    (1) Treatment
    (2) Targetability
    (3) Selective
    (4) Implementation
Section 2  Types and principles of decision -making (1 time)
1. Types of decision -making
    (1) Divide according to the meaning of decision -making
    (2) Divide it by decision -making
    (3) Division according to the basis of decision -making
2. Principles of decision -making
    (1) Objective
    (2) timeliness
    (3) Science
    (4) Feasibility
    (5) Value
    (6) Legality
 Section 3  Procedures and systems of decision -making (1 time)
1. Decision procedure
    (1) Determine the target
    (2) Design solution
    (3) Selection plan
    (4) Feedback adjustment
2. Decision system
    (1) Leading System
    (2) Information system
    (3) Design System
    (4) Participate the system
    Evaluation requirements:
Remembering and understanding the meaning of leadership decision -making、features and systems such as knowledge,Analyze and apply the type of leadership decision -making、Principles and procedures。
Chapter 4    Leadership User Word
    Teaching points:
Leaders' routes and standards、Principles and systems of selecting talents and use talents。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
 Section 1  Leaders' routes and standards (1 time)
1. Observatory route
    (1) Anyone's route
    (2) Ren people's wise employment route
2. Standards for employment
    (1) Standards for subjective identification
    (2) Standards with both virtue
 Section 2  Principles and systems of selecting talents (1 time)
1. Principles of selecting talents
    (1) Adhere to the principle of standard
    (2) Principles of scientific investigation
2. System of selecting talents
    (1) Election system
    (2) Examination System
    (3) Recommended selection
 Section 3  Principles and systems of use talents (1 time)
1. The principle of using talents
    (1) The principle of effective use
    (2) Principles of scientific management
2. The system of using talents
    (1) Appointment and removal
    (2) Management system
    (3) Training System
    Evaluation requirements:
Remembering and understanding the route and standards of leaders' employment、Principles and systems of selecting talents and use talents。
Chapter 5    Leadership Management
    Teaching points:
Leaders conduct institutional management and ideological education of personnel、Guidance and supervision of business work。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
Section 1  Management Personnel (2 hours)
I. Institutional management
(1) Responsible for formulating a personnel management system
(2) Responsible for implementing the job responsibility system
(3) Responsible for the implementation of the evaluation system
2. Ideological Education
(1) Principles of ideological education
(2) Content of ideological education
(3) Method of ideological education
Section 2  Management business (1 time)
1. The execution of the guidance decision
(1) Guidance method
(2) Principles of Guidance
2. Execution of supervision and decision -making
(1) How to supervise
(2) Principles of Supervision
    Evaluation requirements:
Leading、Analyze and apply leaders to conduct institutional management and ideological education for personnel、Guidance and supervision of business。
Chapter 6    Leadership System
    Teaching points:
The meaning and attributes of the leadership system、Function and content、Knowledge such as evolution and type。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
Section 1  The meaning and attributes of the leadership system (1 time)
1. Basic meaning
(1) Overview of meaning
(2) Analysis of meaning
2. Dual attributes
(1) General attribute
(2) The essential attribute
Section 2  Function and content of the leadership system (1 time)
1. Basic functions
(1) Organization staff
(2) Clear relationship
(3) Standardized responsibilities
(4) Division permissions
(V) Normal behavior
2. Main content
(1) Leading structure
(2) Leading relationship
(3) Leaders' duties
(4) Leadership permissions
(5) Leadership system
Section 3  The evolution and type of the leadership system (1 time)
1. Evolution process
(1) Leading system of the original society
(2) Leading system of autocracy society
(3) Leading system of modern society
2. Main type
(1) Divide according to the type of organization
(2) Divide it in a functional way
(3) Divide it according to the leadership relationship
    Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness、Compete and analyze the meaning and attributes of the leadership system、Function and content、Knowledge such as evolution and type。
Chapter 7    Leading method
    Teaching points:
The meaning and evolution of the leadership method、Type and Performance、Use knowledge and other knowledge。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
Section 1  The meaning and evolution of the leadership method (1 time)
1. The meaning of the leadership method
(1) Overview of meaning
(2) Analysis of meaning
2. The evolution of the leadership method
(1) The evolution of nature
(2) Evolution of Features
Section 2  Types and performances of the leadership method (1 time)
1. Basic types
(1) Work type and relational type
(2) Concentration and decentralization
(3) Instruction type and negotiation type
(4) Conventional type and variable type
(5) Control and incentives
2. Main performance
(1) The main method of the leaders' understanding
(2) The main method of leadership work
Section 3  The use and conditions of the leadership method (1 time)
1. Use principles
(1) The principle of power changes
(2) The principle of science
(3) The principle of incentive
(4) The principle of democracy
(V) The principle of legal system
2. Constitutional conditions
(1) The nature and task of the organization
(2) The system and environment of the organization
(3) The quality and relationship of members
    Evaluation requirements:
Remembering and understanding the meaning and evolution of leadership methods、Types and performance knowledge,Analysis and application of the principles of leadership methods and the knowledge of constraints。
Chapter 8    Leadership style
    Teaching points:
The meaning and characteristics of the leadership style、Function and Type、Content and improvement knowledge。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
Section 1  The meaning and characteristics of the leadership style (1 time)
1. Basic meaning
(1) Overview of meaning
(2) Analysis of meaning
2. Main features
(1) External nature
(2) Comprehensive
(3) Reality
(4) Quality
(5) Political nature
Section 2  Function and type of leadership style (1 time)
I. Main functions
(1) Reflected the nature of the leadership
(2) Reflecting the quality of the leadership
(3) Affects leadership authority
(4) Generate demonstration effect
2. Basic types
(1) Autocracy and democratic type
(II) Practical type and prodigal type
(3) Positive type and vulgar type
(4) Rigidity and release of any type
Section 3  The content and improvement of the leadership style (1 time)
1. Main content
(1) Political style
(2) Thought style
(3) Work style
(4) Life style
2. improvement method
(1) Self -improvement
(2) Organization education
(3) Mass Supervision
(4) System specification
    Evaluation requirements:
Increase and understand the meaning and characteristics of leadership style、Functions and types and other knowledge,Analysis and application of the content and improvement of leadership style。
Chapter 9    Leading Art
    Teaching points:
The meaning and essence of leadership art、Features and foundations、Knowledge such as performance and improvement。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
Section 1  The meaning and essence of leadership art (1 time)
1. The meaning of leadership art
(1) Overview of meaning
(2) Analysis of meaning
2. The essence of leadership art
(1) Unity of empirical and scientificity
(2) Unity of regularity and creativity
(3) Unification of principles and flexibility
(4) Unification of the purpose and effect of purpose and effect
Section 2  The 188betcharacteristics and foundation of the leadership art (1 time)
1. Features of leadership art
(1) Practical
(2) Objective
(3) Energy
(4) mutation
(5) Effective
2. Basis of Leading Art
(1) Specific scene
(2) Scientific experience
(3) The keen response
(IV) Super Bald Consciousness
(5) The ability of strain
Section 3  The performance and improvement of leadership art (1 time)
1. The performance of leadership art
(1) The art of right to use
(2) Art of others
(3) Art of Director
2. Improvement of leadership art
(1) Diligence from learning
(2) Courage to practice
(3) Good at summarizing
(4) Good at speculation
(5) Full of creation
    Evaluation requirements:
Increase and understand the meaning and essence of leadership art、Features and foundations,Analysis and application of the performance and improvement of leadership art。
Chapter 10    Leadership Quality
    Teaching points:
The meaning and characteristics of leadership quality、Content and cultivation、Knowledge such as the quality and optimization of the collective collective。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
Section 1  The meaning and characteristics of leadership quality (1 time)
1. Basic meaning
(1) Overview of meaning
(2) Analysis of meaning
2. Main features
(1) Comprehensive
(2) Structability
(3) Dynamic
(4) Basic
Section 2  The content and cultivation of leadership quality (1 time)
1. Main content
(1) Political quality
(2) Knowledge Quality
(3) Ability Quality
(4) Moral quality
(5) Physical and mental quality
2. Cultivation method
(1) Strengthening learning
(2) Conscious practice
(3) Accept supervision
(4) Disciplinary constraint
(V) Value Incentive
Section 3  Leading collective quality and optimization (1 time)
1. The reasonable structure of leadership collective quality
(1) Reasonable physiological structure
(2) Reasonable knowledge structure
(3) Reasonable ability structure
(4) Reasonable personality structure
2. Optimization measures for leadership collective quality
(1) Establish an overall concept
(2) Improve the management system
(3) Strengthen leadership training
    Evaluation requirements:
Consciousness and understanding the meaning and characteristics of leadership quality、Content and cultivation、Knowledge such as the quality and optimization of the collective collective。
Chapter 11    Leadership authority
    Teaching points:
The nature of the leadership authority、Significance、Features and its decisive factors。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
Section 1  Overview of leadership (1 time)
1. The nature of leadership authority
2. The meaning of leadership authority
3. Features of leadership authority
Section 2  Organizational factors that determine the authority of leadership (1 time)
1. Leadership goals
    (1) Correct & mdash; & mdash; strengthen
    (2) Error & mdash; & mdash; weakened
    (3) General & mdash; & mdash; uncertain
two,Leadership System
    (1) Advanced & mdash; & mdash; strengthen
    (2) Back behind & mdash; & mdash; weakened
    (3) General & mdash; & mdash; uncertain
3,Leadership Environment
    (1) Faid & mdash; & mdash; strengthen
    (2) Not good & mdash; & mdash; weakened
    (3) General & mdash; & mdash; uncertain
Section 3  Member factors that determine the authority of leadership (1 time)
1. The quality and attitude of the leader
(1) Quality
(2) Attitude
2. The quality and attitude of the leader
(1) Quality
(2) Attitude
3. The relationship between the leaders
(1) Collaborative relationship
(2) According to the relationship
(3) Confrontation relationship
    Evaluation requirements:
Remembering and understanding the nature of leadership authority、Significance、Features and other knowledge,Analyze and apply the organizational factors and members of the leadership authority。
Chapter 12    Leadership efficacy
    Teaching points:
The meaning and elements of leadership efficacy、Function and principles、Standard and Methods and other knowledge。
    Teaching hours:
The teaching hours of this chapter are3 hours.
    Teaching content:
Section 1  The meaning and factor of leadership efficacy (1 time)
1. The meaning of leadership efficiency
(1)Overview of meaning
    (2) Analysis of meaning
2. Elements of leadership efficiency
(1) Leadership target
(2) Leading mechanism
(3) Leadership efficiency
Section 2  Function and principles of leadership efficiency assessment (1 time)
I. Function of Effective Assessment
(1) Test function
(2) Normal function
(3) Incentive function
(4) Adding function
2. Principles of Effective Assessment
(1) Systemic principle
(2) Fairness Principles
(3) Scientific principles
(4) The principle of incentive
(5) Guideline principle
Section 3  Standards and methods of leadership efficiency assessment (1 time)
1. Standards for efficiency assessment
(1) Technical standards
(2) Value Standard
2. Method of Efficiency Evaluation
(1) Target evaluation method
(2) Reality Record Method
(3) Statistical analysis method
(4) System comparison method
(5) Mass Evaluation Method
    Evaluation requirements:
The meaning and elements of the effectiveness of leadership efficiency、Function and principles knowledge,Analyze and apply the knowledge and methods of leadership efficiency assessment。
3. Reference Bibliography:
    1.Su Baozhong"Leadership Science and Art",Tsinghua University Press2009New Year.
    2.Huang Qiang, "Leadership Science", Higher Education Press2002 edition.
    3.Chang Jian"Modern Leadership Science",Tianjin University Press2008New Year.
This course uses teaching aids and guiding opinions of modern education technology
Discipline and characteristics of the course of "Leadership Science" curriculum,Teaching content strives to novel,Teaching in a variety of ways,Let students use the combination of theory and practice,The ability required by the course has further improved。Make full use of modern teaching methods such as multimedia,Overall optimizing teaching process and teaching content,Mobilize students to learn enthusiasm。
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